Conspiracy of Hate: A Christian Perspective on the un-Christian Tactics of the anti-Masons, (c) 1995 A.W.Harper
In 1991, the Christian Research Journal conducted a survey of its readers, asking what the most important topics they would like to see covered in future issues. Not surprising were the topics of the New Age Movement, Abortion, Satan Worship, Mormonism, Teen-Age Suicide, Rock Music, Drug Use and False Prophets, among others. Truly surprising is that Freemasonry was the number-one topic for which more information was asked.
Without a doubt in my mind, the main reason that Freemasonry is the number-one topic is because there have been so few books about Masons and Freemasonry that are willing to truthfully and objectively address the Anti- Masonic accusations. What material is available, when written by a "pro" Masonic author, only addresses a couple of the issues, and tells the reader to disbelieve all of the other accusations, without providing solid, irrefutable proof. When penned by an "anti" Masonic author, it is sensationalized, and based on tainted, inadequate second-hand "research", and usually composed for the dual purpose of maligning Freemasonry, and making as much profit as possible.
Another point of interest, to the best of my research, every "anti" Masonic book ever published is put out by a "Christian" publisher. While on the surface this may not seem like a big deal, and quite logical, the question needed asking is; why would a responsible Christian publishing house permit material that has shoddy research, intentional distortion of facts, and at times, complete fabrication of information to be put out under its label ? If I were to venture a guess, I would have to conclude that the publisher is either unaware of the gross dishonesty of the author, or in a worst case scenario, the publisher doesn't care about the truth, only the bottom-line.
This whole Anti-Mason "business" has gotten way out of hand, I call it a business because that is what it has become. You, the reader of this post, please look at the cover of the Anti-Masonic merchandise these people are marketing, what do you see ?, how about that price tag. That's right, all these well intended "Christians", yes many of them are Ministers, and their co-horts, are lining their pockets through the sale of this vile, hate filled trash. Every year, these Anti-Masons write books and produce audio and video tapes, and they rake in thousands of dollars from this venture based on lies.
It has gotten so bad, I have come to the conclusion that this Anti- Masonic business is either a conspiracy of hate among these people to discredit the Masonic Fraternity by any means, or it is some kind of competition among these Anti-Masons to see who can come up with the most hateful,vindictive,and outrageous lies about Freemasonry.
I would like to state that I am not trying to slander any person or persons, or their character, but if the material contained in this book has been something you, the Anti-Mason, have said and/or published and if the proof of you being a liar angers you, just remember to read 1 John 2:20-21. Am I calling some of these "Christians" a liar ?, YES ! The chance of these people coming to the same slanderous conclusions about the Masonic Fraternity, while "not quoting Anti-Masonic authors" is, I assure you, statistically impossible. I suggest you read through some of the material these Anti-Masonic authors have published. I do not suggest you purchase any, instead, borrow it or browse through it at a book store. It appears that every one of these people have copied each others work, and as such are not only liars, but they are also guilty of plagiarism. Which means they are lazy, and the Lord most assuredly looks upon the lazy unfavorably.
Whether the original book was written in 1895 or in 1995, just because a lie, myth or fable has been told and retold, does not make it truth. Nor does it make a truth, just because it is in print. Afterall if everything in print were "the truth" then the aliens and bigfoot would surely be on display for us to examine, and not just in the checkout stand tabloids. The Anti-Masons surely must have known that what they have been spreading for years was nothing more than lies. And seeing the fine works and charity that Masons contribute to society, I feel that all of these people who have written, and/or promoted the sale of Anti- Masonic books, tapes and videos, need to pray for the forgiveness, which can only come through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and they should also be required to publicly repent for their outrageous sins.
I have had the misfortune to read dozens of books and to watch these video tapes, which not only purport to show all the "secrets" of Masonry, but they contain nothing but flat out lies, half truths, and intentional distortions. To Give False Testimony, is not only breaking one of God's own Commandments, but the act of profiting from these lies is in and of itself, against everything Our Lord has commanded of us.
