- Our Lodge of Instruction meets at 7.30pm, every
Thursday, at the Halsey Masonic Centre, Turners Hill, Cheshunt . Herts.
- Tel. 01992621753 Fax. 01992621115
- The L.O.I. has had over 1000 meetings at this venue.
Workings are Emulation.
A G.P. meeting is held about 5 weeks before
each Lodge meeting. See NEWS.
Due to Masonic and other commitments, the LOI programme may change.
confirm with D.C. or secretary.
- Any Brother who cannot attend their own Lodge's L.O.I,
or would like to attend, is very welcome to join us.
- Drink and a chat in the bar after.
- We have an annual supper where members are encouraged
to come along and introduce guests, both Masons & non Masons. Interested?
Contact the secretary for details.
- (Next Supper, 15-Sept-2006) 7-00pm for 7-30.pm, to be
- AGM 2006
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