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 articles1.jpg (13732 bytes)               The History of the Lodge              articles2.jpg (11007 bytes)

The beginning of Loge "De Eendragt" is prosaic. Seven brethren, all members of Loge "De Drie Kolommen", went to the summer cottage   "de Houten Klaas" of one of the brethren in 1960. Of course one spoke of freemasonry, how everyone felt about it etc. etc. The next day as they were on their way back home, they decided to gather on this very same spot a couple of times a year to talk about all kinds of aspects of their brotherhood.

In the Loge "De Drie Kolommen" they spoke of splitting up since 1960. The number of members was approximately 140 at that time.One can imagine that because of this large number, the contacts amongst the members had become somewhat casual. Because of the fact that de "Houten Klaas" group, in the meantime grown to 9 brethren, never had made a secret of her existence, they were asked by the Worshipful Master at the time, if they were willing to take the initiative for a new lodge. After several meetings, by now early 1962, 15 brethren were ready and willing to put their shoulders under a new lodge.

After several preliminary talks, the group met officially for the first time by the end of June 1962. Everyone spoke in favor of the establishment of a new lodge. At that meeting a steering committee was elected to coordinate all activities.

On July 11th 1962 they gathered again to sign the letter with the application to establish a new lodge. before signing the letter, the question for a name arose.

In the past there used to be a lodge called Loge "De Eendragt" in Rotterdam. The "old" "De Eendragt" played a very prominent part in the build up of Dutch freemasonry, at the beginning of the 19th century, after de French occupation. It went through a lot of ups and downs before it was decided in 1875 to disband the lodge.

The name "De Eendragt" was accepted for the new lodge.

By the end of September one received the message that the letter of Constitution had been signed by the Grand Lodge. On October 3rd the Lodge met for the first time officially. After that date the lodge met every Wednesday.

Initially the inauguration was planed at December 8 1962. Because of the passing away of Princes Wilhelmina and her funeral on December 8 this day became a  day of mourning. So the inauguration was postponed a week.

And so, on December 15  1962, 92 brethren, including 22 brethren of Loge "de Eendragt" gathered. During the months September until December, 7 brethren had applied for membership of our lodge.

Especially in the first years the activities concerning the build up were very intensive. The original members see these yeas as the golden years of the lodge. The attendance percentage was more than 80 % the first year. Everyone did his part and felt responsible for the whole which resulted in a unforgettable atmosphere.

In those first years a own style of lodgework was developed.

The Lodge prospered. The first year had ended with   31 members, more than twice the number of the original members. By the end of the second year, June 1964 the membership counted 36. One year later 40 and in 1969 48 members were registered.

In the past 38 years a lot of changes have taken place. That first generation has grown to a respectable age and many of the early brethren have passed on. Brethren of the second and even third generation are putting their shoulders, in their own way, under the work of the lodge.

One thing is for sure, and hasn't changed and that is our way of working in the lodge within the brotherhood of freemasonry.