ATTENTION MASONIC WEBMASTERS:                      How would you like to have one of these awards on your site?..........................................


.....................Please read the text below to learn how....................

The AlJim Masonic WebMaster Awards

The Mission of The AlJim Masonic WebMasters  is to identify and honor those Masonic Web Sites across the World Wide Web without restrictions to race, creed or national origin with three awards a year which will include The Master Mason Award, The Fellowcraft Award and The Entered Apprentice Award.   The awards winners will selected by the AlJim Masonic WebMasters Membership Awards Consideration Committee. 

These awards are  NOT   awards presented by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina nor is it an intent to represent the thoughts, ideas, or representation of the same.  Its idea was conceived and borne from several Masonic friends and webmasters in order to honor the hard work and diligence of Masonic webmasters worldwide.

Membership in The AlJim Masonic WebMasters at this time is limited to North Carolina webmasters only.  However, winners of the awards, if not already members, will become members automatically.

The AlJim Masonic WebMasters Membership Awards Consideration Committee will be picked from the general membership roster at random and will serve on the committee one year from April 16 to April 15.  The committee will select three nominations for the awards, in order of preference Master Mason, Fellowcraft and Entered Apprentice.  After the selection process the winners will be notified by June  25th of each year and given the award graphic html at that time.  Nominations will be received at any date but consideration time for each year will be cutoff midnight April 1.   Nominations must be made by a Masonic  webmaster on any  MASONIC WEBSITE ONLY on the world wide web.  Members of The AlJim Masonic WebMasters Membership Awards Consideration Committee will NOT be eligible to receive the award the year they serve on the committee.  Award winners will NOT be eligible to receive the same award two years in secession.

No No No No
You Can't Do That

Guide Lines


Site Content

up to 30

Lodge or Body Information

up to 25

Lodge or Body History

up to 20

Masonic Graphic Usage

up to 15

Family Safe Viewing

up to 10

Site Readability

from 0 to -10


from 0 to -10


Maximum points obtainable 100, beware, advertising and readability counts against you but let not that discourage you from submitting your site or another webmasters site.

Membership and Site Submission Forms are PDF format.

Submit your application for membership

Submit your site for one of our awards

Membership Application Form

Site Submission Form 

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Page Last Updated 11/05/2012

For information about site please contact the Webmaster.
Copyright © 2003 by the AlJim Masonic WebMasters. All rights reserved. Revised 03/19/2004