The accusation of Freemasonry being a "secret society" is an inaccurate label. The Masonic Lodges in every city, and town, are clearly marked, and its meeting nights are usually posted in the local newspaper. The Masonic emblem on an auto, the ring on a members hand all defy the labeling so long associated with membership in this Fraternity. The fact is that the Masonic Lodges are not secret, they are, however, private. Would your company let just anyone sit in on a closed door meeting, or would your church allow a non-member to attend one of its financial meetings ? I doubt it very much. It is reasonable to understand that Non-Masons are excluded from the business meetings that take place in the Masonic Lodge. However, no man is excluded from becoming a member, meeting certain requirements, and thereby being able to attend the meetings. For anyone to believe that only evil is done secretively, or in secret, is a very narrow- minded conclusion. The "secret" that one learns in the Master Mason Degree, which is technically the highest of all Masonic Degrees, is something overlooked by the Anti- Masons in their attempt to discredit this Fraternity. I am not revealing anything that you, the Non-Mason, couldn't look up on your own at nearly any library or book store. The candidate is told the Masonic secret in the Master Mason Degree, and the secret is contained in these three words: Truth, Honor, Fortitude. While this may not seem like much of a "secret", I challenge every Anti-Mason "Christian" to inculcate these traits into their every day life. Because of their lies, they obviously fall way short.
The misconception that Freemasonry teaches the belief that there are many gods and that all gods are equal, is another lie. Freemasonry does not tell its members which Religion is right or wrong. Freemasonry does not tell its members what church the should, or should not, belong to. So why is it that certain churches, or "Christians", feel they have the right to tell its members which fraternal or civic organizations they can or cannot belong to ? The freedom to pursue ones own Religion is one which should be respected by everyone, especially a Christian. Afterall, if you were forced to subscribe to a Religion that you disagreed with, you would rebel, that same respect should be given to others. This Fraternity is based on acknowledging the inalienable rights of all humans. And if a man, be he Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc., has the desire to join this Fraternity, then he is welcome. Two of the requirements for all members, is the belief in the One True God, Our Father in Heaven, and the eternal life of our Soul. Noted researcher and writer J. Gordon Melton published a thoroughly impressive book in 1995 titled: Encyclopedia of American Religions. According to his research, in the U.S., there are just over one-thousand-six-hundred different Religious denominations, of which forty-four percent are Non-Christian. The question needed asking is this, since there is only One God, Our Father in Heaven, how can any one of these over seven- hundred different Christian denominations have the right to claim to be the "One True Religion". The Lodge does not have, or teach of a god of Masonry, that is yet another lie, because this is a Fraternity not a Religion. The "job" of Masonry is not to take a corrupt man and straighten him out, but to take good men and make them better. All members are taught that the tolerance and respect of others is paramount to the peace and harmony of all mankind. The whole premise of a Fraternity which allows its members to belong to differing Religions should be looked upon as a positive influence, not as a threat to anyone's Religious choice.
Or the Luciferian Doctrine. To say that any member of the Masonic Fraternity practices satanism is an outrageous and blasphemous lie. There never has been any Freemason that worshiped satan, and there never will be. If a member of this Fraternity were to be found to participate in such an unholy practice, he would be expelled immediately. With regard to the lie, about Alistaire Crowley, the notoriously well known satanist, he never was a member of this Masonic Fraternity. And to say that all 30th, 31st and 32nd Degree Masons are taught that the god they worship is infact satan, is another lie. A man by the name of Gabriel Pages, also known under the pen name of Leo Taxil, became very wealthy from his sensationalized works, wrote dozens of pornographic books, as well as several books touting his atheistic beliefs and Anti-Catholic sentiments. One of which is called, The Secret Love Affairs of [Pope] Pius IX. This habitual liar had written several Anti- Masonic books and articles. One of the most outrageous was the letter, which he signed Albert Pike's name to, three years after Pike died!. However, during a "press conference", held April 19th, 1897, in Paris, France, he admitted to this hoax. Explaining, he hated the Masonic Fraternity, and the Catholic Church. Needless to say, he made enough money off the sale of his lies that he lived out the remainder of his life on a quiet country estate in northern France. He died in 1907 at fifty-three years of age. It seems like this fast money, and easy lifestyle, is the same goal that all of the Anti- Masons are after, doesn't it.
