Everything In blue is for instruction purposes only and is NOT a part of the HTML program. Any Thing between <!.... Arrows Like These ....> are notes and don't effect the program itself.Everything in red should be changed to suit your Lodge
<! ............... Heading .....................>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>My Lodge No. 1, A.F. & A.M.</TITLE>
<META name="GENERATOR" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">
<META name="FORMATTER" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">
< META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<META content="
mason, freemason, masonic, blue lodge, fraternal, fraternity, lodge, king solomon, temple, hiram abif, jachin, boaz, entered apprentice, fellowcraft, A.F.&A.M., F.&A.M., light, Tyre, Mount Moriah, plumb, square, level, Holy Bible, Tabernacle, God, Jehovah, knights templar, Grand Lodge, degree, charity, Saint John" name=keywords> <....META content is keywords used by search engines to refer web searchers....>
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<! ............ Page Background Information ............. >
<BODY text=#000099 vLink=#008800 link=#008800 bgColor=#ffffff
background="compbg.gif" font="Arial">
<TABLE cellSpacing=5>
<TR vAlign=center align=middle>
<TD> <IMG SRC="bl12.gif">
<! ............ "IMG SRC"= puts picture on page ............. > </TD>
<TD> <FONT face=Arial color=#000099 size=+3> <B> Example Lodge No. 1<BR> <FONT
face=Arial color=#000099 size=+1> Ancient Free & Accepted Masons
<P> <FONT face=Arial color=#000099 size=+1> Example Lodge No. 1<BR> 123 Any
Street<BR> Any Town, Any State</FONT>
<TD> <IMG src="bl12.gif"> </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE>
<P> <BR>
<TABLE borderColor=#0000a0 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=3 width=60% bgColor=#ffffff
<TD width="100%">
<P align=middle> <FONT color=gold size=5>
<MARQUEE bgColor=#0000a0 height=25 align="middle"
border="0"> <B> "Freemasonry : A Brotherhood For Peace, Unity, And Human Progress." - - - - "Brotherly Love, Truth, And Relief : Our Continuing Commitment. - - - - </MARQUEE> </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE>
<P> <IMG src="sq_com3.gif">
<! .............. Lodge Officer Information ........... >
<TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=10 border=5 bordercolor=blue>
<TH colSpan=2> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#660066 size=+2> Lodge Officers
</FONT> </TH> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Worshipful Master </TD> <TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B>
<! .............. Change the names to the officers of your Lodge ........... >
Wor. Bro. Thomas Adams </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Senior Warden </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. Bill Brown </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Junior Warden </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. Tom Caldwell </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Treasurer </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Rt. Wor. Bro. John Daut </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Secretary </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Wor. Bro. Jim Easly</TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Chaplain </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. Tom Ferguson </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Marshal </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. Charles Greg </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Senior Deacon </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. Steve Hill </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Junior Deacon </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. John Isom </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Senior Steward </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. Gary Jackson </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Junior Steward </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Bro. Jerry Kelly </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Tyler </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Wor. Bro. Lou LaRoux </TD> </TR>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Lodge Education Officer </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Rt. Wor. Bro. Phil Miller</TD> </TR>
<P> <IMG src="knock3ti.gif">
<! ................ Trestle Board ............>
<FONT Size=+1 face="Comic Sans MS"> <B>
<! .............. Change Lodge Name, Days and Times to suit ........... >
Example Lodge #1 Meets On The 2nd Tuesday Of Each Month<BR> Social Hour 6:30 PM - Stated Meeting At 7:30 PM
<P> Study Nights On Mondays at 7:00 PM
<P> <IMG src="handshak.gif">
<! ............ Important Masonic Links Table ......... >
<TABLE cellSpacing=5 border=5 bordercolor=blue>
<TR align=left>
<TH colSpan=2>
<P align=center> <FONT color=#660066 size=+2 colspan="2"> Other Important
Masonic Web Sites </FONT> </P> </TH> </TR>
<TR align=left> <B>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> <A href="http://www.geocities.com/corkyscorner/lodge.htm"> <IMG
src="littlesc.gif" border=0> </A> </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Small Town Texas Masons </TD> </TR>
<TR align=left> <B>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> <A href="http://www.grandlodgeoftexas.org/"> <IMG
src="littlesc.gif" border=0> </A> </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> The Grand Lodge Of Texas</TD> </TR>
<TR align=left> <B>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> <A href="http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/1190/index.html"> <IMG
src="littlesc.gif" border=0> </A> </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Missouri Lodge Of Research </TD> </TR>
<TR align=left> <B>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> <A href="http://users.libero.it/fjit.bvg/freemas.html/"> <IMG
src="littlesc.gif" border=0> </A> </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry </TD> </TR>
<TR align=left> <B>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> <A href="http://www.msana.com/"> <IMG
src="littlesc.gif" border=0> </A> </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> Masonic Service Association of North America </TD> </TR>
<TR align=left> <B>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> <A href="http://freemasonry.org/psoc/"> <IMG
src="littlesc.gif" border=0> </A> </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> The Philalethes Society
</TD> </TR>
<TR align=left> <B>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> <A href="http://members.shaw.ca/gregballa/main.htm"> <IMG
src="littlesc.gif" border=0> </A> </TD>
<TD> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS"> <B> King Edward Lodge No. 93</TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <P> <BR>
src="logoanim.gif"> <P> <BR>
<P> <! ................ E-mail Information ............>
<! .............. Change the E-mail address and Lodge name in both lines ........... >
<A href="mailto:pineilse@swbell.net?subject= To the Example Lodge #1 Web Master"><IMG SRC="emails.gif"></A>
<A href="mailto:pineilse@swbell.net?subject= To the Example Lodge #1 Web Master">Email The Web Master</A><P>
<! ................ Music Information ............>
<p><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=RED><B> If You Enjoy Music<BR> <embed src="meditation.mid" Autostart=false Loop=2 Width=70 Height=25><BR>Click The Triangle</TD></TR></TABLE><BR>
<! ................ EMBED SRC tells the program to play the music "untitle2.mid", showing a small 145 X 45 pixel sized console, to play it twice and not to start automatically. ............>
<IMG src="logoanim.gif"> <P><BR>
<! ............... Copyright Information ............... >
<! .............. My sites are not copyrighted because I believe Masonic Information should be free for everyone to use freely for the advancement of Freemasonry, However it is here for those who prefer it. ........... >
<FONT color=#880000 size=+0> Copyright
2003. © Example Lodge No. 1, A.F. & A.M.; <BR> Grand Lodge of Our State. All rights
<! ........... End Of The HTML Shell Code ............>
<TABLE Border=10 bordercolor=blue cellpadding=10><TR><TD>
<P>This Box Is For Your Convenience
<BR>Only And Not Part Of The Program <BR>A HREF="build.htm" <BR>Return To Main Page</A>
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to educate everyone, Masons and
non-Masons alike about Freemasonry