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“In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (II Cor. 4:4).
Here's proof The New Testament is forged from stories and heroes of the past
The stories of Jesus and the Egyptian God Horus are VERY similar, with Horus even contributing the name of Jesus Christ. Horus and his once-and-future Father, Osiris, are frequently interchangeable in the mythos (“I and my Father are one”). The legends of Horus go back to ca. 10,000 B.C.E.
This is not to say Jesus wasn't a real person, however it's the "Christ" Image that is derived from the old pagan religions. The legend of Jesus identically parallels Horus (6,000 years BC); Krishna, (5,000 BC); -- stories that predate Christianity by thousands of years.
Here's what we found on the attributes of Horus
1. Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger, with
his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men.
2. He was a child teacher in the Temple and was baptized when he was 30 years old.
3. Horus was baptized by “Anup the Baptizer,” who becomes “John the Baptist.”
4. He had 12 disciples.
5. He performed miracles and raised one man, El-Azar-us, from the dead.
6. He walked on water.
7. Horus was transfigured on the Mount.
8. He was crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected.
9. He was also the “Way, the Truth, the Light, the Messiah, God’s Anointed Son, the
Son of Man, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Word” etc.
10. He was “the Fisher,” and was associated with the Lamb, Lion and Fish (“Ichthys”).
11. Horus’s personal epithet was “Iusa,” the “ever-becoming son” of “Ptah,” the “Father.”
12. Horus was called “the KRST,” or “Anointed One,” thousands of years
before the Romanized Christ.
The word Easter is based on a Greek word, which is derived from the name of a Philistine and Phoenician god known as Astare. Astare was a Phoenician Mother Goddess. She was called the "Queen of Heaven", (the red star-Mars), "The Star of the Sea", and "Stella Maris". In the Bible King Solomon becomes a follower of a Sidonian goddess called Astare. The word Astare is based on the Sumerian god called Inana, who was known as Istar in the Akkadian language and was also called Estar (Easter). These were all the same goddess, with different names that were passed from culture to culture.
Author and theologian Tom Harpur studied the works of three authors who have written about ancient Egyptian religion: Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907) and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963). Harpur incorporated some of their findings into his book "Pagan Christ." He argued that all of the essential ideas of both Judaism and Christianity came primarily from Egyptian religion. "[Author Gerald Massey] discovered nearly two hundred instances of immediate correspondence between the mythical Egyptian material and the allegedly historical Christian writings about Jesus. Horus indeed was the archetypal Pagan Christ."The comparisons (facts) are on this web site Religious Tolerance. His interests and incentives are decidedly in the direction of Science and Rationalism. He has many years been freed from the binding and blinding theological creeds and obligations.
Krishna of India (ca. 5,000 B.C.E.)
Gerald Massey finds over 100 similarities between the Hindu and Christian saviors, and Kersey Graves, who includes the various non-canonical gospels in his analysis, lists over 300 likenesses.
Mithra, Sun-god of Persia (ca. 600 B.C.E.)
1. Mithra was born of a virgin on December 25th.Buddha (ca. 500 B.C.E)
1. Buddha was born of the virgin Maya, who was considered the “Queen of
Heaven.” (cf. Jer 44:25).
2. He was of royal descent.
3. He crushed a serpent’s head.
4. He performed miracles and wonders, healed the sick, fed 500 men from
a “small basket of cakes,” and walked on water.
5. He abolished idolatry, was a “sower of the word,” and preached “the
establishment of a kingdom of righteousness.
6. He taught chastity, temperance, tolerance, compassion, love, and the equality of all.
7. He was transfigured on a mount.
8. Sakya Buddha was crucified in a sin-atonement, suffered for three days in
hell, and was resurrected.
9. He ascended to Nirvana or “heaven.”
10. Buddha was considered the “Good Shepherd”, the “Carpenter”, the
“Infinite and Everlasting.”
11. He was called the “Savior of the World” and the “Light of the World.”
Prometheus of Greece
1. Prometheus descended from heaven as God incarnate as man, to save mankind.
2. He was crucified, suffered and rose from the dead.
3. He was called the Logos or Word.
The “Son” of God is the “Sun” of God.
Other evidence about the life of Jesus suggests He was schooled in Egypt from age 4 to 7 by a contingent called 'The Therapute.'
Given that the dynastic succession from Jesus has been expressly prominent in sovereign and political affairs through 2,000 years - with the family constantly supporting constitutional democracy against control by the Church establishment - its status rests upon the fact that Jesus was a lineal descendant of King David.
The Essenes
The Panarion furnishes very valuable information concerning the religious history of the fourth century, either because the author confines himself to transcribing documents preserved by him alone, or because he writes down his personal observations. With regard to Hieracas (Haer., lxvii), he makes known a curious Egyptian sect by whom asceticism and intellectual work were equally esteemed. In connection with the Meletians of Egypt (Haer., lxviii), he has preserved important fragments of contemporary Egyptian history of this movement. With regard to Arianism (Haer., lxix), if he gives an apocryphal letter of Constantine, he transcribes two letters of Arius. He is the only one to give us any information concerning the Gothic sect of the Audians (Haer., lxx), as well as the Arabian sect of the Collyridians.
The Panarion is an important source of information on the Gospel of the Ebionites and the Gospel according to the Hebrews.
The origin of the name Ebionite (or Ebionaean) is debated. Tertullian, Irenaeus, Hippolytus of Rome, Epiphanius, and Jerome ascribed the movement to a heretic named Ebion or Hebion. Others claim the name Ebionite means "poor one" and is not derived from a person, but rather the Beatitude from Matthew 5:3. While some note they rejected material wealth, Eusebius and Origen both claimed the Ebionites' appellation was a term of derision indicating a poverty in intellect, rather than material possessions. Conflict grew between them and other Christians when the Ebionites failed to embrace the Church doctrines of chastity or celibacy as well as the concept of the Virgin birth. They believed Jesus was begotten of God at his baptism.
Conflict also grew over the issue of the Mosaic law which the Ebionites believed remained in full force. They believed that by fulfilling the law, they are able to become Christs. They are said to have rejected Paul's teachings and used only one Gospel, the Gospel of the Ebionites. They also have John the Baptist and Jesus being vegetarians, and rendering him in the adoptionist form. Many of these differences are found in subtle variants of Greek words, such as a meal of egkris (cake), rather than akris (locusts) as in the Synoptic Gospels.
Josephus, from whom perhaps we can best gather information regarding this curious people, as they existed at any rate in the early years of our era, distinctly teaches over and over again that in those days there were three sects of the Jews."The first is that of the Pharisees, the second that of the Sadducees.
And the third - Glossary: "Essenes, a hellenized word, from the Hebrew Asa a 'healer,' a mysterious sect of Jews, said by Pliny to have lived near the Dead Sea per millia soeculorum (for thousands of ages). Some have supposed them to be extreme Pharisees, and others, which may be the true theory, the descendants of the Benim Nabim of the Bible, and think that they were 'Kenites' and Nazarites.
The most important underground group:THE ESSENES — by Arthur A. Beale. One of the most interesting and romantic pages in history, and one that tells most vividly the changing evolution of an occult movement, is that which relates to the ancient sect of the Essenes. We trace, with interest, the glorious onward march of their mighty organization to that dreadful gulf when the chain was snapt and a dark blot fell on Humanity, culminating in the destruction of that nickering light of occultism (secret things) as it was struggling in Alexandria, till the paralyzing touch of Rome killed the last of the prophets, burnt the great library, and so traduced the sacred writings in order to usher in a time-serving system of beliefs, inaugurated by its mighty apostle of perversion, the time-honored Eusebius.
The Christians also kept Jesus' education a secret. He infact did study in the Mystery Schools of India and Egypt. The New testament can't account for 18 years of his life which would suggest he was 'elsewhere', other than Jerusalem. He studied with the 'shaman', the Egyptian Priests (As did Moses and Solomon) and the Hindu Monks. see Shamanism. The shaman's spirit leaves the body and enters into the supernatural world during certain tasks. The shamans can treat illnesses or sickness. Shamans are healers, gurus and magicians. Shamans have the ability to diagnose and cure human suffering and, in some societies, the ability to cause suffering. Shamanistic traditions have existed throughout the world since prehistoric times.
Christians eliminated other things about Jesus which we will get into later.
