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I hope all of you had a great summer filled with good times, family fun and relaxation. I want to thank everyone who helped make our Grandmaster's visit a success. It was a great meeting and he was very impressed. I also want to thank everyone for their hard work on lodge clean up day. Our building is a representation of King Solomon’s temple and a place where we Masons meet so it needs to be taken care of and I thank you for the hard work.
August 2nd was an historical day for freemasonry in Colorado; it marked the 150th Anniversary of our beloved fraternity here in Colorado. We had a joint communication with Revelation 180, it was a strong turnout and it was really cool to be a part of that history.
The month of September we hit the ground running with proficiencies and degree work. We have once again been called upon personally by the Grand Master to put on a degree, one last time for the 150th Grand Lodge class. This degree will be September 24th; lodge opens at 8:00am. We will be doing the second degree and Liberty Lodge will be doing the 3rd. Understand my brothers that a lodge is not a building; a lodge is the members who come together and meet. We can take our charter and meet anywhere and still be Aurora Lodge#156. There are some times where you can’t always be initiated, passed or raised in your mother lodge. Under these special circumstances it is important for the candidate for the degrees of masonry to know that you are still getting your degrees conferred upon you in a lodge of Masons. It is very important that when we hold degrees regardless of what building we are in and who happens to be putting them on you attend. Saying that, all EA and FC who are ready to be passed or raised will be at Highland's temple on the 24th of September to receive your degrees. This is not optional, due to the rest of the year’s schedule if you don’t receive your degrees at that time then it is highly likely that you wont receive them this year. So I can’t stress enough the importance of you all being there that date.
I want to welcome you all back and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.
“We as Masons have all the light we need; we just need to put it in practice.”
I remain fraternally yours,
Master Troy D. Kaiser, Sr.
“Know Thy Self.”
June, 2011
This is my last message before we go dark so I want to wish everyone
a safe summer. We have been very busy so this will be a well deserved time
to recuperate.
Congratulations to brothers: Mark Wardall, Eric
Elder, Brody Goodman, David Thomas, Mark Gaarder, Joe Ruedy and JR Barnes
for an outstanding job on their respective proficiencies. I got the chance
to witness a different walking proficiency where there were multiple brothers
on the floor at one time and I thought that was really cool. I look forward
to seeing what W.Bro Ray Noakes will come up with next.
Congratulations to Brothers: Lien Doan, Nathan Banek,
David Thomas, Brody Goodman, Mark Gaarder, Mark Wardall and Eric Elder
for being passed to the degree of a fellow craft.
Brothers Austin Almquist and David Sutton were raised
to that sublime degree of a Master Mason. Congratulations on obtaining
the highest degree in Masonry possible.
On May 21 we had the privilege of putting on the
3rd degree for the Grand Lodge 150th class. There were 7 brothers from
5 different lodges raised that day. I am so proud of my officers who take
the time to learn the work and take it serious. It really does shows in
the work that we do. Please continue in keeping with the highest of standards
that we, as a lodge, are used to seeing. Our annual Masonic Jr. Achievement
award presentation went well. It was well attended by the student’s teachers
and councilors. Masonry is not only about degrees and proficiencies, that’s
just a small part of it. It’s about helping when we can and giving back
so whenever we have functions such as these your participation is not only
recommended but expected.
June 28th Most Worshipful Brother John Van Egan
Grand Master of Masons in Colorado will pay us a visit; dress for this
event is slacks and a Hawaiian shirt. No suit, tie or gloves. (This meeting
only so don’t get used to it Bros Jeff and Tom.)
Again have a safe summer and I’ll see you back in the fall.
"If you want to know where the future of freemasonry will grow and
prosper its simple in the heart, in your heart, in my heart and in the
hearts of those who follow us."
I remain fraternally yours,
Worshipful Master
Troy D. Kaiser, Sr.
“Know Thy Self.”
May, 2011
First of all I would like to thank everyone for
the prayers, food, water, visits, phone calls, emails and text messages
I received while recovering. It is greatly appreciated and I am blessed
to have a great family of brothers.
Congratulations to brothers: Mark Izard, Kevin Weger,
and Brynt Curwen for being made Masons. Welcome my brothers, as I have
said before you will get out of masonry what you put into it.
