"...........But the Greatest
of these is Charity."
DeSoto Lodge is very much an integral part of, and a participant in our local community of 2800 people. We are, by some standards, a small Lodge. We only have 154 members. We have, however, in calendar year 1998 to date, given and donated over $2,000 to local families and organizations in need of support.
We believe in, and aggressively pursue and look for, opportunities to perform charitable acts within our local community. We believe that money "in the bank" is money poorly spent. We are a Lodge of charity. We donate our money to worthy local causes. Our efforts seem to be returning dividends. In the last 18 months we have Raised 17 Masons, only two of which were "Festival" candidates. We conducted our Degree Work with internal talent, and with excellent help from our Masonic Friends in the 13th and 16th Districts. We also have over 20 candidates in the pipeline, most of which petitioned based upon, and due to, the charitable acts our Lodge performed over the last two years.
I mention these facts not to deride, chastize or proselityze, but rather to offer just one opinion on the benefits and dividends of charity, and charitable acts. We are all taught and profess belief in the basic tenents of our Fraternity....... but sometimes we forget:.......
"the Greatest of these is Charity."
Send EMail for DeSoto Lodge No. 287 to J. W. Hartung, Secretary
Created by: Bro. J. W. Hartung
Copyright © 1998 by [District 13s, AF&AM Illinois]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 08 Jun 2023 15:23:46 -0500.