Welcome to the 13th Southern District'sDDGM Monthly Message Page
I will do my Masonic best to ensure and assure that this page is updated at least once a month and that the message be relevant to all Masons, not just to the Officers and Brethren of the 13th Southern District of Illinois.
"...........But the Greatest of these is Charity."
The millenium approaches rapidly and all Lodges must and should re-evaluate their respective positions and attitudes regarding charitable activities and support efforts. All fraternal organizations, but most particularly Masonic Lodges', profess belief in, and committment to, charitable acts. These charitable efforts can be targeted at Little League Teams, Church Groups, Scholastic Sponsorship or, even more simply and directly, to those in need within five to ten miles of the Lodge building.
I assure all who read this message, that there are many in need, and equally few who support their needs. Supporting families and organizations within our local communities is the only proven way to both act Masonicly and grow your Lodge. Lodge growth comes from and is driven by charity. It is not derived from or supported by "banking" Lodge funds. Only by spending Lodge funds on helping you're local communities families and organizations will you find growth and prosperity.
As Mason's, we, by our obligation, are called to, and should be held, to a higher standard of personal and Lodge conduct and effort. To do, or be anything less, is to degrade both our personal obligations and our Lodge commitments.
"What profit it a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
Created by: Bro. J. W. Hartung
Copyright © 1998 by [District 13s, AF&AM Illinois]. All rights reserved.
Revised: 08 Jun 2023 15:23:46 -0500.