Never be afraid to stand with the minority when the minority is right, for the minority which is right will one day be the majority; Always be afraid to stand with the majority which is wrong, for the majority which is wrong will one day be the minority. -William Jennings Bryan


Take a smile form someone else and pass it on. -Author Unknown


God sends children to enlarge our hearts, and to make us unselfish and full of kindly sympathies and affections. -Mary Howitt


To be unknown to God is altogether too much privacy. -Thomas Merton


Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be strong men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God. -Phillips Brooks


The underlying principle of Masonry is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. In this war we are engaging in upholding these principles and our enemies are attacking them. -William Howard Taft


Not a party, not a sect, not a cult, it is a great order of men selected, initiated, sworn, and trained to make reason and the will of God prevail. - J. F. Newton


You are bound only by the chains (moral, spiritual, or lawful) that you make yourself. -WRF


I have a boy to bring up. Help me perform my task with wisdom, kindness and good cheer. Help me to always to see him clearly, as he is. Let not my pride hide his faults. Let not my fear for him magnify my doubts and fears until I make him doubting and fearful in his turn. Quicken my judgment so that I shall know how to train him to think as a child, to be in all things pure and simple as a child.

I have a boy to bring up. Give me great patience and a long memory. Let me remember the hard places of my own youth, so that I may help when I see him struggling as I struggled then. Let me remember the things that made me glad, lest I, sweating in the toil and strain of life, forget that a child's laughter is the light of life.

I have a boy to bring up. Teach me that love understandeth all things, knows no weakness, tolerates on selfishness. Keep me from weakening my son through granting him pleasures that end in pain, ease of body that brings sickness of soul, and a vision of life that ends in death. Grant that I may love my son wisely and myself not at all.

I have a boy to bring up. Give him the values and beauty and just rewards of industry. Give him an understanding brain and hands that are cunning that he may work out his own happiness.

I have a boy to bring up. Help me to send him into the world with a mission of service. Strengthen my mind and heart that I may teach him that he is his brother's keeper. Grant that he may serve those who know not the need of service, and not knowing, need it the most.

I have a boy to bring up. So guide and direct me that I may do this service of my country, and to my son's happiness. -Angelo Patri


Even bad luck is good for something, in a wise man's hands. -Author Unknown


Give the best you have received form the past to the best you may come to know in the future. -Author Unknown


Accept life daily not as a cup to be drained but as a chalice to be filled with whatsoever things are honest, pure, lovely, and of good report. -Author Unknown


Making a living is best undertaken as a part of the more important business of making a life. -Author Unknown


Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands-a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world. -Sidney Lovett


Temper gets you in trouble. Pride keeps you there. -Author Unknown


Freemasonry has become the preserver of certain traditions and ideas, but it rarely questions the values and quality of some of these ideas. -Conrad Hahn


The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he would never be found out. -Thomas Macaulay


The Bible is like a telescope. If a man looks through his telescope, then he sees worlds beyond; but if he looks at his telescope, then he does not see anything but that. The bible is a thing to look through, to see that which is beyond; but most people only look at it; and so they see only the dead letter. -Phillips Brooks


Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure. -Thomas A. Edison


I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God. -Abraham Lincoln



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