Upcoming Events and Meetings
List of meeting at our lodge or others we would like to attend.

Lodges in the State of Kentucky often meet a couple of times a month. Woodstock Lodge only meets once every month. Woodstock Lodge meets on the 3
rd Saturday of every month. On a normal month we will often serve food at 6:30pm and the meeting will start at 7:30pm.
Next 3 Standard Meeting Nights and Call Meeting
Saturday March 11
th 2017 -- CALL MEETING for the purpose of confering the EA degree. 6PM
Saturday March 18
th 2017 -- We will be having a 3rd Degree and hope everyone can come out.
Saturday April 15
th 2017
Saturday May 20
th 2017.
Grand Lodge Related Meetings
District 21 & 22 Meeting April 15
th 2017
SW highschool 12:00 meal 1:00 meeting
Ladies invited
Other Meetings to Support
Russell Springs Masonic Lodge #941 March 16
th 2017
6PM Eat 7PM Meet CST
FC degree on 4 Brothers
380 Jamestown Street, Russell Springs, Kentucky 42642