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Three Valley of Springfield members to receive 33°
The Valley of Springfield, AASR, is proud to announce that three valley
members have received the 33° at the Supreme Council session held in Grand
Rapids, Michigan, August, 2005. Please join us in congratulating these outstanding men and Masons on the
attainment of this high honor and accomplishment.
Franklin E. Cline, MSA. Frank has served the Valley of Springfield as its executive secretary from
2001 to 2003 and is currently serving the valley as the Orator of the Consistory
Line. He was presented with the Meritorious Service Award in 2004. Frank holds the position of Deputy Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of
A.F. & A.M. of the State of Illinois.
William D. Graber, MSA. Bill has served the valley as its Thrice Potent Master from 1999 to 2001
and is currently serving as the 2nd Lieutenant Commander of the Consistory Line. Bill also acts as the chairman of the board of the Springfield Masonic
Center, Inc. He was director of the stage crew for many years. Bill was presented with the Meritorious Service Award in 1994.
Joseph W. Lucas Joe has been an active member of the Valley of Springfield for many years and is currently serving as the High Priest of the Council
Princes of Jerusalem. Joe also serves on the valley finance committee. He is currently serving as Potentate of Ansar Shrine, AAONMS