I asked the Lord to bless you
As I prayed for you today
To guide you and protect you
As you go along your way....
His love is always with you
His promises are true,
And when we give Him all our cares
You know He will see us through.
So when the road you're traveling
Seems difficult at best
Just remember I'm here praying
And God will do the rest.
IF Providence your lot hath blest,
In peace and affluence to rest,Let not your mind contracted be,
Nor scorn the abodes of poverty.
When you behold in abject state,
A brother crushed by fortune's fate,
Lend him your aid, his wants to free,
And you shall honor Masonry.
When o'er the list of human woes,
You find the tear of grief overflows,
The widow's moan, the orphan's sigh,
Your help shall honor Masonry.
Where discord reigns with direful
The balm of reasoning there display;
Show to the world a conscience free,
And you shall honor Masonry.
Your time shall pass serenely on
While conscience dictates, right is done:
Your hoary locks shall honored be,
If you've regarded Masonry.
When life's tempestuous scenes are
And nature's calls require no more,
In heaven you'll take your last degree,
If you have honored Masonry.
Author Unknown
Masonry's for men, full of secret
and sign.
It's not exclusive, but woman can't join.
If you're a good man, honest and true,
then Freemasonry is just right for you.
There's lots of degrees, but you
start with just three.
Apprentice then fellow then master you'll be.
Many good men these secrets have sought,
and having found them, it's helped improve their life's lot.
Becoming a better man, that's Freemasonry's
and to help others achieve the same.
Not just to Brothers, but to every man-jack.
The more help you give, the more pleasure you get back.
Regular attendance and a visit or
will help you understand what the office bearers do.
One day, that high up chair you may reach
and if you get there try hard not to preach.
Instead persevere to keep it level and square,
and remember there's always more to learn; everyday, everywhere.
Then at the end of your life's last
may it be your portion to hear others say,
"He was a good man, honest and true,
always helped others, only his best would do.
The Lodge will miss him on their meeting night."
So if this is what you hear, then maybe just maybe, YOU GOT IT
Kenny Lawtie P.M.
I heard three knocks on the Temple
and then it was opened wide:
I felt the grip of a Masons hand,
as I slowly passed inside.
I was lowered down on bended knees,
as a prayer was said for me:
And I was helped to pass around,
for the Brethren all to see.
And all to me was black as night,
as my leader took me round:
And my racing heart, I heard more clear,
than the solemn organ's sound.
My faltering footsteps here and
were halted on the way;
And several questions were put to me,
as I struggled not to sway.
With my right hand resting on the
I took my obligation;
I swore I'd be a Mason true,
at my Initiation.
I shall not tell more what I saw,
or what to me was spoken;
But I saw the sign and heard the word,
and I felt the Mason's token.
I'll tell you this, that I heard
a charge,
which I later learnt by heart;
and it told me all that a man should do,
as a Mason from the start.
It matters not if you pass the Chair,
or reach the highest station;
The best event of a Mason's life,
is his initiation.
Jim Jordan
We meet upon the Level and we part
upon the Square.
What words of precious meaning, those words Masonic are!
Come, let us contemplate them! They are worthy of a thought;
In the very walls of Masonry the sentiment is wrought.
We meet upon the Level, though from
every station come,
The rich man from his palace and the poor man from his home;
For the rich must leave his wealth and state outside the Mason's
And the poor man finds his best respect upon the Checkered Floor.
We act upon the Plumb - 'tis the
orders of our Guide.
We walk upright in virtue's way and lean to neither side;
The All-Seeing Eye that reads our hearts doth bear us witness
That we still try to honor God and give each man his due.
We part upon the Square, for the
world must have its due;
We mingle with the multitude, a faithful band and true.
But the influence of our gatherings in memory is green,
And we long upon the Level to renew the happy scene.
There's a world where all are equal
- we are hurrying toward it fast,
We shall meet upon the Level there when the gates of Death are
We shall stand before the Orient, and our Master will be there
To try the blocks we offer with His own unerring Square.
We shall meet upon the Level there,
but never thence depart.
There's a Mansion - 'tis all ready for each trusting, faithful
There's a Mansion, and a welcome, and a multitude is there
Who have met upon the Level and been tried upon the Square.
Let us meet upon the Level, then
while laboring patient here;
Let us meet and let us labor, though the labor be severe;
Already in the Western sky the signs bid us prepare
To gather up our Working Tools and part upon the Square.
Hands round, ye faithful Brotherhood,
the bright fraternal Chain.
We part upon the Square below to meet in Heaven again!
What words of precious meaning, those words Masonic are --
We meet upon the Level and we part upon the square
Brother Rob Morris Poet Laureate
of Freemasonry
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