Tuesday 2 March The Cape Cod Shrine Club will meet at high noon at the Yarmouth House Restaurant on Rt. 28 with guest speaker David Delano who be speaking on the Overlook Masonic Nursing Home in Charlton MA. You do not need to be in the Shrine Club to attend. Lunch costs are on an individual basis. Please call Paul Harrington at 617-584-0930 by February 26 if planning to attend.
Monday 8 March Fraternal Lodge at 1989 Rt 28 in Centerville will be conferring the 3rd Degree and it is our Annual Brazilian Grill Night. The Brazilian Grill puts on their famous Barbecue Dinner with several different types of meat that keep coming for as long as you can eat. Advanced Ticket sales only – and they WILL sell out. Tickets go on sale at the February Lodge of Instruction meeting. To make a reservation now and to ensure you get a ticket, please e-mail Brother Israel Callahan fraternallodge@yahoo.com or call Fraternal Lodge and leave a message at 508-778-2455.
Saturday 20 March Nauset Light Daylight Lodge will hold a Table Lodge honoring Wor Billl Schmittling for $25. Call 508-255-2605 for Res.
Wednesday 24 March Mt. Horeb Lodge of Dennis and the Eastern Star will hold a Lobster Roll Fundraiser for only $9.oo. To place an order please call Brother Frank Fenner at 508-737-2250.
Saturday 27 March Statewide Open House welcoming the public into our buildings and helping them gain a better understanding of who Freemasons are, what we do, and the positive impact we have on our Members, their families and communities. Bring your friends and family or a potential future Mason to show off the Lodge and share its history.
Saturday 27 March Fraternal Lodge at 1989 Rt. 28 in Centerville is hosting a Masquerade Ball to benefit its Angel Fund from 7pm until midnight. There will be live music and a silent auction. Tickets are $25 each. Cocktail attire and masks are required. Hors d’oeuvres will be donatedby the Wianno Grille, Fresh Catch and 586 Main Street Restaurants. Babysitting for those who may need it will be provided from 7pm until 10pm by the Cape Cod Rainbow Assembly. Babysitting is just $10 for the first child and $5 for each additional child. Reservations for child care are a must as space is limited. This is event is open to Masons, Eastern Stars and their significant others. Please contact Brother Kyle McDevitt at 508-237-9026 or Brother Israel Callahan at 508-790-7615 for tickets.
Sunday 28 March from 1:00-4:00pm, the 5th Annual Masonic Angel Fund Extravaganza will be held at the Nimrod Restaurant at 100 Dillingham Avenu in Falmouth. A $25 donation tickets may be purchased by calling the Nimrod at 508-540-4132. There will be live entertainment, silent auction and free hot and cold hors d' oeuvres throughout the day!
Saturday 8 May Dewitt Clinton lodge will hold a Table Lodge honoring their three 33 Degree Masons- RW Thomas Hickey, RW Kendall Jones and RW Peter Smith! Call 508-246-6260 for Reservation.
Saturday 19 June The famous Angels in the Sunset Masonic Angel fundraiser Cruise from Provincetown Harbor on the 1,100 passenger Provincetown II. More info to come!
Thursday 5 August Centennial Dedication for the completion of the Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown. The President and the Grand Master have beeninvited to participate in this celebration now so have you. One hundred years ago President and Brother William Howard Taft was there for the dedication of the completion of the Pilgrim Monument, just like President and Brother Teddy Roosevelt was there for the dedication of the cornerstone three years before in 1907. Boats will be leaving from Boston, Plymouth , Dennis and Chatham or carpool if you like.
The Masonic Leadership Institute RW Bro. Benjamin Franklin Class is accepting applications now. The first of two weekend classes is 10 September. The Grand Lodge of MA sponsors the MLI Program to enhance leadership skills in an exciting and stimulating way. You would not be reading this Newsletter right now if it were not for my participation in the program (Bro Ed Rooney). Join now and see what greatness comes out of you, to better improve yourself, your Lodge and Masonry across the Cape and the state. Our last Lodge of Instruction Lt. Col. Charles Perrinick recommended that we check out this website for a very cheap AED for your Lodge. www.AmericanCPR.com
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For more information on the Masonic Angel Fund