Our Masonic Presidents
The First President of the United States of America, was
born on February 22, 1732 and died on December 14, 1799.
Initiated Nov. 4, 1752, passed March 3, 1753, raised
Aug. 4, 1753 all in Fredericksburg Lodge (later No. 4)
at Fredericksburg, Va. Charter Master, Alexandria Lodge
No. 22, Alexandria, Va., April 28, 1788 and reelected
Dec. 20 1788.
5th President, born 1758; died 1831. Initiated in
Williamsburg Lodge No. 6 at Williamsburg, Va., Nov. 9,
1775, but there is no record of his taking any further
degrees. The records of Cumberland Lodge No. 8 in
Tennessee, June 8, 1819, show a reception for Monroe as
"a Brother of the Craft."
7th President, born 1767, died 1829. Grand Master of
Tennessee, 1822-23. His lodge is unknown but he is said
to have attended at Clover Bottom Lodge under the Grand
Lodge of Kentucky. He was present in lodge at
Greeneville in 1801 and acted as Senior Warden pro tem.
The records of St. Tammany Lodge No. 29 at Nashville,
which became Harmony Lodge No. 1 under the Grand Lodge
of Tennessee, show that Jackson was a member. |
11th President, born 1795; died 1849. Initiated, passed,
and raised in Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tenn.
Exalted a Royal Arch Mason in La Fayette Chapter No. 4
at Columbia in 1825.
15th President, Born 1791; died 1868;(1857-1861).
Initiated December 11, 1816, in Lodge 43, at Lancaster,
PA. Passed and raised in 1817. Junior Warden in 1821 and
1822. Master in 1825. Also Deputy Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
17th President, born 1808 died 1875; initiated, passed
and raised in Greeneville Lodge No. 119 now No. 3 at
Greeneville, Tenn. in 1851. Probably a member of
Greeneville Chapter No. 82 Royal Arch Masons, since he
joined Nashville Commandery of Knights Templar No. 1 in
1859. He received the Scottish Rite degrees in the White
House in 1867.
20th President, born 1831; died 1881; initiated and
passed in Magnolia Lodge No. 20, Columbus, Ohio, and
raised in Columbus Lodge No.3O, 1864. Affiliated with
Garrettsville Lodge No. 246 in 1866 Affiliated with
Pentalpha Lodge No. 23 Washington, D. C. as charter
member in 1869. Exalted in Columbus Royal Arch Chapter,
1866 and Knight Templar, 1866. 14th Degree Scottish
Rite, 1872.
25th President, born 1843; died 1901; is sometimes said
to have been initiated, passed, and raised in Hiram
Lodge No. 10 in Winchester, West Virginia in 1865. But
William Moseley Brown is authority for the statement
that this event took place in Hiram Lodge No. 21 at
Winchester, Virginia in that year. McKinley affiliated
with Canton Lodge No. 60 at Canton, Ohio in 1867 and
later became a charter member of Eagle Lodge No. 43. He
received the Capitular degrees in Canton in 1883 and was
made a Knight Templar in 1884. |
26th President, born 1858, died 1919. Initiated, Passed,
and Raised in Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, N.
Y. in 1901.
27th President, born 1857; died 1930. Made a Mason at
sight in Kilwinning Lodge No. 356, Cincinnati, Ohio in
1901. Evidently, that made him a member at large, for
the Grand Lodge issued him a demit and he became a
member of the above lodge.
29th President born 1865; died 1923. Initiated in Marion
Lodge No. 7O, Marion, Ohio, 1901. He received no other
degree until after becoming President. He was passed and
raised in Marion Lodge in 1920, Royal Arch Chapter
degrees in Marion Chapter No. 62 in 1921; Knight Templar
in Marion Commandery No. 36, in 1921. Scottish Rite and
Shrine in 1921.
32nd President, born 1882; died 1945. Initiated, passed,
and raised in Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City, in
1911, 32nd Degree Scottish Rite in Albany Consistory
1929, Shrine in 1930.
33rd President, Born May 8, 1884, Lamar, Missouri.
Received the degrees in Belton Lodge No 450; organized
and became a charter member of Grandview No. 618. Served
as both district lecturer and deputy Grand Master for
several years. Elected Grand Master of Masons in
Missouri in 1940. He always claimed this was the
greatest honor that had ever come to him. He received
the first Gourgas Medal of the Scottish Rite, NMJ
granted while he was serving as a Senator. Elected
Vice-President in 1944 and became President on the death
of Franklin D. Roosevelt (a Mason) on April 12, 1945. He
died on December 26 1972. On December 26 1972, Truman
was buried on his library's grounds with impressive
rites. These included the only Masonic funeral service
ever televised worldwide. |
36th President of the US. Initiated on October 30, 1937,
in Johnson City Lodge 561, Johnson City, TX. Johnson
never completed the degrees however, and therefore
obtained only the Degree of an Entered Apprentice Mason.
38th President, Born July 14, 1913 as Leslie L. King,
Jr. He was later adopted and took the name of his
mother's second husband (who was also a Mason). Became
President on August 9, 1974 following the resignation of
President Richard Nixon. Ford received the degrees in
Malta Lodge No. 405, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Brother
Ford was the 1974 recipient of the NY Grand Lodge
Distinguished Achievement Award, the highest honor that
can be presented by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
Masons of the State of New York. |
Stolen From Brother Darrell G. Waddell's, Web Site For Willis Stewart Masonic Lodge #110
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