They also eliminated the 'mother' goddess but replaced her with the immaculate 'mother' virgin Mary. The churches also claim that since Jesus was divine he could not have brothers and sisters. But they are listed as such in the new Testament as; Thomas, James, Matthew, Simon, and Jose. His sisters were Mary, JoAnna and Helena-Salome. See The Vatican's own Constitutions, compiled in the 4th century or the Protevangelion of James and in his Panarion and Ancoratus, Epiphanius lists the very same names. Mark 16: has Salome, Luke 24:10 has Joanna and Matthew 28:1 has Mary.
Luke 24:10; "It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles."
Matthew 28:1; In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
The problem is that there exist many parts of the scriptures that are literally and historically not true. “For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).
These same truths are again conveyed to us in the words of the Church Historian Eusebius: “Many were led astray by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees”. What these symbols truly mean is perhaps best expressed by G.R.S. Mead in his celebrated work, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, where he explained that, once properly understood, the true meaning of what is “…projected onto the screen…” of the scriptures, “…was in reality a picture of their [man’s] own minds”.
The problem is that from this false perception of the Hebrew scriptures was born the Christian Gnostic doctrine that the god of the Jews was a demiurge -- a lower god -- and not the same god that Yeshua declared. Again the problem was that the Christian Gnostics were neither right nor wrong, and from this limited perception was born an even greater error which gave birth to the Gentile doctrine that Christians were exempt from living in accordance with the Law of Moses and the Commandments of God as revealed in the Old Testament. This in turn gave birth to the Christian heresy that has evolved into the present-day lawless state among believers -- grave misconceptions that have been derived from the Epistles of Paul.
In most instances the inner soul and spiritual meaning of the scriptures could only be revealed to the student by a rabbi or teacher who themselves knew the oral traditions, and knew the secrets of the Law. At the time of the historical Yeshua, this knowledge was possessed by the Essene and Therapute elders.
"...The character who is called Jesus is built primarily on the life of a Hebrew freedom fighter named Y'shua Ben Pendara (Joshua- son of the panther). Although there are many other elements which have now become integral to the christian story; the basic story is based in the life of Y'shua. And that, is where the problems start. The character of Y'shua was a freedom fighter, a therapute (healer), a rabbi (a religious teacher) and a member of the Hasmonean Maccabees.
Constantine conceived that he could use the character of "Jesus" to create an assimilation mechanism on the level of religion similar to that which the Roman Empire had done on the military level. But first, he had to construct a decidedly "un-Jewish" Jesus. Unless he "fixed up" Jesus, there were going to be a lot of problems. In fact, Jesus was a problem; but with some work, something could be done.
Constantine recognized that it would be impossible to build an empire if you could not even get agreement on the name of god. His solution was compromise: he joined the two most popular names I Zeus (Iseus) and Krishna to get "Iseus Krishna". We use the English form of this term today which is translated to "Jesus Christ". The name Y'shua actually translates to Joshua; you can hear the similar sound in the two names; Y'shua, Joshua. But since Constantine wanted to substitute Iseus (the english form is Jesus) the slight translation "error" was "de-emphasized" (like in - forgotten).
With the problem being that these men of religious authority in many instances used their positions to rule and live off the labors and wealth of the people. They not only charged for their services, and misled the people into believing that God approved of their many rituals and traditions, but the allegation against them that they devoured the wealth and houses of widows was a reality of life.
With Yeshua and James as their leaders, they created a movement within Judaism that was intended to do away with the ancient manner in which the Torah and other scriptures were written, and provide the people with a more factual and literal perception of what they must do to draw nearer to God. Thus, in the scriptures which they composed, there was no such thing as temple sacrifice, the eating of flesh, or the following of manmade teachings and traditions.
While it is true that the secret knowledge of the Laws which revealed the Mysteries of God remained imbedded within the body of the text, the scripture was no longer composed in accordance with the folklore commonly held with the traditions of Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Greek sources.
The New Testament scriptures and the teachings of 'TheWay' were the product of pure Hebrew thought that was embraced by their most enlightened of Jewish Visionaries, Mystics and Sages. Genuine Jewish holy men and women did not embrace the ancient concepts of a vengeful and punishing God who indiscriminately ruled over the lives of men -- choosing one for no apparent reason, while for no reason rejecting another. Genuine Jewish holy men and women did not believe in a God who gave man a set of laws -- one of which was do not kill -- and then in practice, demonstrating that he would be the first to break these laws.
The word Nazirene means the "keeper of The Way".
The Genuine Disciple of Yeshua/Jesus is always a Nazirene.
The word Nazirene comes from the biblical term Nazir, which denotes one who is under a vow. Jesus did not come from a town called Nazarath. There was no such place in 30 AD.
We have iron clad evidence that part of the gospels of Mark and Luke were not written by a true disciple nor is the story they contain repeated in any other of the NT gospels? The gospel of John is far more accurate that any of the others. That's because this John was taught by Jesus himself and this account is more historically correct than any of the others. We think this John is John the Evangelist.
The New Testament contains "borrowed" stories.
...and Matthew was edited to
suit a 'gentile' audience and is not the original version. The gentile audience
were composed of Greeks and Romans who had a different diety to support.
The story of Jesus incorporated the Roman and Greek dieties with a new name.
Historically speeking, there was no such person named Jesus Christ. John the
Babtist refers to him as 'Jose'. The Greek word for Messiah
is Christ or Christos. The term wheather in Hebrew
or Greek - meant simply "the annointed one" and generally
referred to a king. Thus in the old testament when David was
anointed king he became explicitly a "Messiah" or a "Christ".
Every subsequent Jewish king of the House of David was known
by the same appellation. Even during the Roman occupation
of Judaea, the Roman appointed High Priest was known as Messiah or 'Priest Christ'.
Further research into the gospel of Mark, supplied by Holy Blood - Holy Grail lends this: Mark seems to have come from Jerusalem. He seems to have been a companion of Paul, and his Gospel bears an unmistakable stamp of Pauline thought. But if Mark was a native of Jerusalem, his Gospel - as Clement of Alexandria states- was composed in Rome and addressed to a Greco-Roman audience. The Mark and Luke gospels were composed in Greek. Jesus nor any of the disciples spoke or wrote Greek. The writer of Matthew was a jew, quite possible a refugee from Palestine. He is not to be confused with the disciple named Matthew. The book was composed much earlier and the writer probably only knew Aramaic.
Modern Scholars have suggested that the Gospel of John, dispite its late composition, may well be the most reliable and historically accurate of the four. More than the other gospels, it seems to be draw upon traditions current among contemporaries of Jesus, as well as other material unavailable to Mark, Luke and Matthew. One modern researcher points out that it reflects an apparently first-hand topographical knowledge of Jerusalem prior to the revolt of A.D. 66. The same author concludes, "Behind the Fourth Gospel lies an ancient tradition independent of the other gospels." This is not an isolated opinion. In fact, it is the most prevalent in modern biblical scholarship. According to another writer, "The Gospel of John, though not adhearing to the Markian chronological framework and being much later in date, appears to know a tradition concerning Jesus that must be primitive and authentic."
He was called Jesus the Messiah or translated in Greek 'Jesus the Christ'. Only later was this designation contracted to "Jesus Christ". It is a purely fictional title distorted into a proper name. The High Priest or governor was also called 'Jesus'. There are 27 references to 'Jesus' in Josephus' works but they are not all the same person. see.. Jesus Discovered 1
In the Old Testament the stories are basically the same, but that is not to say, they are not true. Old testament scripture, in one place or another tells us that a 'savoir' will come and these things will happen. Egyptian records also describe the expectation of a 'savior'. But 'savior' in Egyptian terms doesn't mean what you think it does. Then we have 'The Virgin Birth', and The Son who is sent by God to teach us. The Hebrew's are still waiting for the savior. But their expectation of a savior is to rid them of, first the Romans and now the Muslims who have surrounded them and are trying to kill them again.
The Nag Hammidi scrolls indeed describe how the spirit of Christ came to be incarnated in the body of Jesus. But what he really taught and what he believed is where the distortion comes in and the fabrications begin.
The same meaning applies to Lazerus and a less known story about the 'raising' of Mary Magdalene, the daughter of Jarius in Mark 5:37 and Luke 8:51.
Old stories turned into new ones
The Eucharist "is a simple report of a familiar magical operation - giving enchanted
food to cause love. Often the food is identified with the body and/or blood of a god with
whom the magician is identified; thus the food becomes also the body and blood of the
magician; whoever eats it is united with him and filled with love for him."
- Morton Smith, Jesus the Magician: Charlatan or Son of God? (1978) p. 161
(One mingles various ingredients in a cup of wine and says over it)
"I am he of Abydos...I am this figure of one drowned that testifieth by writing. to which the blood of Osiris bore witness...when it was poured into this cup, this
wine. Give it, blood of Osiris (that?) he (?) gave to Isis to make her feel love in her heart for him..."
