Portage Chapter #202

Royal Arch Masons of Ohio

Portage Chapter No. 202
107 5th Street NW
PO Box 630
Barberton, Ohio 44203-0630
(330) 745-1317
2011-2012 Line Officers 2011-2012 Calendar of Events
Excellent High Priest - Joshua J. Grove
King - John E. Hollin
Scribe - Virgil Mick, II, PHP (Pro-Tem)
Captain of the Host - Donald D. Lawrence, PHP
Principal Sojourner - Frank J. Politz
Royal Arch Captain - Harold W. Wright
Master of the 3rd Veil - Mark Conway
Master of the 2nd Veil - Patrick J. Smith
Master of the 1st Veil - Robert R. Ewaska, Sr.
Sentinel -  
Secretary - REC. George R. Nockengost, PHP
Treasurer - Robert Jernigan, PHP
Education Officer & Chaplin - George W. King, Jr., PHP


Visitation Schedule for 17th District
Cuyahoga Falls VISITS Silvercreek
Silvercreek VISITS Medina
Kent VISITS Tyrian
Tyrian VISITS Portage
Medina VISITS Cuyahoga Falls
Portage VISITS Kent




Greetings Companions,

Well half the year has gone by and Portage Chapter is taking off.  Our annual inspection was held in November and everything went very well.  I was exceptionally pleased with the turnout and our dinner was served by Bethel 80, Jobs Daughters International. Service was so good (and so was the food) so we passed the had and collected $100 for our Jobs.  Our two candidates are eager to get involved and proceed with their Most Excellent Master Degree.  We would like to have a good turn out when we are holding it, so I encourage all companions to attend the February meeting and assist in the procession.

We are also starting a new tradition this year.  On December 17th, we will be hosting a Christmas Party for all the companions.  It will start at 4pm with a Santa sighting to follow.  Please see the insert on the inside.

Companions have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and keep all of our Military personnel in your prayers.  We all know someone who is or who has served during the holidays and were away from their families.


Joshua J. Grove, EHP


Saturday, 08/14/10: Horse Show to benefit REC James Himmelright @ Hinckley on W.130th 


Thursday, 02/02/12: Stated Convocation, 7:30pm @ Barberton
Most Excellent Master Degree


Tuesday, 02/08/12:


Saturday, 02/29/12:  Medina Inspection
Royal Arch Degree
Dinner @ 6:30pm
Degree @ 7:30pm


Tuesday, 02/22/12: Royal Arch School of Instruction
@ Medina Chapter @ 7:00pm



Thursday, 09/01/11: Stated Convocation, 7:30pm @ Barberton


Saturday, 09/10/11: Outdoor Mark Master Degree
8am Breakfast
9am Degree
Shalersville, Ohio on the east side of SR#44
3.6 mi. N of SR#14 or .7 mi. S of SR#303


Sunday, 09/11/11: Past Master Degree Practice
4:00pm @ Victory Lodge


Sunday, 09/18/11: Kent Chapter BBQ
3:00pm to 5:00pm


Thursday, 03/01/12: Stated Convocation, 7:30pm @ Barberton


Saturday, 03/24/12: Tyrian Inspection Royal Arch Degree
Breakfast @ 8:30am
Degree @ 9:30 am




10/04/11 to 10/06/11

Crown Plaza North

Columbus, Ohio


Thursday, 10/06/11: Stated Convocation, 7:30pm @ Barberton


Sunday, 10/09/11: Past Master Degree Practice
4:00pm @ Victory Lodge


Sunday, 10/24/11: Reaffirmation Service
FCC of Ravenna
at 10:15am


Sunday, 10/23/11:
Installation of DDGHP Rick Memmer
@ Kent Temple
@ 2:00pm


Tuesday, 10/25/11: Past Master School of Instruction
@ Kent Chapter @ 7:00pm


Sunday, 10/30/11:Past Master Degree Practice
4:00pm @ Victory Lodge



Thursday, 04/05/12: Stated Convocation, 7:30PM @ Barberton


Tuesday, 04/24/12: District Meeting at Silvercreek
Potluck @ 6:30pm
Meeting to Follow


Thursday, 11/03/11: Stated Convocation, 7:30pm @ Barberton


Sunday, 11/6/11:Past Master Degree Practice
4:00pm @ Victory Lodge


Tuesday, 11/8/11: Kent Inspection
Mark Master Degree @ 7:30pm
Refreshments to Follow


Friday, 11/11/11: Portage Inspection
Past Master Degree
Dinner @ 6:30pm
Degree @ 7:30pm


Monday, 11/21/11: District Meeting and Turkey Dinner at Tyrian Chapter
Dinner @ 6:30pm
Meeting @ 7:30pm
Ladies invited


Wednesday, 11/30/11: Cuyahoga Falls Inspection
Past Master Degree
Dinner @ 6:30pm
Degree @ 7:30pm



Thursday, 05/03/12: Stated Convocation, 7:30 @ Barberton


Saturday, 05/19/12: Region E King School @ 9:00am
@ Lyndhurst Masonic Temple
(Click here for Map)


Thursday, 12/03/11: Stated Convocation, 7:30pm @ Barberton
Most Excellent Practice to follow.


