<center><font size="+3"><b>Events of the 18th District & more
</font></b><br><font size="+1"><b>WORSHIPFUL BRO. COLLIN W. LYERLA</FONT><br>
District Deputy Grand Master<br>
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<font size="+1"><b>I am up-dating almost weekly now!</font></b>
<font size="+2">The BBQ'd Coon Dinner is over;<br>
but will always be remembered.<br>
Another dinner is in the planing</font>
<img src="jack.gif"width="279"height="387"><br><b>
For the devoted years of service to the fraternity,<br>
Bro. Newton was presented with a masonic ring,<br> a cap & jacket, a past masters pin & a (our first) "Brotherly Love Certificate"<br>
Bro. Newton was raised Nov. 12th, 1948 at<br>
Saline Lodge #339 at Goreville, Ill.<br>
He is the installing officer, at 7 to 10 lodges a year,<br>
he is The Worshipful Master at many of our masonic funerals,<br>
He does almost any of the work in any degree<br>
Indeed, his work has been for many years, and is still<br>
a valuable asset to the Masonic Lodges<br>
of southern Illinois</b><br>
<img src="funjack.gif"width="662"height="320">
<font size="+2">Our fried chicken & Fish Dinner is over<br>
@ Cobden Lodge #520 (May 19th.)</font><br>
Bro.Ray Landers, Right Worshipful Area District<br>
Deputy Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons<br>
of the Southern District<br>
of the State of Illinois; & his wonderful wife<br>
were two of our very distinguished guests.<br>
Bro. Ray honored us by doing the presentations<br>
of a 70yr. membership pin to: Bro. Melvin Clarence Lockard,<br>
a 60yr. to: Bro. Everett Earnest Randell,<br>
(2)50yr. pins to: Bros. John Ralley Treece & Charles Edward Medlan.<br>and (4) 25yr. pins.<br>
Bros. that recieved thier 25yr. pins were:<br>
Bro. Lester D. Beisner<br>
Bro. William V. Clutts<br>
Bro. Orville O. Gee<br>
& Bro. Richard T. Fox<br>
Bro. Raymond Erle Tweedy a 72 yr. member of our lodge<br>
was also present & recognized by Bro. Ray & all.<br></b></center>
<img src="walter1.jpg"width="468"height="376"><br><b>
Bro.Cherick has been a Member of Anna Lodge # 520 for<br>
about 52 yrs. & helped Cobden & other lodges for most of them.<br>
He was only one of 14 Brothers to recieved an<br>
Honorary Membership Certificate<br>
into Cobden Lodge on 06/19/99</center>
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<center><font size="+2"><blink>NOTICE</blink></font></center>
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<font size="+2"><b>The 18th District</font>
<center><font size="+1"><b>There will be a 2nd degree at<br>
Jonesboro Lodge #111, Mon.evening @ 7:pm. the 19th of July<br>
Come join us & help or watch; we'll eat after the work</font></b></center>
<center><font size="+1"><b>Training Sessions:</font></b></center>
Johnson County Masonic Temple @ Vienna,Ill<br>
(Lodge#51 on Old Rt.146)every Wed. evening @ 7:<br>
Bro.Right Worshipful Grand Lecture & Grand Lodge Instructor Jim Fadely &<br>Bro. Right Worshipful Grand Lecture & Past Grand Lodge Instructor Jim McClain<br>
All master masons are encouraged to attend.<br> These are 2hr. classes of very good masonic instruction</b><br>
<font size="+2"><b>Other Than the 18th District</font>
The Williamson County Shrime Motor Patrol<br>
Benefit Car & Truck Show will be Aug. 7th;<br>
3 miles no. of Marion, Il.(exit# 54 off I 57)<br>
Fla market spaces for a small fee are avilable<br>
Reg. 9-12 & awards @ 4:<br>
Info.: 618-982-2659 or 2832
There are two 2nd degrees scheduled at Ganntown<br>
Tues.evening @ 6:30, The lodge is located 2&1/2 mi. so.<br>
of the Vienna Correctional Facility.
There will two (2) 1st. degrees tues. July the 13th @ 7:oo pm.<br>At Saline Lodge # 336 at Goreville, Il.
There is a 3rd degree scheduled at Carbondale<br>
Tues. July 20th @ 7:pm
There is a 3rd degree scheduled at Desoto<br.
Tues. July 20th @ 7:pm & Sat. July 31st @ 8:am
Masonic Instruction: Every Monday Evening 7:to 9:pm<br>
DeSoto Lodge#??? Two blocks west of hwy 51 &<br>
about two blocks so. of the 4-way stop<br>
Instruction by: Bro. Vernon Darnell</b><br>
<p><b><font color="#8B008B">
Fatherhood of God,<br>
Brotherhood of Man,<br>
Give man the tools to <br>
fight is worst enemy<br>
- - HIMSELF!- -</font><br>
Author: Bro. Vernon</b><br>
A Kentucky outside 3rd degree will happen in Ill.<br>
on Sat. the 24th of July at 34 Ranch; located on hwy.34<br>
s.e. of Harrisburg, Il. (a small fee for the meal?)<br>
Eat @ 5:p.m. & later: Receive The Il. Grand Master &<br>
possibly The Grand Masters from Ky., In., & Ia.<br>
Tylers on horseback will patrol the perimeter.<br>
Brethren, if you are a mastermason, DON'T miss this one!<br>
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<center>since 12/14/98</font></center>
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<font size="+1">
This Page last Up-Dated 07/12/99</font></center>
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