- The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden XV.1ff.
"The purpose of the rite - to unite the recipients with Jesus, and thus with each other,
in love - explains the discourse John substitutes for the story of the Eucharist: 'I give you a
new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you...By this all will know that
you are my disciples, if you have love for (literally, "in") each other."
- Morton Smith, Jesus the Magician: Charlatan or Son of God? (1978) p. 162
The Secret Gospel of Mark
In 1941 Dr. Morton Smith was studing at a monastery in Greece. The Monstery was in the desert and called Mar Saba. It's towers and walls nestled deep into a wadi that linked Jerusalem with the Dead Sea. Mar Saba had been in existance for almost 1500 years. This was a Greek orthodox monastery that practiced magical and mystical techniques. While reading a seventeenth century edition of the letters of Saint Ignatius, he found a copy of a letter from Clement, Bishop of Alexandria in the late second century. Smith knew that Clement had written many letters, although none were known to have survived; his discovery was therefore unique and important. He photographed the text so that he would have some copies with which to prepare a translation and some to show other scholars. This translation proved to be extraordinary.
AROUND A.D. 95 Clement wrote to Theodore, one of his canons, on a very sensitive subject. It concerned a secret Gospel of Mark:
Clement explained that a licentious heretical group called the Carpocratians had come upon the secret gospel through deceitful means and that the text was not to be considered accurate.
Essentially Clement was confirming that this secret gospel existed, but he was also asserting that neither he nor Theodore could possibly admit this publicly without granting this heretical sect some measure of credibility.
Clement was asking Theodore to lie in the service of the truth to deny that the gospel was by Mark, even under oath.
Clement explained that Mark spent some time in Rome with Peter and there began writing the account of Jesus’s actions that later became his Gospel. Peter too was scribbling in the service of posterity. After Peter’s death. Mark moved to Alexandria, bringing both his and Peter’s writings with him. There he wrote his Gospel but held back certain stories that he included only in a special “secret” gospel that he gave to the Church in Alexandria, where, in Clement’s day it was still carefully preserved, “being read only to those who are being initiated into the great mysteries.”
Rather, they were maintained within the oral tradition. Clement addresses this directly at the beginning of his book The Miscellatmies: “But secret things are entrusted to speech, not to writing.””
After urging Theodore to maintain silence, Clement made a remarkable admission of the secret gospel by procceding to provide its complete text. There are two extracts: the crucial one slides neatly into the Gospel of Mark, within chapter 10, between verses 34 and 35. The second and smaller addition fits into verse 46, where the current text has been mutilated.
The central point of the text of Mark’s secret gospel is that a youth was ritually initiated by Jesus into the “kingdom of God”!
As it turns out, this incident occurred at Bethany, the same place where the “raising of Lazarus” took place (John 11:1 - 44.) Could it be that the two events are in fact the same? And after all we have we have seen, we must wonder what was really meant by the raising of Lazarus “from the dead.” Was he literally brought back from the world of the dead? Or from the Far-World after an initiation in the darkness and silence- -in a cave with its entrance covered by a stone as the Gospel depicts (John 11:38)? Was he, as Jesus perhaps would say, returning from a visit to the kingdom of heaven.
And does this text relate to another very mysterious event in the Gospel of Mark
that remains steadfastly anomalous? When Jesus is arrested in the Garden of
Gethsemane, after a brief fight in which one of the high priest’s men has his ear
cut off Jesus’s disciples flee. Mark then describes a young man fitting the same
description as the one Jesus is said in the secret Gospel of Mark to have initiated.
No one has ever found an explanation for this event. But it seems inconceivable
that the two are somehow not related . The Jesus Papers - Michael Baigent
Michael points out that several other scholars have seen the letter, but it
dissappeared before a chemical analysis could be preformed. However they did
agree that Clement did infact write it.
This is from the secret Gospel of Mark; The first fragment of the Secret Gospel of Mark, meant to be inserted between Mark 10.34 and 35, reads:
"They came to Bethany. There was one woman there whose brother had died. She came and prostrated herself before Jesus and spoke to him. "Son of David, pity me!" But the disciples rebuked her. Jesus was angry and went with her into the garden where the tomb was. Immediately a great cry was heard from the tomb. And going up to it, Jesus rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb, and immediately went in where the young man was. Stretching out his hand, he lifted him up, taking hold his hand. And the youth, looking intently at him, loved him and started begging him to let him remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus gave him an order and, at evening, the young man came to him wearing nothing but a linen cloth. And he stayed with him for the night, because Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God. And then when he left he went back to the other side of the Jordan."
In the Gospel of John we find this; John 11;3,
"Lord, behold he whom thou lovest is sick." When Jesus
heard this he said. " This sickness is not unto death,
but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be
glorified thereby." He then delayed his return to Bethany for two more days.
John 11:11, "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him
out of sleep." Four verses later Jesus admits the whole affair
is carefully stage managed and arranged in advance: "And I am
glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may
believe; nevertheless, let us go unto him" (11:15). Then said
Thomas, which is called Didymus , unto his fellow disciples,
Let us also go, that we may die with him". (11:16) If Lazarus
is literally dead, surely the disciples have no intention of
joining him in a collective suicide! Holy Blood, Holy Grail
Then the 'sick' statement is contridicted when Jesus says Lazarus is 'dead'. Could this contridiction have been created by a christian copist in an effort to made it appear that Lazerus is really physically dead?
No!, this means Lazarus is spirtually dead. The death and rebirth took three days so why should he be in a hurry to return. All he needed to do was 'raise him'. At this time Jesus was not a High Priest and did not have authority to do 'the raising' which only a High Priest was qualified to do. Jesus decided to do it anyway and that was considered a miracle. Lazarus had to spend three days in the tomb. This was Jewish law. The statement of the disciples that they wanted to 'die with him', can only refer to their want to do the same. This could have been the highest level of initiation and the rest of the disciples were not prepared to undergo this rite. And since we believe and Holy Blood Holy Grail confirms, Lazarus was Jesus' brother-in-law and was a family member priviledged and taught before the others. Brother-in-Law? see The Marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene
The suppression of the Lazarus story is why the accounts of Mary Magdalene’s subsequent Bethany anointing of Jesus are located at the Agripp house of Simon the leper in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew (the jurisdic man called Simon the Pharisee in Luke), instead of at the house of Lazarus as in John. To comprehend the relevance of this, we need to look at the bigger picture of this episode. It is also necessary to understand the biblical use of the word ‘death’ in this context, as determined by the scribal codes of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Lazarus was Jesus’ friend and apostle, Simon, a one-time Pharisee. In the apostolic lists of Matthew 10:4 and Mark 3:18 we are introduced to him as Simon the Canaanite, while in Luke 6:15 and Acts 1:13 he is called Simon Zelotes (Simon the Zealot), The Zealots were militant freedom fighters and advocates of war with Rome sometimes called Kananuites (Greek: ‘fanatics’). In AD 32, Simon fell foul of the authorities, having been party to an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. The reason for the uprising, as related by Josephus in The Antiquities of the Jews, was that Pilate had been using public funds to have his personal water supply improved. A formal complaint was lodged against him in court, whereupon Pilate’s soldiers murdered the known complainants. Armed insurrection immediately ensued, led by Simon Zelotes. Perhaps inevitably, the revolt failed and Simon was outlawed by edict of King Herod-Agrippa I.
Under Jewish law, outlawry was a form of death by decree, the spiritual execution of a social outcast (akin to excommunication), and was figuratively referred to as ‘death’. However, it took four days for complete implementation. In the meantime, the excomunicatee was stripped, wrapped in a shroud, and shut away, and held to be ‘sick unto death’. In the case of Lazarus, Martha and Mary knew that his soul would be forever condemned if he was not reprieved (raised) by the third day, and so they sent word to Jesus that Simon was ‘sick’ (John 11:3).
At first Jesus was powerless to act, for only the High Priest or the Father of the Community could perform such a raising (resurrection) and Jesus held no priestly office. It happened, however, that Herod Agrippa fell into an argument with the Roman authorities, losing his jurisdiction to the short-term benefit of his uncle, Herod-Antipas, who had supported the Zealot action against Pilate. Seizing his opportunity Antipas countermanded the order of outlawry and instructed that Simon should he resurrected from death.