To make a promise, take an oath, to take a vow, to make a pledge, to make a covenant, or to swear, all of these mean the same thing. Please read Genesis 9:1-17, the Bible shows that The Lord Our God, has once again set precedent. The next time it rains, look outside afterward, what do you see ?, a rainbow. That is proof that God will not flood out this planet ever again. How about Matthew 26:63, here we find Our Savior Jesus Christ taking an oath. Once again a precedent has been set. If you read 1 Kings 8:31-32, or Hebrews 6:13-17, 2 Corinthians 1:23, Galatians 1:10, Philippians 1:8, and also Numbers 5:11-31, in every one of these passages, and many others, the Bible shows that the taking of an Oath was, at times, necessary. There is no person who claims to follow the Word of God, who can dispute this fact, and since the whole idea of taking an Oath was instituted by our Lord, then there cannot possibly be anything "unholy" about it, especially if it is for good. When you take out a loan, or make a purchase with a credit card, you are making a promise to the second party that you will repay that debt. When you receive your automobile drivers license you are, in effect, signing a contract with the Department of Transportation promising that you will abide by all the rules of the road. Even the marriage vow each couple takes is a oath between them and God... till death do you part. When the Anti-Masons quote Matthew 5:34-37 and James 5:12, they are taking these scriptures out of context. The lesson in these passages is not admonishing us to never take an oath, it is warning against the excessive use and/or abuse of the significance contained in an oath. It reminds us to speak in truth everyday, to let our yes mean yes and our no to mean no. But, mankind is fallible, and men tend to lie, cheat, kill and steal, so it is necessary at times for men to be put under oath. These are some of the commonly over-used ways in which many people violate this admonition; "cross my heart hope to die", "my hand to God", "may God strike me dead if I'm lying", "I swear on a stack of bibles", "I swear on my mother's grave", "if I'm lyin' I'm buyin'". These are some of the ways in which the lessons from Matthew and James are supposed to be applied. So what is the big secret in these Masonic Oaths anyway?, well a Mason promises to aid and assist all poor Brother Masons his widow and orphans, to protect the life of a Brother Mason, to prevent the rape of a Brother Masons Wife-Sister-Mother-Daughter, to not fight with or cause physical harm to a Brother Mason, to be patriotic to his Country, true to his Church, and to support and spread the Word of God. As you can see, there is nothing contained in this obligation that conflicts with the teachings of our Lord and Savior, and as such, there is no basis for the lies that have been spread about the Masonic Obligation.
The symbolic origins of Freemasonry show that the original operative craftsmen, had penalties to prevent untrained and unworthy sneaks from learning their arts. The literal Knights Templar had real penalties that were enforced to prevent their enemies from locating them, which in turn would lead to the execution of these Christian Knights. The Fraternal Masons have carried the symbolic, historic reference into its ritual. I must point out, the penalties are only symbolic, they are not, and have never, been enforced, contrary to the propaganda spread by the Anti-Masons. The wording of the penalties are very important, the Mason fully comprehends the manner in which the penalty is incorporated into the obligation. The penalty does not say that one will commit or partake in the committing of the act, but rather, the thought of breaking an oath is so offensive to the Mason, that this penalty is an example of comparison showing just how offensive it is to him to break his word. And, the only punishments that any member is exposed to are, reprimand, suspension or expulsion. And, it is also a lie that the symbolic penalties were inflicted "as recent as 1986", like the Anti-Masons claim. The source of much of the Anti-Masonic propaganda comes from expelled Masons, who are apparently so bitter, over being kicked out, that they will stop at nothing to slander this Fraternity. In the Masonic Lodges of the U.K., the reading of the penalties has been omitted from the obligation, and the part about the reprimand, suspension or expulsion has been put in its place. However, the ancient symbolic penalties are explained in a historical lecture, about Masonry, to the candidate. Eventually the Grand Lodges of the U.S. may follow this same procedure.
