Eagle Lodge # 19 AF&AM

Hillsborough, North Carolina


March 2003

Dear Brother,


Now that spring has arrived Eagle Lodge is going into high gear. We have many good things to report.


We invite you to attend and take part in an emergent communication at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 1 as we confer the sublime degree of Master Mason on a worthy and well-qualified candidate. Join us as we raise a new brother! A practice for the degree will be held March 18 at 7 p.m.


Our lodge building is getting a makeover. We are getting set to repoint mortar, repair plaster, paint the walls and work on the floors. You can help! Volunteer your time and expertise, donate materials or help us find materials at a discount. Please call any of the officers listed below for more information.


We also plan to open the lodge for tours and musical performances during Hillsborough’s Last Friday celebrations, beginning April 25 and occurring on the last Friday of every month through September. We hope to turn these into fund-raisers for our lodge renovations. More details will follow.


Our newly designed website is up and running. Take a look at www.mastermason.com/eagle19, where you will find our calendar, a list of past masters, photos, lodge history, and more. 


As a reminder, on March 22 we will host a School of Instruction, starting with a light breakfast at 7 a.m. and ending by noon. On April 8, we will have a Past Master’s night, starting at 6:30 p.m. with a supper followed by a stated communication. We want to thank Past Masters for their service and honor their many contributions to our lodge. If you are a Past Master and need a ride to the lodge, please contact any of the officers below.


For future reference, the Red Cross will come back to Eagle Lodge on May 31 for a blood drive. Our last drive, in August, was a rousing success. Plan to come and give. If you aren’t able to donate, pass this letter along to a friend or neighbor and ask them to give. Blood is in short supply this time of year and Eagle Lodge wants to do its part in meeting this need for the community.


Remember, brother, we meet the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. We want to see you. If you need a ride to the Lodge, please call any of us.



WM        Bob Patten                            644-7359 SD           Kevin Medlin                        383-7066

SW         Speed Hallman                      732-2682 JD           Larry Aydlett                        304-5163

JW          Scott Tutor                            563-9218 Sec          Jeff Borcik                             245-3782