Although the time of spiritual death (the fourth day following excommunication) for Simon had arrived, Jesus decided to presume a priestly entitlement and perform the release in any event. In doing this, he confirmed the spiritually dead Simon’s rank as that of Abraham’s Steward, Eliezer (Lazarus), and summoned him, under that distinguished name, to come forth from the bosom of Abraham. And so it was that Lazarus (Simon Zelotes) was raised from the dead without official sanction from the High Priest, the Father or the Sanhedrin Council of Elders.
Jesus had blatantly flouted the rules of Temple society, but Herod Antipas then obliged the hierarchy to acquiesce in the fait accomplishment - and to the people at large this politically unprecedented event was indeed a miracle, It was then that (as given in John 11:47-53) High Priest Capaphas and the Pharisees 'took counsel together for to put him to death'.
The description 'Simon the Leper' applies because he was classified in the
community as a leper, being rendered hideously unclean by his excommunication. This
in turn, explains the subsequently anomalous account of a leper entertaining
prestigious friends at his fine house (Matthew 26:6 and Mark 14:3).
The Magdalene Legacy - Laurence Gardner
This becomes the story known as 'the raising of Lazarus'. The woman was Lazarus' sister, Mary Magdalene. The life of Mary Magdalene was never portrayed correctly either but we found the truth on Jesus' Secret
Fragment 1: This was located in "secret Mark" immediately after Mark 10:34. It describes an event very similar to the raising of Lazarus in John 11. Secret Mark relates that a man in Bethany had died. His sister begged Jesus to have mercy on her. At this instant, a voice was heard inside the tomb. Jesus rolled away the stone blocking the tomb's entrance, went in and 'raised up' the brother.
Following this is an unusual passage: "The young man looked at Jesus, loved him, and began to beg him to be with him....Six days later. Jesus gave him an order; and when evening had come, the young man went to him, dressed only in a linen cloth. He spent the night with him, because Jesus taught him the mystery of God's domain." (Others translate the last two words as "the kingdom of God"). The fragment continues, saying that Jesus later returned to the other side of the Jordan.
Fragment 2: Clement's letter also includes the words from Secret Mark which were inserted into the middle of Mark 10:46: "The sister of the young man whom Jesus loved was there, along with his mother and Salome, but Jesus refused to see them." see Secret Gospel of Mark Salome is Jesus' sister and she is the best friend of Mary Magdelene. The young man of cource is Lazerus. Salome later becomes the wife of Lazerus.
Some scholars suspect that naked young man covered only in a linen cloth might have been prepared for an initiation ritual. In the early Christian church, both the presbyter and the person to be baptized stood in the water together, naked. Ritual nudity is no longer a common practice in the world with the exception of Wicca , some other Neopagan religions, and a few sects in India. But it was very common in the early Christian movement. Morton Smith (1915-1991) wrote two books about the secret gospel of Mark. They raised a firestorm of attacks from some theologians who were disturbed at some of the possible interpretations of his work. Author Shawn Eyer commented: "The possibility that the initiation could have included elements of eroticism was unthinkable to many scholars, whose reaction was to project onto Smith's entire interpretive work an imaginary emphasis on Jesus being a homosexual."
Further research into the gospel of Mark, supplied by Holy Blood - Holy Grail lends this: Mark seems to have come from Jerusalem. He seems to have been a companion of Paul, and his Gospel bears an unmistakable stamp of Pauline thought. Paul was a 'temporary' disciple who was kicked out of the community after he was caught teaching something different than what the disciples were teaching. This truth is in print in older versions of Acts. "They sent him away to Tarus"..Acts 9:30. Paul's conversion is a false record and states clearly that he was trying to kill the disciples.... so he could teach his own version of the gospel which appealed to the Greeks and Romans (Gentiles).
So if Mark was a native of Jerusalem, his Gospel - as Clement of Alexandria states - was composed in Rome and addressed to a Greco-Roman audience. The Mark and Luke gospels were composed in Greek. None of the disciples spoke or wrote Greek. Only the educated 'Masters'. The writer of Matthew was a jew, quite possible a refugee from Palestine. He is not to be confused with the disciple named Matthew. The book was composed much earlier and the writer probably only knew Aramaic.
Modern Scholars have suggested that the Gospel of John, dispite its late composition, may well be the most reliable and historically accurate of the four. More than the other gospels, it seems to be draw upon traditions current among contemporaries of Jesus, as well as other material unavailable to Mark, Luke and Matthew. One modern researcher points out that it reflects an apparently first-hand topographical knowledge of Jerusalem prior to the revolt of A.D. 66. The same author concludes, "Behind the Fourth Gospel lies an ancient tradition independent of the other gospels." This is not an isolated opinion. In fact, it is the most prevalent in modern biblical scholarship. According to another writer, "The Gospel of John, though not adhearing to the Markian chronological framework and being much later in date, appears to know a tradition concerning Jesus that must be primitive and authentic."
However Jesus may have been cruisified for causing an
insurrection, a crime against Rome, but our research concludes he didn't die
on the cross. Sources from India indicate Jesus is buried there and taught the
disciples for eleven years after his so-called death. The information concluded
that Jesus lived to be 80. The Nag Hammidi Library scrolls contain exclusive proof,
that Christ laughed at the ignorance of the Romans who thought they could
kill him.. and someone else died in Jesus' place so that his pretence of death
wouldn't be an embarrassment to his family. These words prove it.
"And I did not die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these
are my kinsfolk." I was about to succumb to fear, and I
A prophesy was due to be fulfilled and Christ saw to it that it was, but what
resulted was a lie believed now by millions. This was God's plan all along.
See The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
What we found was the lesson that Jesus taught the disciples is that there is no reason to fear death because death of the soul never happens. (Reference 'The Tree of Life' on Passage Forward .) This was a secret teaching reserved for those who could except and understand it. Neither the Jewish faith nor the Roman faith believed that the soul survived the death of the body. Some probably did not even believe we have a soul. They believed that physical death was it stands to reason that when they copied the gospels they put their own spin on what ever was written.
The New testament is not, for the most part an historical record of the life of Jesus. The exact same original record is much older and for the most part is "copied" from these older sources changing the name of the worshiped diety or 'savior'. We urge you to put any of these names into a search engine and see what comes up. We have pages on a few of the diety's here to show the similiarities. We didn't make any of this up - it's recorded historical record for anyone to read.
Further; many scriptural meanings are hidden in the allegorical
teachings of the Essenes. Writers who were not of the Essene community did
the intreptations and translated into Greek what they thought the writings
meant. The original writings were in
Aramaic , an Assryian language.
We find proof of this in all recorded histories about the
old Essene religion. Where did this come from? Egypt! A country who's people
knew there was life after death. So understanding the Gnostic religion, which
was practiced by the Essenes and the interpretation of this very old religion
is the key to the truth. So what Jesus taught was not understood by the
Gentiles or the Romans and for good reason.
Read below and see..
The Lies of Paul
The borrowed versions of the scripture
From Egyptian mythology..
Horus is born of a widow ( or virgin ) on Dec 25th.
This is to millions, the story of Christmas and the date many recognize as the birthday of Jesus.
But it is also the resurrection day of Osiris, Attis,
Tammuz and Adonis and the birthday of the Sun God worshiped in Roman legend called Sol.
Mithras, the Persian sun god worshipped in the late empire, came from heaven and was born as a man to redeem humanity from its sins. He was also born of a virgin on December 25 and it was shepherds who first learnt of his birth. (He too had a last supper with his disciples and ascended into heaven.) The Egyptian god Horus, whose worshippers filled Rome at the same time, was another saviour of mankind, born to a virgin. Temples were filled with cribs with the infant Horus watched over by his virgin mother Isis; 10,700 years before Christ, Isis had an annunciation when a spirit descended and she conceived when an "ankh" - symbol of life - was put to her lips.
The better known dying and rising god-men were Osiris of Egypt, Atys, Adonis, Dionysus and Orpheus of Greese, Bacchus of Rome, Tammuz of Syria, Odin of Scandinavia, Krishna of India, Hesus of the Celtic Druids, and Quetzalcoatl of Mexico.
We have links to a few of these here, but if you don't see the one you want to research, please put the name in a search engine and find out what it says about these pagan gods. Our point...We didn't just make this up and the historical evidence will prove it.
In the Caananite mythology the evil Mot slays his brother Aleyin, the son of God, who then resurrects and kills Mot. Just like Jesus on the cross, Mot's last words are "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
In Egyptian mythology it is the evil Set who, having killed his brother Osiris, is sacrificed on the 'slave post', whilst Osiris returns from the dead.
