The Humanitarian Foundation is the Charitable endeavor of the Grottoes of North America.

The Enchanted Lantern is the emblem of our charitable program. Through the generous donations from our members, family and friends, the Trust provides the funds that maintain the Dental Care for Children with Special Needs Program and an annual grant to United Cerebral Research.


The Humanitarian Foundation 

 In June 1949, at its Supreme Council Session, the delegates adopted a resolution to establish a national charitable program, which was to be named the Humanitarian Foundation. In 1951, their first project was "Aid for the Cerebral Palsy Child". In 1953 they adopted the Enchanted Lantern to represent contributions made. For each $50 tax-deductible donation, a certificate, receipt and emblem are issued. From 1953 to 1970 the main thrust of the charitable trust was the Cerebral Palsy child. Grotto members became involved with their local United Cerebral Palsy chapters and in 1957, the first annual $25,000 contribution was made to United cerebral Palsy research.

In 1969 the Humanitarian Foundation Trustees, realizing that the momentum from the 1950's to 1960's had turned into a steamroller across North America again reorganized and expanded their scope, by adopting the Dental Care for Children with Special Needs. In 1969 they met and agreed the Grotto would establish a dental clinic for the children with special needs at Illinois Masonic Medical Center.

In 1973, the Extension Program of the Dental Care for Children with Special Needs began when the Trustees realized many children, who did not live in the Chicago area, could be treated locally at less cost and without the burden of travel and housing for the parent and child. In 1987 Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, Ohio and in 2000 Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Texas became National Treatment Centers.

Today the Humanitarian Foundation, not only remembers the "forgotten child" (child with cerebral palsy) with the annual contribution to research, but combines a unique partnership with qualified dentists throughout the United States and Canada. The program is designed to help these children with special needs, under the age of 18, receive the best dental care possible. The afflictions covered by the program are:

    1 - Cerebral Palsy
    2 - Muscular Dystrophy
    3 - Mentally Challenged (covers from profound to 2 years overall delayed, but must be clarified by the child's physician or licensed psychologist.)
    4 - Dental Care for Organ Transplant Children

If treatment is authorized prior to their 18th birthday, treatment will be completed. Medicaid/Medical Card patients are not covered by the program, as the Grotto is the secondary carrier, and a Dentist can not bill after Medicaid payment has been issued.

In June 2000, at the Supreme Council Session, the Humanitarian Foundation Trustees announced that the Charitable Trust Fund was now in excess of $20,000,000 and growing. Only the interest generated from the trust can be used to cover the cost of these programs.

Members generate the money placed in the trust, along with their family and friends though the Enchanted Lantern Program or through the Gifts, Wills and Bequests Program. The Gifts, Wills and Bequests program handle the gifts and estate contributions given by members and friends that want to continue helping these "special children" long after they are gone. With the Enchanted Lantern Program and the Gifts, Wills and Bequests Committee, it is our hope the Foundation will grow even larger, so we can continue to reach out to help put smiles on the faces of these children with special needs.

If you know of a child that can use this service, please contact us


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