From the East

Posted Sunday, 05/10/2009 - by WB Adam Wilson

Greetings Brethren and a Happy Mothers Day!                 

      I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather we are finally getting. Even though the April showers brought the May flowers, it seems to have brought plenty of May showers as well, so keep those mower blades sharp!

      Well, things have finally slowed down a bit, now that the inspection season has passed, so some of us can finally take a deep breath and relax a little! :)

      We had a lot to cover at our last stated meeting once again. On Saturday, May 2nd, we “Initiated” Brother Nate Douglas, and Brother Kyle Fulton, as our youngest Entered Apprentices. Welcome to the Fraternity and Congratulations to both!

      WB Kip Fleming was installed as Trustee for the ensuing year by RWB Donald L. Burdett. Glad to have you back with us Worshipful!

      Some upcoming dates were also announced.

Tuesday, June 2nd (Stated Meeting) Our next stated meeting has been declared as “Original Apron Night”. This is the apron you wore during your degree work, and was presented to you when you were “Raised” to the Sublime Degree Master Mason. This will give you an opportunity to wear it once again, with the pride you felt on that evening, so hopefully you can remember where you put it! I have more to discuss regarding your apron, and I’ll touch more on this below.

· **Date to be determined** - Sometime over the next few months, we will be scheduling an “Appreciation Night”. This will give us the opportunity to invite any Widows (remember our obligation!) and our Families to the Lodge, to extend our gratitude for them. We will also be using this opportunity to give out any awards that are needed. Details to be forthcoming.

· Tuesday, September 1st (Stated Meeting) For those of you who were at our May stated meeting, this was another date that I meant to bring up, but apparently escaped me! Our September meeting will be a chance for our officers to get a feel for the upcoming year in the next chair, and we’ll call this an “Officer Advancement Night”. The Officer, or the Brother “most likely” to hold that position, will move up a station for that meeting. I will announce again at our June stated meeting.

· Tuesday, October 6th (Stated Meeting) Our October stating meeting has been declared as “Past Masters Night” This is a chance for our “Wise and Seasoned” veterans to show us if they still have what it takes to get the job done, and to observe the workings of the infamous “Past Masters Ritual” that we’ve all heard about! If you are interested in taking part of this opportunity, please contact myself, or our Secretary, WB Garland Fleming, the sooner the better, so parts can be assigned, and give these fine Brethren a chance to brush up. We are tentatively scheduled to have our Past Masters put on the EA Degree that evening, and hopefully we will have an actual candidate, but as of now, that is subject to change. If we get enough Past Masters interested, we might even shoot for the Master Mason Degree, which I personally would like to see!

· Friday, February 19th, 2010 - This is the date that has been set for our Annual Inspection for next year, and will be in the Master Mason Degree.

      To follow up on the aprons mentioned above, I have included a “Masonic Last Rites Request Form” in the recent newsletter. To many times we see a Brother that has passed to the Celestial Lodge above, and the family does not know of a Brother’s wishes to have a Masonic Service performed, or if he would like to have his apron deposited with him. This form provides you with the opportunity to have your last wishes carried out. Please let your family members know your requests and also where your apron might be available to them. I have included 2 copies of this form, so you can give one to your family, and if you wish, one for the Lodge to have on record.

      Brethren, to help the Lodge avoid any excess costs in mailing, please contact myself or the Secretary, if you would prefer to receive the newsletter via e-mail. Of course you can continue to check our website for any updates or upcoming events, as it is updated on a regular basis.

      Also, coming up,  (hopefully in the near future) I am hoping to introduce a secure log-on for our members to access information such as a complete members list with contact numbers, etc… to make is easier for our Brethren to keep in touch with each other.

      Finally, Brethren, be ye all of one mind - live in peace; and may the God of love and peace delight to dwell with and bless us.  Amen


Sincerely & Fraternally,

Adam Wilson - Worshipful Master

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