Congratulations go out to brothers: Lien Doan, Nathan
Banak, Austin Almquist, J.D. Rick Blodgett and our Marshall, Michael Baker,
for the outstanding job you did on your respective degrees. Our annual
Easter egg hunt was a success, thank you to all the brothers
who made this a fun event for the kids.
We are having a Mother’s Day brunch on May 7th at 10:30am for
all widows, mothers, grandmothers and wives. Officers, we need to get together
before that date to discuss the menu and availability.
May 21st Aurora Lodge has once again been called upon by the Grand
Lodge to host the MWGL of Colorado’s 150th anniversary 3rd degree. Brethren,
we will once again be in the spotlight so let us put our best foot forward
and remind them why we are the best. We will be opening lodge at 7:30am
at the Highlands Masonic Temple. Dress code for officers and conductors
is black suit, burgundy shirt, white apron and gloves. Later that same
night on the 21st we are hosting our annual Junior Award Dinner honoring
our outstanding high school juniors. This is a very special night for the
young men, women and parents. I want to see a strong showing from us Masons
in support of our Junior Achievers. Dinner starts at 6:00pm with presentations
to follow.
“We can only know the fullest joys of Masonry when we truly walk
the paths of service and of hard work in the quarries.”
Fraternally yours,
Worshipful Master
Troy D. Kaiser, Sr.
“Know Thy Self.”
April, 2011
March the 5th was truly a historical event for Aurora
Lodge #156, as we were the lodge of ceremony for the Grand Lodge 150 year
sesquicentennial 1st degree class presented at Highlands Lodge. The Grand
Master, Deputy Grand Master and various Grand Lodge Officers were in attendance
to see what Aurora Lodge does best. We did not disappoint. The praise that
we received was humbling; one brother even said that he sees why we are
the best. That speaks volumes my brothers. I am very proud of our officers
and degree team. Congratulations to our newly made brothers: Joey Arora,
Jeremy R Baerns, Nathan Banek, Arturo Diaz III, Lein Doan, Eric Elder,
Mark Gaarder, J. Brody Goodman, Seth Jefferies, Milchell Marina, Spencer
Riley, Joseph Ruedy, Scott Smith, Davis Tomas and Mark Wardall. Welcome
my brothers, to our most honorable society. There will be a 3rd degree
held on April 16th and May 21st please see WB Steve Davis for details and
let him know if you would like to participate. Our Annual Easter egg hunt
is April 23rd at 10:00am at the lodge; bring all your young children for
fun and candy. April 30th is Joker Poker night at 5:00pm at our lodge building.
Buy ins and re-buy ins are $20, come out for a night of fellowship fun
and funny costumes. Reminder April 29th at 6:00pm there will be a temple
board meeting; all who are on the temple association board are required
to come.
“The secret of masonry, like the secret of life, can be known only
by those who seek it, serve it, and live it. It can not be uttered; it
can only be felt and acted. It is, in fact, an open secret, and each man
knows it according to his quest and capacity. Like all things worth knowing,
no one can know it for another and no one can know it alone.”
Fraternally yours,
Worshipful Master
Troy D. Kaiser, Sr.
“Know Thy Self.”
March, 2011
A very special congratulations goes
out to all the brothers here at Aurora Lodge #156 for being honored as
Outstanding Lodge of the Year for 2010. There are 131 Lodges in the
state making this a truly great honor. Additional congratulations
to WB Bob Brewer for being honored as Outstanding Mason of the Year.
There are around 1200 masons in Colorado and he reigns supreme. An
honor well deserved. Let us all continue to strive for the best in
all that we do.
Welcome to Brother Austin Almquist who
was made a mason at a Special Communication on Feb. 2, 2011. Brothers
Michael Baker, Jerry Bonds, David Sutton, Jeremy Blocker, and Chuck Fleming
all did a great job as they proved themselves proficient in their respective
degrees. Congratulations go out to our newly made master masons;
Brothers Jerry Bonds, Jeremy Blocker, Michael Baker, and Damirus Smith.
