Eureka Lodge A.F. & A.M., No. 283, G.R.C.

Belleville, Ontario

Instituted 1872


Worshipful Master

R. W. Bro. Neil Britton

Fraternal Greetings,

On behalf of the brethren of Eureka Lodge A.F. & A.M., No. 283, G.R.C. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our Lodge Web Site. 

As Internet technology is a valuable resource of today, we would be remiss to dismiss its usefulness in communicating Masonic information and education to the Brethren of our Lodge and District as well as our many Brethren from around the globe.

This web site is dedicated to our Brethren, Freemasons, near and far, to keep you informed of upcoming and ongoing Masonic events within our Lodge in Belleville Ontario.

You are encouraged to send us comments or suggestions for future improvements.






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Copyright © 1872 - 2005, Eureka Lodge A.F. & A.M., No 283, G.R.C. Belleville, Ontario.