History Continued
This venerable instrument which called our Lodge into existence
was issued in the name of John Rowe, Grand Master, on Feb. 15, 1776,
and bore the signature of Richard Gridley, Deputy Grand Master;
William Burbeck, Grand Senior Warden; and William Hoskins, Grand
Secretary. It was addressed to Master Brother Joel Clark. The Lodge
is authorized to meet in Roxbury, or wherever it shall remove on the
continent of America, provided it is where no Grand Master is
By virtue of the warrant the brethren met on February 16th, an
Entered Apprentice Lodge having been opened, proceeded to elect the
following subordinate officers: John Parks, Senior Warden; Thos
Chase, Junior Warden; Jonathan Heart, Secretary, and Samuel H.
Parsons, Treasurer.
"And each accepted and took their seats with the usual ceremonies."
Jacob Dickerson was appointed Tyler during the Lodge's pleasure and
a committee of three named to prepare a "body of laws for the
regulation of this particular Lodge." Four persons were proposed to
be made Masons, three of whom were elected to receive the Entered
Apprentice degree. On February 20, the organization was completed
and the first Masonic work was done. The Lodge was opened in due
form with the officers in their proper stations and eleven members
and three visitors present. The Entered Apprentice degree was
conferred and "the committee having made a report and the laws read,
they were agreed to and ordered to be entered," and a Masonic body
destined to experience every vicissitude of fortune in the
Revolutionary Army and finally to light the torch of brotherly love
and service anew in the great Northwest was launched on its career.
These were the times that tried men's souls. The Army was before Boston, which was held by 10,000 British troops, well equipped and well supplied, while their ships commanded the ocean....