You've found the home on the Web of Friendship Lodge No. 83, located in Centreville, Alabama, and chartered in 1847 under the authority of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Alabama. We hope through this site to tell you a little about us, about Freemasonry in Alabama and in general, and our activities as Masons.
Freemasonry itself has a long and honorable history
(more of which elsewhere), and Friendship Lodge upholds a part of that history
here in Centreville. The town is the seat of Bibb County, Alabama, and many
current and former members have been outstanding participants in the
government, law enforcement and business sectors of the community. The County
Courthouse itself bears a cornerstone dating to 1902, and laid in a Masonic
ceremony by the Brethren of Freemasonry. We, the present Brethren of the
Lodge, work today to continue that tradition of service to our area. Once
again, welcome!
Brother Bruce Klaiss
Chief Officers for 1999-2000:
R. Hershel Steele -- Worshipful Master Charles Miller - Senior Warden Brantley Burt - Junior Warden David Galloway - Secretary

Meetings are held every Thursday at 7:00 pm at
the Masonic Temple,
28 Court Square East in Centreville, Alabama.
All brothers in the Craft
are welcome to attend.

Lodge Trestleboard
A short talk about Freemasonry
The Secrets of Freemasonry Revealed!
How do you become a Mason?
Women in Freemasonry -- The Order of the Eastern Star
Suggested Masonic links
Credits, services, webrings, etc.
For further information, contact:
Bro. David Galloway, Secretary Friendship Lodge No. 83 28 Court Square East Centreville AL 35042 (205) 926-4547
or send mail to the Webmaster.