34th Masonic District
2019 - Special Events History
January Events:
Friday 4th
29th Annual Masonic
Community Red Cross Blood Drive
hosted by Conover Lodge No. 709 from 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm located at the
Conover Fire Department and Hickory Lodge No. 343
from 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm located at the Hickory Masonic Lodge.
Tuesday 22nd
Emergent Communication for the First Degree - Cookville Lodge No. 502. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Degree begins at 7:30 pm.
Thursday 24th
Emergent Communication for the First Degree - Catawba Valley Lodge No. 217. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Degree begins at 7:00 pm.
Thursday 31st
Emergent Communication for the Third Degree - Cookville Lodge No. 502. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Degree begins at 7:30 pm.
February Events:
None at this time
March Events:
Saturday 9th
"Ham Day" at Riverside
Lodge No. 606.
Friday 22nd
York Rite Fall Festival - Hibriten Lodge No. 262, Lenoir, NC. Dinner at 5:30 pm. Degrees start at 6:30 pm.
Saturday 23rd
York Rite Fall Festival - Hickory Lodge No. 343, Hickory, NC. 7:00 am for a light breakfast. Degrees continue at 8:00 am.
April Events:
Friday 26th
Spring Reunion - Valley of Charlotte, Scottish Rite. Begins at 7:00 am
Saturday 27th
Spring Reunion - Valley of Charlotte, Scottish Rite. Begins at 7:00 am
May Events:
Saturday 4th
Annual Pancake
Breakfast for Charity!
Hickory Masonic Center - Open to the Public beginning at 7:00 am - 11:00 am.
Cost is $7.00 per person, Children 10 and under eat FREE. Contact
Hickory Lodge #343 @ 828-322-8016 for questions or
Thursday 15th
M... W... Grand Master D. Mack Sigmon will be holding one of his many statewide District Meetings at Catawba Lodge No. 248, host lodge for the 34th Masonic District this year. Dinner begins at 6:00. Meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Contact DDGM Dan Cook with the number of attendees from your lodge so that the appropriate number of meals can be planned. You are required to pay for the number you commit.
June Events:
None at this time
July Events:
None at this time
August Events:
Saturday 17th
Certified Lecturer Proficiency Examination, Charlotte, NC, East Gate Lodge No. 692, 9:00 am
Saturday 24th
Certified Lecturer Proficiency Examination, Asheville, NC, Nichols-West Asheville Lodge No. 650, 9:00 am
September Events:
Friday 27th
Grand Lodge Annual Communication - The Grand Pavilion, Twin City Quarter / Marriott, - Winston-Salem, NC beginning at 10:00 am.
Saturday 28th
Grand Lodge Annual Communication - The Grand Pavilion, Twin City Quarter / Marriott, - Winston-Salem, NC beginning at 9:00 am.
October Events:
Friday-Saturday 11-12th
Masonic Home Coming Festival - Oxford, NC. Emergent Communication at the Orphans Lodge Room on Campus beginning at 8:00 am. If you plan to attend the new Masonic Homecoming Festival including previous Saint John's Day type activities on Alumni Day, we invite you to attend our emergent communication at 8:00 at the Orphans Lodge Room.
Friday 25th
Scottish Rite Reunion - Valley of Charlotte, Scottish Rite. Begins at 8:00 am
Saturday 26th
Scottish Rite Reunion - Valley of Charlotte, Scottish Rite. Begins at 8:00 am
November Events:
None at this time
December Events:
Saturday 7th
Open Installation of 2020 Grand Lodge Officers - Greensboro, location later. Open Installation begins at 10:00 am.