In Euprides' The Bacchae King Pentheus, whose name means 'One who suffers', represents the Eidolon. He tries to kill the Godman Dionysus, but ends up himself meeting his death by being lifted up on a tree. The Jesus story that we are familiar with has cut this part out of recent revisions of the New Testament.
The date the Church celebrates the feast of the miracle of Cana is 6 January, the feast of the Epiphany. Epiphania means "appearance" in Greek and refers to the revelation of the Lord's power. In pagan antiquity 6 January was the day celebrating the revelation of a different divine power and wine miracles performed by a different god: It was the feast of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine: In fact the motif of the story, the transformation of water into wine, is a typical motif of the Dionysus legend, in which this miracle serves to highlight the god's epiphany. And hence it is timed to coincide with the date of the feast of Dionysus, from January 5 th to 6 th. In the ancient Church this affinity was still understood, when . the 6 th of January was taken to be the day that the marriage feast was celebrated at Cana. . Plainly put, in the legend of the marriage at Cana Jesus reveals his divine power in the same way that stories had told of the Greek god Dionysus (Ranke-Heinmann 1992 81).
The 6th of January became for Christians the feast of the power revelation (epiphany) of their God, thereby displacing the feast of Dionysus's epiphany. As Bultmann says, "No doubt the story [of the marriage feast at Cana] has been borrowed from pagan legends and transferred to Jesus". On his feast day, Dionysus made empty jars fill up with wine in his temple in Elis; and on the island of Andros, wine flowed instead of water from a spring or in his temple. Accordingly, the true miracle of the marriage feast at Cana would not be the transformation by Jesus of water into wine, but the transformation of Jesus into a sort of Christian wine god (Ranke-Heinmann 1992 81). In fact the 'water into wine' is also stated to be one of the first of the many bizarre miracles of Dionysus (Briffault 3 130).
The Christian myth grew by absorbing details from what they
then called pagan cults. Because like the image of the child-god in the cult of
he was pictured in swaddling cloths in a basket manger. He was
born in a stable like Horus - the stable-temple of the Virgin
goddess Isis, queen of heaven. Again like Dionysus, he gave
site to the blind; and like Attis and Adonis, he is mourned by
women. His resurrection took place, like that of
from a rock-tomb. and see..
The Templar Revelation, Lynn Picket, Clive Prince
Dionysus - god of wine and mysteries - also known as the Roman God Bacchus; It is through these mystery cults, the secrets of which were so well guarded that we know but a few essential details, that we come into contact with a unique characteristic of Dionysos; for according to the legends of one the cults, the god himself dies. That a god should die seems an oxymoron - by definition, a deity is immortal. And yet some of his followers believed that he was slain, and then reborn.
Prometheus descended from heaven as God
incarnate as man, to save mankind.
He was crucified, suffered and rose from the dead.
He was called the Logos or Word.
Five centuries before the Christian era, esteemed Greek
poet Aeschylus wrote Prometheus Bound , which, according to
Taylor, was presented in the theater in Athens. Taylor claims
that in the play Prometheus is crucified "on a fatal tree" and the sky goes dark:
"The darkness which closed the scene on the suffering Prometheus, was easily exhibited on the stage, by putting out the lamps; but when the tragedy was to become history, and the fiction to be turned into fact, the lamp of day could not be so easily disposed of. Nor can it be denied that the miraculous darkness which the Evangelists so solemnly declare to have attended the crucifixion of Christ, labours under precisely the same fatality of an absolute and total want of evidence.
Tradition holds that Prometheus was crucified on a rock, yet some sources have opined that legend also held he was crucified on a tree and that Christians muddled the story and/or mutilated the text, as they did with the works of so many ancient authors. In any case, the sun hiding in darkness parallels the Christian fable of the darkness descending when Jesus was crucified. This remarkable occurrence is not recorded in history but is only explainable within the Mythos and as part of a recurring play.
The pagan belief in unions between gods and women, regardless of whether they were virgins or not, is even more common. Many characters in pagan mythology were believed to be sons of divine fathers and human females. The Christian belief that Jesus was the son of God born to a virgin, is typical of Greco-Roman superstition. The Jewish philosopher, Philo of Alexandria (c. 30 B.C.E - 45 C.E.), warned against the widespread superstitious belief in unions between male gods and human females which returned women to a state of virginity.
Even Solomon had to marry a goddess before he could become a King. His goddess was Ashtoreth. 'As soon as the Tabernacle was erected (Exodus 36) the Shekina decended and dwelt amoung them (the Children of Israel)'. The Shekhina was deemed to be the spouse and female representative of God upon the Earth, her original dwelling place was the tabernacle - The Mishkan, and her later abode was Solomon's Temple of Ashtoreth in Jerusalem.
The god Tammuz, worshipped by pagans in northern Israel, was said to have been born to the virgin Myrrha. The name "Myrrha" superficially resembles "Mary/Miriam" and it is possible that this particular virgin birth story influenced the Mary story more than the others. Like Jesus, Tammuz was always called Adon, meaning "Lord." (The character Adonis in Greek mythology is based on Tammuz.) As we will see later, the connection between Jesus and Tammuz goes much further than this.
In Sumerian mythology, a vegetation god representing the decay and growth of natural life; he died at midsummer and was rescued from the underworld the following spring by his lover Ishtar. His cult spread over Babylonia, Syria, Phoenicia, and Palestine. He was possibly identified with the Egyptian Osiris and the Greek Adonis.
The Christians went on a censorship rampage that led to the virtual illiteracy of the ancient world and ensured that their secret would be hidden from the masses, but the scholars of other schools/sects never gave up their arguments against the historicizing of a very ancient mythological creature. We have lost the arguments of these learned dissenters because the Christians destroyed any traces of their works. Nonetheless, the Gnostic Christians preserved the contentions of their detractors through the New-Christians' own refutations.
For example, early Church Father Tertullian ( 160-220 C.E.), an "ex-Pagan" and Bishop of Carthage, ironically admits the true origins of the Christ story and of all other such godmen by stating in refutation of his critics, "You say we worship the sun; so do you." Interestingly, a previously strident believer and defender of the faith, Tertullian late renounced Christianity.
The "Son" of God is the "Sun" of God
The reason why all these narratives are so similar, with a godman who is crucified and resurrected, who does miracles and has 12 disciples, is that these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the planet because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe. In other words, Jesus Christ and all the others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the Gospel fable is merely a rehash of a mythological formula (the "Mythos," as mentioned above) revolving around the movements of the sun through the heavens.
Note; We are not saying that Jesus did not have 12 disciples, we are saying the traditions have allegorical meaning and were repeated as Jesus formed his ministry. The traditions were followed as a fulfillment to scripture or prophesy. Even when he rode into Jerusalem on the donkey, it was a prophesy being fulfilled. But other parts of the gospel were invented, copied and even fabricated.
You ask Why? So the world would believe a lie! So that in time the righteous who have been 'raised' to see the truth will prevail. They will do all the things they have been taught through the 'saving grace of the Christ'- who really didn't die on the cross...How do we know this?.... Keep reading.
More pagan stories; For instance, many of the world's crucified godmen have their traditional birthday on December 25th ("Christmas"). This is because the ancients recognized that (from an earthcentric perspective) the sun makes an annual descent southward until December 21st or 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly for three days and then starts to move northward again. During this time, the ancients declared that "God's sun" had "died" for three days and was "born again" on December 25th. The ancients realized quite abundantly that they needed the sun to return every day and that they would be in big trouble if the sun continued to move southward and did not stop and reverse its direction. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the "sun of God's" birthday on December 25th. The following are the characteristics of the "sun of God":
The sun "dies" for three days on
December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops in its movement
south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th,
when it resumes its movement north.
In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation
of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin."
The sun is the "Light of the World."
The sun "cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him."
The sun rising in the morning is the "Savior of mankind."
The sun wears a corona, "crown of thorns" or halo.
The sun "walks on water."
The sun's "followers," "helpers" or "disciples" are the
12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass.
The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most
High"; thus, "he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12.
The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30°; hence,
the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30.
The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified," which represents
its passing through the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being
Easter, at which time it is then resurrected.
Contrary to popular belief, the ancients were not an ignorant and superstitious lot who actually believed their deities to be literal characters. Indeed, this slanderous propaganda has been part of the conspiracy to make the ancients appear as if they were truly the dark and dumb rabble that was in need of the "light of Jesus." The reality is that the ancients were no less advanced in their morals and spiritual practices, and in many cases were far more advanced, than the Christians in their own supposed morality and ideology, which, in its very attempt at historicity, is in actuality a degradation of the ancient Mythos. Indeed, unlike the "superior" Christians, the true intelligentsia amongst the ancients were well aware that their gods were astronomical and atmospheric in nature.
