Twenty Eight Brothers of the Lodge
Attend First Degree !
October 13 2010: Five New Brothers were initiated Entered Apprentice to what turned out to be
a memorable gathering not only for these newly made Brothers, but for those of us in
as well. Twenty Six Master Masons, a Fellowcraft, and an Entered Apprentice, all members of our
lodge, came to join in and witness the ceremonies. With the arrival of
our DDGM & Staff Officer for the second section of the degree, we cracked
thirty - but it was the ever-increasing attendance at our meetings that was
so wonderfully brought home.
Upcoming Meetings |
Mar 23 | First Degree of Masonry |
Mar 30 | Second Degree of Masonry (Special Communication) |
Apr 13 | Driver Training |
Apr 27 | Voting On Grand Lodge Amendments One-Up Night |
May 11 | Elections |
May 25 | Brother-Bring-A-Friend |
Jun 8 | Years-of-Service Awards |
Jun 22 | Installation (Tyled) |
Brothers, all - it's certainly common enough for you to hear and read great
things about the brothers of the lodge - maybe to the point of ignoring them
as boiler-plate comments - but the "new guys" have really added
a palpable energy and joy to both our meetings and collations. For those of you who've
been away for a while, whatever the cause, all you need to do to share
in and add to this is to lengthen your cable-tow a bit and come to lodge.