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WM Jeffrey L. Edwards |
SD |
SW Julio Galan |
JD |
JW |
SS |
TR Edwin Gutterman | |
JS |
SE |
MA |
CH |
TY |
With Sorrow in our hearts we extend our sincerest sympathy to the families of our Brother who passed away in the last month:
We trustingly leave his spirit in the hands of HIM who doeth all things well. May we keep the memory of the virtues of our brother green and fragrant forever.
Congratulations to the following listed Brethren on reaching a new plateau in Masonic Membership in the month of October 2006:
Brethren reaching a new membership plateau listed above will receive
their Awards at the
November 2006 Stated Meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting
you can
receive your Award by filling out the form below and return to:
East Lodge 504
P.O. BOX 3298
Fairview Heights, IL 62208
Sorry I was unable to attend the November 2006 Stated
Meeting to receive my ______(year)
Anniversary Award.
Please mail them to me at:
Name: _____________________________
City: _____________________________
State: _________ Zip: ________
No visits were completed this month.
If any brethren would like to serve on the Sunshine Committee please let the Worshipful Master or Secretary know. A few hours a week visiting distressed Brethren is a duty incumbent on all Masons.
It is the duty of each Brother of the Lodge to report members who are ill or in distress in any way.
All Meetings Are At 7 PM Unless Otherwise Indicated. Special Meetings
for Degree Work and Schools
of Instructions will be held subject to a vote of the Lodge, will of
the Worshipful Master and as required by Candidates as they become
ready for advancement.