Catawba Lodge No. 248
A.F. & A.M.
202 North College Avenue
Newton, N.C. 28658
Chartered December 5, 1866
Check out our new site under construction
Stated Communications: Second and Fourth Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
Second Tuesday - December
Order Form for Books and Supplies from the Grand Lodge Office
If you would like more information or have questions about Catawba Lodge No. 248, feel free
to drop me an e-mail or send it by mail to:
Mack Sigmon, P.M., PDDGL
P.O. Box 721
Newton, NC 28658-0721
If you need to mail something to the Lodge please use the following address:
Secretary - Catawba Lodge No. 248
P.O. Box 722
Newton, NC 28658-0722
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to this site since May 21, 2004
Copyright © Catawba-NC-248 Web Design 2004 All Rights Reserved.. This site was last updated 12/21/11, Webmaster Chris Wilhoit
The use of the addresses, phone numbers, names, or other information in this Website for purposes other than official Masonic Lodge or Masonic District business is strictly forbidden by the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons of North Carolina. Any misuse may result in Masonic and/or civil action. |