Tuesday, 12/13/11:
Portage official Visitation with Kent Chapter


Thursday, 12/15/11: Silvercreek Inspection Past Master Degree
Dinner @ 6:30pm
Degree @ 7:30pm


Saturday, 12/17/11: Akron York Rite Christmas Party
@ Barberton Temple
@ 4:00pm



Saturday, 06/02/11: Awards Night & GHP Reception @ Cuyahoga Falls
Dinner @ TBD


Thursday, 06/07/12: Stated Convocation, 7:30 @ Barberton
(Annual Convocation & Elections)


Wednesday, 06/13/12: Annual Planning Convocation
Dinner @ 6:30pm
Location: Belgrade Gardens Restaurant in Barberton


Thursday, 01/05/12: Stated Convocation, 7:30pm @ Barberton
Most Excellent Practice to follow.




Portage Chapter #202 Meets on the FIRST Thursday of every month, except in July and August when the Chapter is dark.

Portage Chapter #202 meets at the Barberton Masonic Temple located at 107 5th Street (across from Lake Anna), and parking is available along the side or nearby.

"Further Light in Masonry"
An Introduction to Royal Arch Masonry by the
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of California
The information posted below is not from the Grand Chapter of Ohio or its subordinate bodies.

What has attracted so many Brethren to seek further light in Royal Arch Masonry??
The Royal Arch Degrees was considered most important in the early years of Freemasonry and so dogmatic was the Mother Grand Lodge - from which all Speculative Masonry derives - that in 1813, when the two grand lodges in England united, a firm and solemn landmark was adopted and placed in the Articles of Union to guide Masons throughout the world forever on this matter: "Pure Ancient Freemasonry consists of but three degrees, viz., that of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch." The landmark has never been changed and to this day no other degree has been officially recognized by the Mother Grand Lodge and every rite, system or additional degree in Freemasonry cannot confer its degree on a Master Mason until he has received the Royal Arch Degree. Naturally, this is as it should be, because a man is not a Master Mason until he receives the Master's Word and he can only receive it in the Royal Arch.

The Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry consists of four degrees, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason.

The Mark Master Degree is believed to have originated as a ceremony of registering a craftsman's mark in those years distinguished by operative craft masons and their temple building. It was later developed into a full-fledged degree by the Masonic fraternity as we know it today, Some scholars say it was the earliest degree and may predate all others by many years. It is highly regarded by students in all Masonry, teaching lessons that have proven of value in all walks of life. Some Grand Lodges place so high an eminence on the Mark Master Degree, that they confine it to the jurisdiction of a separate grand body, the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters.

The Past Master Degree came into being because originally the degree of Royal Arch was conferred by the Symbolic (Blue) Lodge only on actual Past Masters. This degree was instituted to make it possible for all worthy Brethren to receive the Royal Arch degree. The first record of its conferral is found in 1768 in England.

The Most Excellent Master Degree is a product of American innovation. It was conferred in a Royal Arch Chapter as early as 1783 in Middletown, Conn. It is by far the most spectacular degree in all Freemasonry. It is the only degree that brings forcibly to our attention the completion and dedication of King Solomon's Temple. The very idea upon which all Masonic symbolism has been based.

The Royal Arch Degree is the climax of Ancient Craft Masonry and Masonic Symbolism. It is described as "the root and marrow of Freemasonry." It is the complete story of Jewish History during some of its darkest hours. Jerusalem and the Holy temple are destroyed, The people are being held captive as slaves in Babylon. Here you will join with some slaves as they are set free to return home and engage in the noble and glorious work of rebuilding the city and the Temple of God. It is during this rebuilding that they make a discovery that brings to light the greatest treasure of a Mason --the long lost Master's Word.

Many historians have traced the earliest origins of the Royal Arch Degree to Ireland, late in the 17th century and in England in 1738, In 1752, ambulatory or military warrants for Lodges were introduced. This was instrumental in placing the Royal Arch Degree on a par with the Master Mason Degree.
Military lodges were greatly responsible for planting Freemasonry in the Colonies and also gave birth to the use of the Marl and Royal Arch degrees in the "New World." Lodge records show that the Royal Arch Degree was conferred at Fredericksburg No. 4 on December 12, 1753. George Washington was raised in this lodge a few months prior to this date.

The value of Royal Arch Masonry will be appreciated by all who are exalted to that most sublime degree, particularly by those who are seeking to complete their Masonic education. It reveals the full light of Ancient Craft Masonry, presents it as a complete system in accordance with the original plan and justly entitles you to claim the noble name of Master Mason.

Akron York Rite

Akron Council #83

Akron Commandery #25