Masonic Lodges In The Waller County Area

Tomball Masonic Lodge #1096 Brian Holder W.M. Masonic District 30-D Located in Harris County
 94 year old Lodge ( Charter granted December 3, 1914) Members: 223 Lodge Address: 600 Kane St., Tomball 77375
---- Driving Directions -----From
intersection of S.H.249 (Tomball Parkway) and FM 2920 (Main Street) go
East 1/2 mile to Magnolia St (SONIC Drive-In on corner). Go North 2
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 368 Meetings: Second Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m. Meal: 6:30 pm Floor School: Every Tues @ 7:30 pm Lodge Phone: 281-255-2626 Lodge Records kept at lodge from 12/03/1914 to present
Current Officers | Office | Name | email Address | Phone |
Worshipful Master | Brian Holder | N/A | 281-376-8445 |
Senior Warden | Michael Barber | N/A | 281-356-8493 |
Junior Warden | Ralph Royall | N/A | N/A |
Secretary | Frederick Bath | N/A | 281-259-5653 |
----- Lodge News -----Thurs Sept. 8 7:30 PM Stated Meeting Dinner served 6:30 PM
Tues Sept. 13 7:30 PM EA degree Dinner served 6:30 PM

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