Welcome to the rank of overseer of the work, and trust me, you will all
be put to work. Keep in mind that March 5th at Highlands Lodge, we
are putting on the 1st degree for the Grand Lodge. All lodges in
the state that have candidates they wish to be initiated will bring them
that day and have the 1st degree conferred upon them. Practice for
this degree is Wednesday March 2nd at 6:00 p.m. at Aurora Lodge.
This is MANDATORY for all who are involved. Officers meeting will
be Saturday March 12. A Past Masters breakfast will be held on March
26 at 10:00 a.m. Current Line Officers will be cooking and serving
and need to be there at 8:00 a.m. to start cooking.
“A society without standards will be a society without stability
and it will one day go down. Not only nations but whole civilizations
have perished in the past for lack of righteousness. Hence the importance
attached to the square of virtue and the reason why Masons call it the
symbol of their Craft. It is the symbol of that moral law upon which
life must be based if it is to continue.”-Brother Josheph Fort Newton
Fraternally yours,
Worshipful Master
Troy D. Kaiser, Sr.
“Know Thy Self.”
February, 2011
My first officer's meeting as Master was a great
success, we have a lot of great things in store for the lodge so stay tuned.
The officers meeting will now be held the first Saturday of each month
at Rosie’s Diner at 9:00 am. Congratulations are in order for Brother
Wick Gordon who was recognized as Mason of the Year for 2010, he is a great
asset to our lodge, always willing to give of himself, so thank you for
all that you do. Congratulations to Brothers David Sutton and Michael Baker
for being passed to the degree of a fellow craft and to our degree team,
great job! We do some of the best work I have ever seen; let’s keep up
the good work. Congratulations to Brother Damaris Smith for his outstanding
2nd degree proficiency. Don’t forget about our annual Grand Lodge meeting
to be held on the 28th and 29th of January. This event is open to all Master
Masons. I would like to see a strong showing from our lodge but especially
from my officers. February 12th at 9:00am we will be doing 3rd degree work,
please come and support our soon to be newly raised master masons. Our
annual George Washington Dinner will be held Tuesday, February 22nd, Dinner
will be at 6:00pm. Please RSVP WBro Bob Suggs or me. Our first annual chili
cook off fundraiser is February 26 from noon to 3:00 pm, lets all enjoy
a day of fellowship and good eating.
“Remember to always square your actions my brothers because all who
behold you beholds a Mason.”
Fraternally yours,
Worshipful Master
Troy D. Kaiser, Sr.
“Know Thy Self.”
January, 2011
First and foremost I would like to thank the Great
Architect of the Universe for his many blessings.
I would also like to thank my installing Master
WBro. R. Roger Stene, my installing Marshal WBro. Steve Davis, and my installing
Chaplain WBro. Bob Brewer for the task of installing my officers, what
a wonderful job you all did and it is greatly appreciated.
I would like to thank all my officers and brethren
for their support.
I would like to thank WBro Marvin Parsons for his
outstanding year. A lot of wonderful things have happened under his command
and I speak for myself and the brethren here when I say well done.
I just want to say thank you my brother for finding
me worthy of the office of Worshipful Master, as this is the highest honor
that can be bestowed upon a Master Mason. I promise to do my best
to serve our Lodge and do what is right for the good of Masonry, thank
“Freemasonry is a system of instruction – transmitting
its knowledge through the use of symbols and oral teachings presented in
the framework of our Initiation rituals. As we grow within the Fraternity,
these symbols and teachings take on very deep and often very personal meanings.
The more time and effort we give to reflection on the teachings of our
Masonic Order, the more deeply we will understand them and allow them to
be a positive influence on our development as human beings.”
Fraternally yours,
Worshipful Master
Troy D. Kaiser, Sr.
“Know Thy Self.”
December, 2010
My Brothers,
My has time flown, it seem like yesterday I was
getting installed as Master. Thanks to everyone for your support
& your help with Masonic Work as well as all the things around the
Lodge. Thanks to all Our Brothers & Sisters from other Lodges
& Courts who have helped with many things.
With the Installation of the New Master we can give
our support not by talking about what we have done but what is going to
be done this next year.
Our work for the past year shows with the increased
membership that we have seen & we can see that is only going to continue
to grow.
So with this Last Master's Message I would like
to Show My Thanks for your Support & Wish the incoming Master the Best
of Luck.
Fraternally yours,
Marvin Parsons,
WM - 2010