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle surely knew that Zeus, the sky god father figure who migrated to Greece from India and/or Egypt, was never a real person, despite the fact that the Greeks have designated on Crete both a birth cave and a death cave of Zeus. In addition, all over the world are to be found sites where this god or that allegedly was born, walked, suffered, died, etc., a common and unremarkable occurrence that is not monopolized by, and did not originate with, Christianity.
While most of the miracles attributed to Jesus in the New Testament can plausibly be considered as inessential to the theological meaning of Christianity, the resurrection can not. Paul, the earliest Christian writer as far as we know, had already stated to his fellows that "if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" (1 COR 15:14).
The belief in a God-king who was killed and resurrected was at least 3000 years old by the first century CE. Far from being a unique claim, the resurrection of Osiris played a prominent role in Egyptian writing and religion for more than three millenia. In brief, the story is this: Osiris was killed by Set, a sort of Egyptian Satan, who dismembered his body and hid the pieces. Isis, the female consort to Osiris, found these pieces, except for the phallus, and reunited them; then, fanning a "breath of life" into his nostrils [just as Yahweh breathed the breath of life into Adam], Osiris was resurrected.
Wallis Budge, one of the world's foremost Egyptologists, observed that not only were "[s]ections of it are found inscribed upon tombs, sarcophagi, coffins, stelae and papyri of the XI dynasty to about AD 200," but also that "everywhere, and in texts of all periods, the life, sufferings, death, and resurrection of Osiris are accepted as facts universally admitted" (1967, p. ix).
We find similar claims in the Roman world. For example,
even though Romulus was not said to have been killed and resurrected,
he was said to have appeared to his followers, after his bodily
ascension into heaven, in ways which are reminiscient of the
New Testament accounts of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances.
In Livy's account, for example, we are told that a man named
Proculus had the following to report about the ascended Romulus:
"'Romulus,' he declared, 'the father of our City, descended from
heaven at dawn this morning and appeared to me. In awe and reverence
I stood before him, praying for permission to look upon his
face without sin. 'Go,' he said, 'and tell the Romans that by
heaven's will my Rome shall be capital of the world. Let them
learn to be soldiers. Let them know, and teach their children,
that no power on earth can stand against Roman arms.' Having
spoken these words, he was taken up again into the sky" .
see Miracles
The Ascension of Jesus
According to the author of Luke-Acts, Jesus ended his stay on earth by ascending physically into the sky. In the gospel, this is said to have occured on the same day as the resurrection. According to Acts, however, Jesus ascended physically into heaven fifty days after the resurrection. No other book of the New Testament refers to either the ascension or to Jesus' fifty-day sojourn after the resurrection.
At any rate, according to Acts, written approximately 90CE, Jesus
gives a final address to the disciples before ascending:
"And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that
they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise
of the Father. . . When they therefore were come together, they
asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again
the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you
to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in
his own power. . . And when he had spoken these things, while
they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of
their sight" (1:4-9).
Compare this familiar account with an earlier Pagan account, dated around 10CE, related by the Roman historian Livy. The subject of the ascension in this case is Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome. Like Jesus, we may here note, Romulus was called the "son of a god," was said to have been born of a Virgin, Rhea Sivius, and was also said to have been fathered by a god, Mars.
"One day while [Romulus] was reviewing his troops on the
Campus Martius near the marsh of Capra, a storm burst, with
violent thunder. A cloud enveloped him, so thick that it hid him
from the eyes of everyone present; and from that moment he was
never seen again upon earth. The troops. . . saw that the throne
was empty, and, ready though they were to believe the senators,
who had been standing at the king's side and now declared that
he had been carried up on high by a whirlwind, they none the
less felt like children bereft of a father and for a long time
stood in sorrowful silence. Then a few voices began to proclaim
Romulus's divinity; the cry was taken up, and at last every man
present hailed him as a god and son of a god, and prayed to him
to be for ever gracious and to protect his children"
("The Early History of Rome" by Livy (Penguin Classics
Edition, pp 50-51).
The parallels here are unmistakable. In both stories
we have a "king" addressing his subjects, a cloud enveloping
the "king", and the bodily ascension upwards into the heavens.
Jesus and Romulus are simply two examples among many. As with
the virgin-birth, such stories seem to have been part of the
common mythological coinage, as it were, of the ancient world.
Gerhard Lohfink observes:
"Similar stories were also told in antiquity about other
famous men, for example, Heracles, Empedocles, Alexander the
Great [son of Olympias and Jupiter Ammon], and Appollonius of
Tyana. Characteristically the scene is set with spectators and
witnesses, before whose eyes the person in question disappears.
Often he is born aloft by a cloud or shrouded in darkness that
takes him from the eyes of the people. Not infrequently the
whole business takes place on a hill."
In 1994 the Pope admitted all of this was true and went on to point out that these 'gods' were also heralded in by great signs and wonders, including the sighting of a bright star. The date of December 25th was chosen because it was already the mid-winter festival for the old sun god pagans. This announcement caused something of a shock. To most Christians this came as a great revelation and that this announcement came as late as 1994 is barely credible.. But it is only the tip of the iceberg, for theologians have know for a very long time that the whole Christmas story is a myth.
The Myths!...The Reality!
MITHRAISM, one of the greatest and one of most interesting, as well as
one possessing as many parallelisms with Freemasonry as any of
the others.Mithra was the young god of the sky lights that appeared just
before sunrise and lingered after the sun had set. To him
was attributed patronship of the virtues of truth, life-giving, and
youthful strength and joy. Such qualities attracted many
worshippers in whose eyes Mithra grew from more to more until
finally he became a great god in his own right and almost equal to the sun god himself.
"Youth will be served," even a youthful god; and Zoroastrianism,
which began by giving Mithra a very subordinate place, came at
last to exalt him to the right hand of the awful Ormuzd, who
had rolled up within himself all the attributes of all gods whatsoever..
PART III - MITHRAISM: Freemasonry and the Ancient Mysteries
The adherents of Mithraism gathered at cultic meals, which so closely resembled the Christian Eucharist that Justin (d. ca. 165), for example, considered them a diabolical imitation: "The Apostles in their memoirs, which are called Gospels, have handed down what Jesus taught them to do; that He took bread and, after giving thanks, said: 'Do this in remembrance of Me; this is my body.' In like manner, he took also the chalice, gave thanks, and said: 'This is my blood'; .
The evil demons, in imitation of this, ordered the same thing to be performed in the Mythraic mysteries" (1 Apology 66). Tertullian (d. after 220) found it diabolical that the followers of Mithra "at the idolatrous goings-on and in so malicious a fashion put into words even the actions by which the sacraments of Christ are performed" (De praescriptione haereticorum 40). The followers of Mithra were in no way imitating the Christian Eucharist; it was the other way around (Ranke-Heinmann 1992 273
Jesus was called the Sun of Righteousness, the Light to the gentiles. Dionysus is the dark side of the sun, opposite Apollo at Delphi, the tragic aspect of Jesus' passion. Mark 15:33 "And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour." This apparent quotation of a solar eclipse is mythical because passover is on the full moon.
Jesus identification with Mithra including his birth date being attached to the Julian winter solstice is further indication of his link with the sun.
The Dionysian mysteries, the second most important Hellenistic cult, centered on Dionysus (Bacchus), the Thracian bull-god and ruler of the dead and souls who became the god of the vine and vegetation. The Villa of Mysteries, discovered in the ruins of Pompeii in 1910, includes a room called the Initiation Chamber, which is painted with Dionysian scenes and features Dionysus and his beloved, Ariadne. According to one interpretation of the mysteries, the rites represented the individuation process of the Self, in the transformation of both Dionysus and Ariadne through their sacred marriage.
