(10) OK, I'm interested-- how do I proceed?
If you know a Mason, ask him about membership. He will be glad to
tell you all about the Craft and the local lodge, and give you a petition
if you wish to join.
If you do not know a Mason, drop a letter to the local lodge, and one
of the officers will call you (or call the lodge, though you may not
get an answer unless someone is actually there).
Typically, the process is as follows:
(a) the applicant fills out a petition. The petition asks for two
sponsors, though if you meet and talk with the officers, they can
usually find sponsors or act as sponsors themselves if you do not know
anyone in the lodge.
(b) the petition is read at the lodge during the next business meeting,
which for many lodges is during the first week of the month. A
committee is formed to investigate the candidate. The petition also
asks for two character references.
(c) the committee meets with the candidate to answer questions, ascertain
that he meets the criteria for membership, and find out a little about
him. This is not a "grilling session", but rather a friendly and casual
chat to make certain that the candidate has been properly informed about
Masonry and that was not improperly solicited. The committee also contact
the character references listed on the petition (typically asking if they
know any reason why the candidate should not be accepted, etc.)
(d) The committee reports back to the lodge during the next business
meeting and the candidate is voted on. If accepted, someone from the
lodge (often the Secretary) contacts the candidate and informs him that
he has been accepted and schedules a date for the Entered Apprentice
NOTE: This is based on the summation of several experiences in the U.S.
Your mileage may vary.
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