Brothers, be careful. The message reprinted below is a copy of a recent email scam.
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 16:45:59 +0000
The Freemason society of London in collaboration with
Bournemouth under the
jurisdiction of the all Seeing Eye, Master Nicholas
Brenner has after series
of secret deliberations selected you to be a
beneficiary of our 2005
foundation laying grants and also an optional opening
at the round table of
the Freemason society.
These grants are issued every year around the world in
accordance with the
objective of the Freemasons as stated by Thomas Paine
in 1810 which is to
ensure the continuous freedom of man and to enhance
mans living
conditions.We will also advice that these funds which
amount to
USD2.5million be used to better the lot of man through
your own initiative
and also we will go further to inform that the open
slot to become a
Freemason is optional, you can decline the offer.
In order to claim your grant, contact the Grand Lodge
Office secretary
Harold J.Grossman
Grand Lodge Office Secretary's email:
Sir Desmond O'Connor
Secretary Freemason Society of Hydespark Road,
So be warned, warn others, and get ready to defend the
lofty ideals of Freemasonry against people who want to
misuse the high esteem Freemasonry enjoys in society.

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