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by William "Ray" Fischer

If you had three wishes what would you wish for? Most people would wish to;

1. Live forever.

2. Win the lottery.

3. Have peace on earth.

Living forever, although it seems immortal, is one of the most mortal parts of mankind abilities. We all live forever, for as long as you live that is forever. When your body expires your spirit lives on and people who know you will remember you, and that remembrance will keep you living forever.

Winning the lottery is much more difficult. First you have to play to win and then be one out of twenty million. But, all of this does not matter because we have enough for ourselves and our families. We have enough to live on, and to survive, we may not have it as easy as others but we have enough.

Peace on earth is a matter of cooperation and understanding. The more we understand each other the less difficult it will be to cooperate and achieve peace.

We can be sure that some have other wants or needs, noble and selfish, but what about an alternative. How about ABILITY, STRENGTH, and WISDOM.

With ability TEMPERANCE would be easy. If you have the ability to accomplish what you wish, temperance would be the first accomplishment. To be able to control ones desires is the goal of every good man. This would make it easy for you to help others through your example and your knowledge.

With strength FORTITUDE is a part. To be strong of character you must have fortitude. Fortitude is the driving force in strength of character. This would give you the skill to deal with those who would subvert the good you are trying to do.

With wisdom PRUDENCE would be found and JUSTICE could be served. Prudence is a part of wisdom. To be wise is to be prudent. Justice is known to a wise person. Thus, to be wise is to have the know-how to administer justice. Having the knowledge to use prudence and dispense justice can only come from wisdom. Thus, we would be able to tell who is in need and who is causing the pain of need.

So if given three wishes, maybe we should wish for:

The ability to help those in need.

The strength to forgive those who cause pain.

The wisdom to know the difference.

If we all did this we would still live forever, we would all be richer and peace on earth would last for an eternity.

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