In Acts 9:5 we find a remark that Jesus is supposed to have made to Paul as he lay on the ground: "It hurts you to kick against the pricks". This is a quotation from The Bacchae by Euripides (d. 406 B.C.). It's no surprise to find a quotation from ancient literature; the only peculiar thing is that Jesus should quote a Greek proverb to Paul while speaking Aramaic ("in the Hebrew language"). But the really strange thing is that with both Jesus and Euripides we have the same "familiar quotation" and the same situation. In both cases we have a conversation between a persecuted god and his persecutor. In Euripides, the persecuted god is Dionysus, and his persecutor is Pentheus, king of Thebes. Just like Jesus, Dionysus calls his persecutor to account: "You disregard my words of warning . and kick against necessity [literally 'against the goads'] a man defying god". . Jesus even uses the same plural form of the noun (kentra) that Euripides needs for the meter of his line (Ranke-Heinmann 1992 163
The dying-and-rising-god tradition was carried forward as Osiris died on a Friday at the hands of the wicked and was magically 'resurrected' after being in the underworld for three days. Dionysus' mysteries were celebrated in ingesting the god through a magical meal of bread and wine, symbolizing his body and blood. The resurrection is a 'copy' of the ancient dying and rising God Osiris. When Osiris dyed, the sun turned black. The Egyptian mystery school commonly declared their initiates, 'born again'. There is a reason for this term that has nothing to do with any church doctrine or 'babtisim' but it was close enough to be 'copied'. List of Pagan Solstice Celebrations
Etymology Tells the Story
Zeus, aka "Zeus Pateras," who we now automatically believe to be a myth and not a historical figure, takes his name from the Indian version, "Dyaus Pitar." Dyaus Pitar in turn is related to the Egyptian "Ptah," and from both Pitar and Ptah comes the word "pater," or "father." "Zeus" equals "Dyaus," which became "Deos," "Deus" and "Dios" - "God." "Zeus Pateras," like Dyaus Pitar, means, "God the Father," a very ancient concept that in no way originated with "Jesus" and Christianity.
There is no question of Zeus being a historical character. Dyaus Pitar becomes "Jupiter" in Roman mythology, and likewise is not representative of an actual, historical character. In Egyptian mythology, Ptah, the Father, is the unseen god-force, and the sun was viewed as Ptah's visible proxy who brings everlasting life to the earth; hence, the "son of God" is really the "sun of God." Indeed, according to Hotema, the very name "Christ" comes from the Hindi word "Kris" (as in Krishna), which is a name for the sun.
Furthermore, since Horus was called "Iusa/Iao/Iesu"76 the "KRST," and Krishna/Christna was called "Jezeus," centuries before any Jewish character similarly named, it would be safe to assume that Jesus Christ is just a repeat of Horus and Krishna, among the rest. According to Rev. Taylor, the title "Christ" in its Hebraic form meaning "Anointed" ("Masiah") was held by all kings of Israel, as well as being "so commonly assumed by all sorts of impostors, conjurers, and pretenders to supernatural communications, that the very claim to it is in the gospel itself considered as an indication of imposture . . . Hotema states that the name "Jesus Christ" was not formally adopted in its present form until after the first Council of Nicea, i.e., in 325 A.D.
In actuality, even the place names and the appellations of many other characters in the New Testament can be revealed to be Hebraicized renderings of the Egyptian texts.
Horus's principal enemy - originally Horus's other face or "dark" aspect - was "Set" or "Sata," whence comes "Satan." Horus struggles with Set in the exact manner that Jesus battles with Satan, with 40 days in the wilderness, among other similarities. This is because this myth represents the triumph of light over dark, or the sun's return to relieve the terror of the night.
"Jerusalem" simply means "City of Peace," and the actual city in Israel was named after the holy city of peace in the Egyptian sacred texts that already existed at the time the city was founded. Likewise, "Bethany," site of the famous multiplying of the loaves, means "House of God," and is allegory for the "multiplication of the many out of the One." Any town of that designation was named for the allegorical place in the texts that existed before the town's foundation. The Egyptian predecessor and counterpart is "Bethanu."
The Book of Revelation is Egyptian and Zoroastrian
One can find certain allegorical place names such as "Jerusalem" and "Israel" in the Book of Revelation. Massey has stated that Revelation, rather than having been written by any apostle called John during the 1st Century C.E., is a very ancient text that dates to the beginning of this era of history, i.e. possibly as early as 4,000 years ago. Massey asserts that Revelation relates the Mithraic legend of Zarathustra/Zoroaster. Hotema says of this mysterious book, which has baffled mankind for centuries: "It is expressed in terms of creative phenomena; its hero is not Jesus but the Sun of the Universe, its heroine is the Moon; and all its other characters are Planets, Stars and Constellations; while its stage-setting comprises the Sky, the Earth, the Rivers and the Sea." The common form of this text has been attributed by Churchward to Horus's scribe, Aan, whose name has been passed down to us as "John."
The word Israel itself, far from being a Jewish appellation, probably comes from the combination of three different reigning deities: Isis, the Earth Mother Goddess revered throughout the ancient world; Ra, the Egyptian sungod; and El, the Semitic deity passed down in form as Saturn. El was one of the earliest names for the god of the ancient Hebrews (whence Emmanu-El, Micha-El, Gabri-El, Samu-El, etc.), and his worship is reflected in the fact that the Jews still consider Saturday as "God's Day." see.. The Tragic Fertility of Canaan
There are many implications of this mythical cycle that underly the events of the Bible and overshadow and cast the die for the Christian heritage (Grollier Multimedia Encyclopedia 1993):
Firstly: "the myth forms a watershed for the understanding of myth and history throughout the Near East. "Egyptian, Hittite, Hurrian, and Ugaritic myths are present in this cycle. Moreover, Hesiod clearly made use of some of these mythological elements in his Theogony; Baal, Yamm, and Mot are directly related to Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades."
Secondly: "although the Old Testament contains a polemic against Baal, Asherah, and Astarte, some of the elements and practices of the Hebrews are best understood within the context of Canaanite mythology."
Thirdly: Anath as the death twin of Mari Lady of Birth, and the destroyer of the dying and reviving Mot plays a central, if concealed role in the crucifixion psychodrama.
"Anath annually cast her death-curse anathema on the Canaanite god", fulfilling
Mot's slaying of Ba'al and his destruction in turn by her. Mot stood for the barren season that
slew its own fertile twin Aleyin, the son of Ba'al.
"In typical sacred-king style Mot-Aleyin was the son of the virgin Anath
and also the bridegroom of his own mother. Like Jesus the Lamb of
God, Aleyin said 'I am the lamb which is made ready with pure wheat to be
sacrificed in expiation.' " (Walker 31 [Larousse]).
This 'son of the virgin as her bridegroom'
is also repeated in the Nag Hammidi Texts.
"After Aleyin's death, Anath resurrects him and sacrifices Mot, telling him he has been forsaken by his heavenly father El." This is precisely the same father to whom Jesus cried " 'Eloi Eloi lama sabaschthani' - El El why hast thou forsaken me? ... and some said 'Behold he calleth for Elias' and one ran and filled a sponge with vinegar and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink saying, 'Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down'. And Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up the ghost." (Walker 31, Mark 15:34)
"The sacred drama included a moment when Anath broke Mot's reed scepter, to signify his castration, again foreshadowing a detail of the Christian Gospels. ... Naturally the god-killing Anath was much diabolized in patriarchial legends. Abyssinian Christians called her Aynat "the evil eye of earth". They said she was an old witch destroyed by Jesus, who commanded that she must be burned and her ashes scattered on the wind." (Walker 31)
St. Paul's excommunication curse "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha derives from the more ancient curse of Anath:
Ana-tithenai: to set up, dedicate [a curse], maranatha: Our Lord [bridegroom], come.
Another pertinent deity, because of his relationship to Sin, or Nannar, the God of Abraham is Yarikh the moon god <../orsin/origsin.htm>. 'The illuminator of myriads (of stars)', 'lamp of heaven', possibly also the crescent moon and 'lord of the sicle' and thereby the father of the Kotharat. He is patron of the city Qart-Abilim. Like Sin, (Enlil's son) he is a dedicated courtier. After sunset he embraces Nikkal-and-Ib (Ningal) and becomes determined to marry her. He refuses the daughters of Baal and presents a lavish brideprice to Nikkal-and-Ib's family and the two are wed. Baal-Hadad's creatures devour his handmaidens, so he sends them to El. El tells them to go into the wilderness and there birth horned buffalo, which will distract Baal-Hadad.
The Lunar Passion
The Jewish month begins with the new moon. The passover, falling mid-Nissan is always in the full moon. Hence the date of Easter is determined by the moon: "Easter Day is currently determined as the first Sunday after the full moon on or after March 21. The Eastern Orthodox churches, however, follow the Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar, so their celebration usually falls several weeks later than the Western Easter" (Grollier).
