Tuesday, April 11, 2000
Wednesday, April 12, 2000
Hotel reservations are being made for Monday and Tuesday nights. As usual, Azure has a special collation room for everyone's enjoyment. Hope to see you there. For more information call me.
M.B. Milad Haddad
Junior Warden
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In the E.A. Degree, I found Psalm 133, a song of David which I translate into "We are all created equal". In the F.C. Degree we use the Book of Amos and invoke a Masonic symbolic tool, the plumb line. In the Master Mason Degree we philosophize with Ecclesiastes and review life starting with youth and continuing with aging and eventually the call to return to nature. This is to remind us to keep our Creator in ou minds and hearts at all times, not only when we call on Him in times of danger and stress.
Freemasonry uses the story of the building of King Solomon's Temple as a symbol of us as builders. There are many references to the event and the times which can be found in the books of Chronicles and also Kings.
It is a big plus to sit and review all this. While Freemasonry is not a religion, it may borrow from the Bible many applicable parts that are used in the three degrees. This is apparent when the Worshipful Master starts with the words "In the Beginning....". Open the Book! See for yourself. Understand the meanings!
Worshipful Master
and I, took the one less traveled by,
and it has made all the difference."
-- Robert Frost
Senior Warden
From the Senior Warden in the West...
In this month's message, my thoughts question why we use prayers in the ritual leading to becoming a Master Mason. I was first introduced to these prayers when becoming an E.A. The second time was when W.H. John Angelis appointed me as Chaplain of Azure Lodge. To my astonishment, I found them all in the Bible and I became intrigued not only with the prayers but the search.
Thomas S. Gassler
From the Senior Warden in the West...
"...Two roads diverge in a woods,
Dear Hiram:
We belong to the oldest and largest fraternal organization the world has ever known, where men of all races, colors and creeds enjoy the fellowship that only a Masonic Lodge can offer. But there is much more to this organization than just fellowship. The object of Masonry id to make good men better, and it does so through a beautiful system of degrees. Unfortunately we don't always take the time to truly comprehend the teachings found in said degrees, and we often find ourselves memorizing the ritual and missing the lessons.
Among the many things that are being prepared for my year in the East is a program of enlightenment for the brethren Said program will be designed to impart Masonic knowledge and enlighten the brethren with a complete explanantion and analysis of the philosophical, esoteric, historical and ritualistic aspects of the degrees of Symbolic Masonry. My primary goal is to give Master Masons the necessary tools to envision the beautiful face of truth that lies beyond the veil of allegory that conceals our degrees, as well as the basic knnowledge to comprehend the symbols that bind us as a society of free men.
Azure Lodge will be that "road less traveled by" and we will make "all the difference". Attend lodge and be part of it.
Until next month my brother, may the G:.A:.O:.T:.U:. delight to dwell with and bless you.
W.B. Ramon Cedeno
From the Junior Warden in the South...
Dear Brethren:
I would like to remind you that Grand Lodge will be held earlier than usual this year, so pleЭЫЯІЊаЁrC.Sа p@LАP №Р!$`'0*-а/ 2p5@8;р=А@CPF I№.Sа p@LАP №Р!$`'0*-а/ 2p5@8;р=А@CPF I№.Sа p@LАP №Р!$`'0*-а/ 2p5@8;р=А@CPF I№.Sа p@LАP №Р!$`'0*-а/ 2p5@8;р=А@CPF I№Њя є љ
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