There are lists of Freemasons readily available from other
Masonic Web Sites. The intention of this page is to supply the
names of those Scots who were Freemasons or men who were not
Scots but who became Scottish Freemasons by joining a Scottish
Lodge. Unlike other lists brief biographical details of each
individual will be provided. It is to be hoped that this will
show to the world that many good men have been Freemasons,
regardless of political or religious affiliations, and that they
are but a few examples of men who believed in the Masonic
principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.It should
remembered that for every famous man recorded below there were
many thousands of men whose lives have not been documented in
the same detail. Those thousands were, and still are, more
important in that they quietly go about their Masonic lives
without individual recognition. Such men, daily, practice and
display true Masonic principals without any desire for
recognition for so doing. Thus society as a whole benefits
without anyone who is not a Freemason appreciating that fact.The
names and biographical details provided have been selected at
random. It is not possible to provide, here, details of sources.
The names have been verified from the records maintained at
Freemasons' Hall, where possible with the Lodge concerned, and
from other sources. Because it has been decided that
biographical information is to be provided it is likely that the
research required to amend the list will mean that it will take
place on an irregular basis.

ANDERSON, James. c.1680 -1739.Dissident
Born Aberdeen, Scotland. One of the most significant events in
the history of Freemasonry was the publication, in 1723, of the
'Anderson's Constitutions'
which are the first `modern' rules for the governance of
`Speculative' Freemasonry. The minutes of the Grand Lodge of
England show that Brother James Anderson was ordered to 'digest
the old Gothic Constitution in a new better method', on 29th
September 1721. Only three months later Dr Anderson presented
his finished production to that Grand Lodge, 27th December 1721.
The Constitutions contained a mythical history of Freemasonry,
from the Garden of Eden to 1717. Although much is now discounted
it still makes interesting reading as a historical document in
its own right. After having been considered by a committee the
volume was produced in its final form in 1723. A second edition
was published in 1738. This second edition is considered the
more valuable as it contains some historical detail of the Grand
Lodge of England 1717-1738.His father, also James, was a member
of the Lodge at Aberdeen and was the author of the 'Lockit Buik'
(a `lockable' Mark Book) of that Lodge, dated 1670. Anderson was
part, therefore, of a Masonic family from his birth and it can
safely be assumed that he absorbed much from his father. It is
quite likely that he was initiated in the Lodge at Aberdeen but
absolute proof is lacking.
ADAM, Robert.1728-1792.Architect
Probably the most famous of Scotland's, if not Britain's,
architects, Robert Adam was brought up in Edinburgh, where he
learned the rudiments of his profession in his father's
architectural firm.
After an Italian tour, during which he developed his drawing
style and absorbed the vocabulary of Classicism, he established
an architectural practice in London. Under his leadership, the
practice became one of the most successful and influential in
the Eighteenth Century.
Robert Adam - "The Creative Mind"
BELL, Andrew. 1726-1809.Engraver
and Publisher
Andrew Bell comes to our attention from the results of his
partnership with Colin MacFarquar an Edinburgh printer, when in
1768 they produced the first edition of the Encyclopaedia
Britannica. This modest edition was edited by William Smillie
who was also a Freemason.
BURNS, Robert. 1759-1796.Ploughman and Poet
It is not our purpose to add another to the scores of
biographies of the Bard of Ayr, but merely to point to his
Masonic career.Born on 25th January 1759, in a little 'clay
biggin', or mud-walled cottage, near the bridge over the Doon in
Ayrshire, he was initiated on 4th July 1781, in St David's
Lodge, Tarbolton. He was then only a few months over twenty-one
years of age. Shortly after he was made a Mason he became a
member, and later was Deputy Master of the revived St. James
Lodge, situated at Tarbolton. He held this office for several
years. The minutes of three of the Lodge meetings were written,
and some thirty were signed, by him. He became interested in the
ritual and work of the Lodge soon after he joined it, and at its
banquets received the title of `Symposiarch', for he was truly
the Ruler of the Feasts. It was Masonic association which gave
him the friends who were after-wards of such service to him, and
to it was due his introduction to men of intelligence and social
Readers might be interested to know that the Grand Lodge of
Scotland has recently taken delivery of a limited number of high
quality Burns Pocket Diaries for 2001. These provide much
interesting material regarding the life of Caledonia's Bard as
well as being a useful gift or Christmas stocking filler.
(Available in Maroon (illustrated), Black, Blue and Dark Green).
Further details can be found on the book review pages and
ordered Online using the Publications Order Form page . Links to
other WebSites that we hope you find to be of interest. Robert
Burns, FreemasonRobert Burns, a TributeRobert Burns,
1759-1796Robert Burns, Tam o' Shanter Exhibition Robert Burns -
a very interesting website by a Scottish Freemason
DOLLAR, Robert.1844-1932. Shipping Magnate
Born, Falkirk. Arrived in the United States of America in 1856
and was naturalised in 1888. He settled in San Franscisco,
Califorma and founded the Dollar Steamship Co., the Robert
Dollar Co., Dollar Portland Lumber Co. and the Canadian Robert
Dollar Co. He was one of the largest operators of ocean vessels
in the world.