To the jaded, and sarcastic, these Fraternal titles may seem childish, and as such, should not be of any concern to them. To the Anti-Masons who feel the Masons are placing themselves above others, is a misconception. Have you ever watched The Flintstones, well Fred and Barney belong to the Loyal Order of Water Buffalo, and their presiding officer is The Grand Poobah, the presiding officer of the Elks is called the Exalted Ruler, the presiding officer of the Knights of Columbus is called the Grand Knight, the presiding officer of the Odd Fellows is the Grand Patriarch and if you are the ultimate surfer they call you the Big Kahuna. Certainly no one would suggest that these titles have some hidden meaning. The Masonic Fraternity uses titles to distinguish its Officers, and the different tasks assigned to each. The presiding officer is the Master, or Worshipful Master. The use of the word "worshipful" does not mean that the Lodge Master is worshiped, but its usage comes from the Old English definition, meaning "honorable", or "worthy of respect", it is also used to address a Mayor or other Magistrate of Great Britain or its territories. When the presiding officer of the Lodge is addressed as "master", it does not mean he is our literal Master. Every Christian knows that The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is our Master, and for the Anti-Masons to continually twist this title of the "Lodge Master" into an undermining of the Word of Christ, is a really pathetic attempt to discredit this Fraternity. The title of Master, or Worshipful Master, means that he is the "respected overseer of the work", which relates to the operative freemasons and the symbolic beginnings of this Fraternity. Other definitions of master include; employer, head of the household, expert or the captain of a merchant ship. Much the same way the word Lord can be the title of a British Nobleman, who are not the same as our Lord Jesus Christ, nor do they feel they are. For example, the highest "rank" a man can attain in the York Rite is that of a Knight Templar, out of the hundreds of thousands of Knights Templar in the world, not one of these men believe they are, or have been, made a real Knight. While the highest "rank" a man attains in the Scottish Rite is that of Sublime Prince. Out of the millions of Scottish Rite Masons in the world, not one of these men believe they really are a Prince. There are titles for each of the Officers in the Lodge, Chapter, Shrine, etc., and I will not go into the explanation of every one of them. Suffice it to say, these are only Fraternal names and titles, and the members do not take them as a literal title. And for any Anti- Mason to say that Masons are usurping the place of our Savior in another lie. No Mason feels they are becoming a god, or a savior, when they are referred to by these, or any other, Fraternal titles. When our Savior Jesus told us to call no man master, that reference is with regard to calling another man "Master", as in the Master of our Salvation. Which also goes back to the first of the Ten Commandments, given to all of us by God, to not have any God other than Him. ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
THE FIVE POINT STAR: Also known as the "Upside Down" Star. Many Anti-Masons have claimed that this is used to represent evil within the Lodge. That contention is completely false. Which causes me to raise this question, does not the star pointing down, help to guide the wise men, and others, to the birth place of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ? I suggest you read Matthew 2:2. How can something with such a beautiful and Holy beginning, wind up with such a twisted and evil interpretation. To many Christians, the Ankh is a symbol of the promise of eternal life God made to us, guaranteed through the sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ. While to others, it is a pagan symbol devoid of any reference to Christ, symbolizing the belief in some kind of occultic reincarnation. The way in which an object, or symbol is used, is in the way the person who is using it chooses to use it, not in someone else's interpretation of it.
There is no such god. No place in scripture can this bogus god be found. It most certainly is not the God worshipped by the Masons. All Masons know that there is no other God, but the Lord God our Father, in Heaven. The reference of this bogus god, was made back in 1307, by two members of the Knights of the Temple, (Knights Templar). The Knights Templar were a monastic military group, originally formed, in part, by Pope Honarius II, in 1117, to protect the lives of Christians, who were traveling to the Holy Land. Many of these people who traveled to the Holy Land felt that the Knights Templar had indeed been of tremendous help, so much in fact that many of these travelers gave the Knights gifts consisting of both money and property holdings. This allowed the Knights to build up their own fleet of vessels, armory and other necessities. Much of their properties included islands, as well as vast estates in most of Europe and more especially England. The Knights Templar were in existence for over one hundred fifty years, and in that time over twenty thousand men were members of this group of knight-monks. Then, seemingly - without reason, on Friday October 13th, 1307, Pope Clement V, with the help of King Philip IV of France, issued a Bull which had given the order to arrest all of the Knights Templar, and execute them, after a torturous prison sentence. The Bull further stated that if any person were to be caught aiding these Knights, then those persons involved would be excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, tried of heresy and executed. Believe it or not, out of all of the hundreds of Knights that had been arrested and tortured, records show only two made a "confession" to the worshipping of this baphomet. What were some of these tortures ? Well some of the favored methods of the day were; burning of the flesh, whipping with the flesh exposed until bleeding, even the opening of the torso and allowing the intestines to hang out and searing them over a bed of coals all while the person was still alive. I might add, that confessions were made quite possibly in the hope of having their lives spared. Needless to say, they were still executed. Now why would the Pope, the leader of the largest Christian denomination of the world, and the King of France, want to kill off all these Knights ? I can sum it up in one word... greed. This was the only way they were able to lay claim to all of the property and funds of these Knights. Which in turn helped to fund King Philip's continuing war against England, as well as lining the coffers of Pope Clement V.
