Wherever you may chance to be
Wherever you may roam,
Far away in foreign lands;
Or just at Home Sweet Home.
It always gives you pleasure,
it makes your heart strings hum
Just to hear the words of cheer,
"I see you've traveled some."
When you get a brother's greeting,
And he takes you by the hand,
It thrills you with a feeling
that you cannot understand.
You feel that bond of brotherhood
that tie that's sure to come
When you hear him say in a friendly way
"I see you've traveled some."
And if you are a stranger,
In strange lands all alone
If fate has left you stranded
Dead broke and far from home.
It thrills you--makes you numb,
When he says with a grip
of fellowship,
"I see you've traveled some."
And when your final summons comes,
To take a last long trip,
Adorned with Lambskins Apron White
and gems of fellowship.
The tiler at the Golden Gate,
With square and rule and plumb
Will size up your pin and say "Walk In",
"I see you've traveled some."
Author unknown
When the pressures of recession
Make us concentrate on greed,
Take heed, a worthy Mason
Cares about another's needs;
Don't let pressures of the moment
Make your obligation sway,
Stop and help a fallen brother
Or another by the way;
What you give is like a bubble
Whenever you assist,
What it costs in time and trouble
Is, soon after, never missed;
Brother, bear that obligation
You accepted on your knee,
It's in direct relation
To your own security;
Never hesitate, my brother
Square your actions now and say,
"I'll remember I'm a Mason,
"And behave like that today;"
"With regard to human kindness
And the 'Golden Rule', I pray,
I'll remember I'm a Mason...
And behave like that today."
Author unknown
T is for the tools of the first
three degrees
R for every rule as each brother agrees;
O is for the oath, in making all
brothers true
W is for the work each one of us must do;
E is for the effort to answer every
L stands for love...the most important thing of all;
These letters spell TROWEL, and
as every brother knows;
It spreads love and friendship, wherever it goes.
Masonry has many claims
Including presidential names,
And, foremost, when all's said and done
Would have to be George Washington.
He led our troops in many fights
He helped compose our 'Bill of Rights,"
That all his people might be free
Enjoying life and liberty.
Americans still say today
"We're lucky that we live this way,"
For many, how surprised they'd be
To learn it sprang from Masonry.
For Washington, the Masons knew
Masonic principles were true,
And Masons know around this Earth
They came to be before his birth.
With other Masons, so conceived
He simply wrote what he believed,
Those thoughts and words that set us free
Are not unique in Masonry.
But not too many people know
The liberties they treasure so,
Were put into our Constitution
By Masons from the Revolution.
George Washington is praised by
For answering his country's call,
For being president so wise,
For never telling any lies.
To each American, he's a part
Of what we treasure in our heart,
To love him not, would be like treason
Though each may have his own good reason.
But Masons o'er the years have cared
In knowing principles we've shared,
It's Washington we praise tonigh
He truly shared Masonic Light.
Author Unknown
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