GORDON, Bazil.1768-1847
Born in Kirkcudbright. Said to have been America's first
millionaire. His monument in the Masonic cemetery at
Fredericksburg, Virigina, is pretentious and that of his
daughter is even more exquisite.
HAY, Arthur D,1884-1952.Justice of the Supreme Court of Oregon
Born at Edinburgh and studied at the Heriot Watt College of
Edinburgh. Graduated from the University of Oregon in 1911 and
admitted to the Bar that year. He practised law in Portland,
Klamath (1912-15) and Lakewood (1915-33). He served as District
Attorney and Circuit Judge and later, was appointed to the state
Supreme Court in 1942 and served in that capacity until his
death. He was Initiated, Passed and Raised in Lakeview Lodge,
No. 71 in 1921 and was Master of that Lodge 1924-32. He was
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon in 1941.
JONES, John Paul, 1747-1792Founder of the American Navy
The most notable name on the Roll of St Bernard's Kilwinning
Lodge, No 122 (erased in 1816), is that of "Captain John Paul"
of the John of Kirkcudbright, who was admitted an Entered
Apprentice on the 27th November 1770, and to ensure that future
readers might have no doubt as to the identity of this intrant a
note at the end of the minute says: "Paul Johnes entered". The
famous rover was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree on 28th
February 1771, but there is no record of his being raised as a
Master Mason. His name is recorded in the books of the Grand
Lodge of Scotland, and a Diploma by the Lodge was issued in his
favour.He was born July 6, 1747 at Arbigland, parish of Kirkbean,
in the Stewarty of Kirkcudbright, Scotland. He was the fifth of
seven children born to John Paul and Jean McDuff. He went to sea
at age 12, and was made Captain of his first merchant ship when
he was 21, after the Captain died at sea of a fever.When he came
to America to live, he probably arrived by way of Edenton, North
Carolina, then moved up into the Fredricksburg-Alexandria area
of Virginia. Some time during this period he added "Jones" to
his name, which has caused much consternation and speculation
among historians. But that, as they say, is another story.It
would be churlish plagiarism to try to better the efforts of the
"John Paul Jones Birthplace Museum Trust" at Arbigland! Their
WebSite, dedicated to the great man, is well worth a visit.For a
more distinctly Masonic view, the pages of Lodge St Cuthbert
Kilwinning, No 41 in Kirkcudbright, (on the WebSite of The
Provincial Grand Lodge of Galloway ) contain scans of the
original Minutes of John Paul's initiation and 'raising' (sic)
to the 2°, and some commentary from Brethren in the United
States of America where he rests in the Chapel at the United
States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. He is encased in a
marble sarcophagus designed by Sylvian Salieres and modelled
somewhat like Napoleon's tomb in the Invalides. Every Cadet,
Officer, and visitor feels humbled there.
KING GEORGE VI, 1895-1952Past Grand Master Mason.
The late King's full name was Albert Frederick Arthur George of
the house of Windsor (formerly Saxe-Coburg-Gotha). He studied in
Trinity College at Cambridge and served in WWI. He was created
Duke of York in 1920.A son of George V, he reigned from the time
his brother, Edward VIII, abdicated in 1936, until his death in
1952.He was initiated in Naval Lodge No. 2612 in December 1919,
the ceremony being conducted by Lord Ampthill. In 1922 he was
appointed Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of England, and
in 1924 was made Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex. He was
invested and installed by his great uncle, H.R.H. the Duke of
Connaught. He held the latter position until he ascended the
throne in 1938.As king, he accepted the rank of Past Grand
Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, and was
ceremonially installed at the Albert Hall in London before an
audience of Masons from all parts of the world.