To say that the Masons run around bragging about all the money they donate, and all the charities they support, is one of the most vulgar and disgusting things I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a "Christian". Not only is it not true, but you would be hard pressed to find any member of this Fraternity who can "run off" a list of charities when asked about them. If you want to see headline grabbing public relations, just watch the television. You will see, not only advertisements asking for donations, but a thorough display of these charities in action, and the individuals that have been benefited. I am not slamming these groups, I am only making a comparison between the successfully achieved P.R. these groups have garnered and the lack of public awareness of the Masonic Charities. Consider these groups: The Salvation Army, U.N.I.C.E.F., Farm Aid, Ronald McDonald House, M.D.A., the Christian Childrens Fund, St. Jude's Medical Center, and several others. I have personally donated to many charities in my life, but when I tried to come up with a listing of up-to-date Masonically supported charities, the task was somewhat difficult. I suppose this is due to the "do it and don't brag" attitude that Masons have. I feel that it is important to let Non-Masons know exactly what it is that we do. There has, also, never been an incident like the one which took place in the United Way. There is no Mason, in any of the many Masonic Philanthropies, who is getting paid an outrageous six-figure income, taking a personal jet, and in general living it up off the funds raised for the very people the charity is supposed to be helping. That kind of behavior is considered Un- Masonic, and would surely lead to the expulsion of that member. I hope the chapter on Masonic Charities will be of interest, and enlightening to you, please support them.
This is a very narrow-minded slander, I do not know of any greater way to serve our Lord then to help our fellow man. I suggest you read 1 Corinthians 13:1-5, and James 2:24-26. And for any person, especially a "Christian", to say that Masons only do charitable work for their own glory is a lie. Masons do not support these charities for a "pat on their back", these philanthropies are supported with love and a genuinely good heart. And it is with the acknowledgment that it is from the Lord God Almighty that all blessings flow. If the above accusation were to be taken to its literal extreme, consider the implications, if a Jewish Mason and a Christian Mason are involved in the same charity, then only the Christian Mason would "receive credit" when he goes to Heaven, and the Jewish Mason would not "receive credit" for this charitable act and be condemned to hell for not following this unbelievably extremist view. There is no foundation for this ridiculous slander, and it should be totally disregarded.
As far as the idea that Masons are taught that they can earn their way into Heaven through the performance of good deeds is another lie. I will suggest you read Matthew 6:1-4, Luke 21:14, and James 2:14-17. In these, and several other scriptural references, our Lord and Savior admonishes us to back up our "words" with a charitable act. So once again, you can see, that Our Lord God has set a precedent, and we are admonished to follow his lead. The fact is that Masonry is not itself a Religion, but it is indeed Religious. To that end Masonry need not apologize. Masonry teaches its members that a Christian life utilizes not only high moral qualities, but in also providing relief to the less privileged.
For the Anti-Masons to continually quote, and misquote, this outdated, under-read and out of print author, is another example of their inept and shallow "research". Albert Pike was not, and is not, the authoritative voice of Freemasonry, as he has been so often purported to be by Anti-Masons. There is no such person, in the whole of Masonic History, and there will never be. Albert pike was a very intelligent man, and a prolific writer, and many of his works are good material. However, there have been many Masons who have had books about Masonry published, the fact that their work has been published does not mean that it suddenly becomes the belief held by all the Masons. Their books, much like this one here, only conveys the feelings and opinions of its author. It does not carry with it the same weight as "an act of Congress", as some of the Anti-Masonic literature has stated. ------------------------------------ Conspiracy of Hate: A Christian Perspective on the un-Christian Tactics of the anti-Masons. (c) 1995 Anthony W. Harper