There was a similar conflict in the time of Jesus between the Essenes, who followed the old Jubilees calendar and the Greek lunar calendar of Jerusalem. The Jubilees calendar had 364 days composed of 12 30 day months and four seasonal days. It was thus neither lunar nor solar, but similar to the Sumerian calendar and the 360 idols around the Ka'aba. Ironically, it was said that there was an eclipse of the sun in the crucifixion, something that happens only in the three dark days before the moon rises again from the dead! The body and blood of Christ is the bread of Tammuz and the wine of Dionysos. He is hung in his death in the tree of Adonis, the cross of the four woods.
Just as there was seven levels to Innana's descent, there are said to be seven stations of the cross: the scourging, the delivery, the crown and reed sceptre, the spitting and beating, the removing of the robe, the bearing of the cross, the myrrh and vinegar. The tribulation of Mary is also portrayed as a seven act play: The Annunciation, the Nativity, the Transfiguration, the Passion, the Resurrection, the Ascention, the Coronation of Mary. John the Baptist was similarly beheaded after Salome danced the dance of the Seven Veils (the descent) for Herod's guests.
There is an uncanny link between this episode and the Nabataeans who populated Edom across the Jordan. John the Baptist was beheaded at the behest of Herodias who was accused by John of adultery, because she was the wife of Herod's brother Philip. Herod was stated by Josephus to have come from an Idumaean (Edomian) line. Herod's previous wife, the daughter of Aretas IV King of Nabatea (Edom) had to escape for her life and a series of hostilites resulted between the states.
Jesus is said to have come in fulfillment of the following prophecy: Isiah 63:1 "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. ...I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come." This prophecy is alternatively transferred to the second coming in Revelation 19.
While this could be interpreted as Yahweh wreaking venegance on the Edomites for
celebrating the fall of Jerusalem, this is nevertheless a stunningly Dionysian passage
and can refer to none other than Duchares of Edom.
It is significant that Jesus performed the
Dionysian miracle at the marriage at Cana - the water into wine - at Mary's request
a full year before he was baptised by John in the Jordan.
One manifestation of the
Nabataean Aphrodite al-Uzza was as a dolphin- crested sea goddess - Mari.
Dionysus turned pirates into dolphins, Jesus was a fisher of men. St. Jerome
stated that Jesus was born in the grotto (cave) of Aphrodite at Bethlehem. He is the
Christ of the three-fold Mary, born of Mary, anointed both on his feet by Mary
of Bethany and on his head to his doom by Mary Magdalene 'out of whom were
cast seven devils'. Likewise the Marys, along with Salome, attended his burial.
But there were only two Mary's and the Mary of Bethany was his wife
Mary Magdelene and she did not have seven devils.
..please see
Jesus' Secret
for the real story about Mary Magdalene.
Indeed, that the Christians worship on Sunday betrays the
genuine origins of their god and godman. Their "savior" is
actually the sun, which is the "Light of the world that every
eye can see." The sun has been viewed consistently throughout
history as the savior of mankind for reasons that are obvious.
Without the sun, the planet would scarcely last one day.
So important was the sun to the ancients that they composed a
"Sun Book," or "Helio Biblia," which became the "Holy Bible.
The above copied from
Passage page 3
The secret teachings; Ptolemy says the demiurge has no knowledge of his mother, Christ or the primal parent. Thus Ptolemy says the demiurge is aquated with the Jewish God Jehovah. He is the god of Jewish literalism. The original Christians pointedly distanced themselves from Jewish literalism by portraying the demiurge Jehovah as an ignorant deity under the higher authority of Christ and Sophia. Continuing the mistranslations led to the New Testament where the genealogies, which trace Jesus' lineage to the line of David, as Jehovah's Messiah became even further confusing.
The Jew's view
Tertullian wrote this passage late in the 2nd century, CE. In the
context he is imagining himself, after Jesus' triumphant return, mocking
the now damned Jews for their perversions of the truth about Jesus
(from his point of view). Much of what he accuses the Jews of saying/doing is
straight out of the canonical gospels, but some, especially the last phrase,
seems to reflect some of the traditions that will later be brought together
in the Toledoth Yeshu . [AH]
John 8:48 where Jesus is called a Samaritan and accused of being demon possessed.
"This is your carpenter's son, your harlot's son; your Sabbath-breaker, your Samaritan, your demon-possessed! This is he whom you bought from Judas. This is he who was struck with reeds and fists, dishonored with spittle, and given a draught of gall and vinegar! This is he whom his disciples have stolen secretly, that it may be said, 'He has risen', or the gardener abstracted that his lettuces might not be damaged by the crowds of visitors!"
Presumably, in this version a gardener who grows cabbages near the grounds of the sepulcher is irritated by the large numbers of disciples who are trampling his crops when they come to visit the tomb. He solves the problem by moving the body, which gives rise to Christian claims of resurrection. The gardener parallel to the Toledoth tradition is clear enough, although not identical, particularly in motive. What is interesting is the peculiar detail of the cabbage. I am not aware of the Toledoth stories mentioning this, but they do often have Jesus being crucified on a cabbage. taken from.. Tertullian
"While the context is different, the wild improbability of the recurring vegetable seems too peculiar to be coincidence. There may also be a connection between this gardener and the story in John 20.14-16 where Mary Magdalene, on seeing the resurrected Jesus, fails to recognize him, taking him to be the gardener..There is a reason for this. Find our secret page about the resurrection and the truth becomes obvious.
Plato says The Cross represents the seperation line between the Ogdad and the material world of the demiurge. Plato taught that Christ is suspended on this Cross of Light and one side is represented as the lost seeds of spiritual essence, us. Christ is the One Consciousness which appears as the many seperate seeds of Consciousness which are trapped in ignorance and seeking liberation through living a human life. Drawing imagery from the story of Osiris, The Book of Logos imagines this as the Christ being dismembered into many limbs just like Osiris.
These most sacred symbols have been turned into a dogmatic system, in which man is made to believe himself doomed by the sin of Adam to eternal damnation, only to be saved by an act of homage to a crucified God. See how good and evil have been mixed up, that which is holy profaned, and man made to damn his own God-given faculties. The above is not an advocacy of anything like Satanism or devil worship, or any such evil cult as may be found lurking in dark corners today. The distinction between good and evil is clear enough. If Satanism means the deification of evil passions, black magic, and sorcery then the name of the divine archangel has again been traduced. Such unhallowed cults are simply one of the natural results of denying man his own natural power of self-directed evolution. By cutting him off from the true light, we drive him to seek refuge in false lights. The Bible is one of the world's sacred scriptures. When we know the keys, we can interpret it aright. It can also be interpreted entirely wrong, so that a fraud has been practiced on humanity.
The above is written to clear away some confusion. It is time that the crucified Christ was resurrected from the tomb where his so-called followers have cast him. It is time that man should again recognize his true Redeemer in the Christ within all men. from The Satan Myth
It has to be remembered that Jesus was not a Christian: he was a Nazarene-a radical, westernised Jew. The Christian movement was founded by others in the wake of his own mission. The word "Christian" was first recorded and used in AD 44 in Antioch, Syria.
Continued on Christ's Mission, page 2
There are now literaly hundreds of web sites that prove there is a false religion created by paul and the Roman emperor Constantine. Here is only one ..Jesus Religion
A list of hundreds of other sites
Jesus Myths
Keep in mind that some say that Jesus never existed, however
we have proof from the writings of Josephus that he did. We also rely on the readings of
Edgar Cayce that tell a different story than the traditional bible ferrytales. If you add
it all up, it spells; Jesus was real but his historical life protrayed in the bible is Roman and Greek writers.
The Nag Hammidi Scrolls are our back up source. We recommend reading this in it's entirety..
The Great Seth, ie. Jesus You will
find some shocking statements here, but understanding this leads us to the real Jesus and ourselves.
We found this on a Masonic web site in France. It shows how
Paul and the Romans corrupted the world into the belief that the
body rises to heaven. We think we have proven that it does not.
"We Protestants disapprove of their failure to exact a firm
belief in the existence of God and of the immortality of the
soul, more I think because we are Christians than for any other
We believe even more we teach
the resurrection of the body through faith in the merits of the Lion of the Tribe of
Judah, though the Jews among us cannot agree with that,
but it is there, and it cannot be
found in the Anderson Constitutions,
under which the Grand Lodge of France is working today.
We are perhaps unconsciously, gradually blending our Christian faith
with Freemasonry, while we believe or teach that the
latter unites men of every Nation, sect and opinion and
concilates friendship among those who might otherwise have
remained at a perpetual distance".
Where did we get in information we refer to here and throughout this
site? Read for yourself.
Beginning with The Hiram Key.
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