In 1935 he accepted and was installed Grand Master Mason of
Scotland, and affiliated with the Lodge of Glamis, No. 99,
Scotland, where his father-in-law, the Earl of Strathmore, was a
Past Master.He created the precedent of the English Sovereign's
active participation in Masonic ceremonies, and personally
conducted the installation of three Grand Masters (of the United
Grand Lodge of England) - the Duke of Kent at Olympia in 1939,
the Earl of Harewood in Freemason's Hall in 1943 and the Duke of
Devonshire in Albert Hall in 1948. Only his last illness
prevented his installing the Earl of Scarbrough in 1951.Toward
the end of his reign, he stated that he had always regarded
Masonry as one of the strongest influences of his life. He was a
Royal Arch Mason and was a First Principal. He was a Past Grand
Master of the Mark Lodge and former Ruler of the Mark Province
of Middlesex (1931-37). He held the rank of Past Grand Master,
and of Knight Commander of the Temple, was a 33rd Degree, and
Grand Inspector General in the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Rose
Croix.Said he of Masonry: "The world today does require
spiritual and moral regeneration. I have no doubt, after many
years as a member of our Order, that Freemasonry can play a most
important part in this vital need"
LAUDER, Sir Harry,1870 -1950.Entertainer
Born in Portobello, near Edinburgh, the son of a potter, with
the surname MacLennan. As a boy he worked 12 hour shifts in a
flax mill in Arbroath and as a teenager worked as a pitboy in
Hamilton. Early success in Scotland and then England led to his
first tour of the United States of America. 21 tours followed
eventually earning $5000 a week and playing golf with
presidents.His affection for his wife, Nancy, gave rise to two
of his most successful songs; "Roamin' in the Gloaming" and "I
Love a Lassie". His son, John, was killed in action during World
War I which inspired him to write the song, "Keep Right on to
the End of the Road".H. V. Morton, the writer, met him in
Aberdeen during 1928 and described him as "small, sturdy and
smooth of face. He wore
hexagonal glasses and smoked a six-inch briar pipe. His
Glengarry was worn at a jaunty angle and, as he walked, the
almost ankle-length Inverness cape which he wore exposed a bit
of a MacLeod kilt. The superior person will perhaps sniff if I
suggest that no man since Sir Walter Scott has warmed the
world's heart to Scotland more surely that Sir Harry Lauder. His
genius is a thing apart."
(Sir Harry Lauder's Mark Master's Dipolma issued 8th February
His reputation has suffered from those who criticise him for
creating the stereotype of a kilted ultra-thrifty Scot. The
greatest tribute to him must be that his songs are sung every
day somewhere in the world. The last word should be his;'Aye,
I'm tellin' ye... happiness is one of the few things in this
world that doubles every time you share it with someone else'.
MacCORMICK, Joseph. D.D.1733-1799.Divine and Moderator, Church
of Scotland
Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in
1782. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, and Dean of the
Chapel Royal.
RUSSELL, Archibald, D.1811-71.Philanthropist
Born at Edinburgh. His father, James, was President of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh for many years. He graduated from Edinburgh
University in law, Philosophy and medicine and later studied at
the University of Bonn, Germany. In 1836 he settled in New York.
SCOTT, Sir Walter.1771-1832.Author and Poet
Sir Walter Scott as a writer is famous for both his poetry and
his prose. Very few writers in world literature enjoy such a
distinction. He possessed a poetic faculty always real, often
great and sometimes quite consummate.
In his prose works Sir Walter has the high honour of creating
the historical novel. He added to the list of imaginary
personages more and greater figures than had been added by
anyone else except possibly Shakespeare. He infused into the
novel a tradition of moral and intellectual well-being, of
manliness and truth, of honour, freedom and courtesy.His funeral
was like a king's . . . . 'When the coffin was taken from the
hearse, one deep sob burst from a thousand lips.'
Sir Walter Scott - an Illustrated Biography Sir Walter Scott -
his Life and Times Sir Walter Scott - his Works Reviewed
SKENE, John. d. c.1690.Merchant and Quaker
One of the first (probably the second) Freemason to settle in
America. He is recorded in the 'Lockit Buik' of the Lodge of
Aberdeen, 1670. He emigrated in 1682 to Burlington, New Jersey.
He was governor of West Jersey from 1685 to 1690.
WILLIAMS, Egbert. c.l876-1922.Comedian
Born in the Bahama Islands and brought to the U. S. of A. as a
child. He was a partner to George William Walker in vaudeville
from 1895-1903 and musical comedy from 1903-09.After 1909 he was
a leading comedian with the Ziegfeld Follies. He was initiated
in Lodge Waverley, No. 597, together with nine other theatrical
colleagues (see below). On his death the New York newspapers, of
6th March 1922, carried a notice of the funeral of 'Bert'
Williams which was to be held in the Masonic Temple, New York,
under the auspices of St Cecile Lodge, No.568, at the request of
the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Egbert Austin Williams,127 West 53rd St., New York. Age 30,
George William Walker, 505 Sixth Avenue, New York. Age 31, Henry
Troy, 250 Stewart Street, Montgomery, Alabama Age 28, John
Edwards, 910 Sciato Street, Indianapolis, Indiana Age 36, George
Catlin,100 West 23rd Street, New York Age 37, Peter Hampton, 329
West 35th Street, New York Age 33, Green Henri Tapley, 3428
Dearborn Street, Chicago Age 33, John Lubrie Hill, 505 Sixth
Avenue, New York Age 30, James Escort Lightfoot, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada Age 30, Alexander Rogers,18 West 134th Street,
New York Age 28. All were Initiated on 2nd May, Passed 16th May
and Raised 1st June 1904. All were proposed by Brother James
Halliday (centre) and seconded by Brother William Gordon
(extreme left).
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