No. 760
OFFICERS FOR 2003 A.D./6003A.L.
Rear Row Left to Right: Kevin S. Walton-Tyler, Michael S. James-Junior Steward, MW William H. Simpson-Past Grand Master of Masons in North Carolina of A.F. & A.M., Daniel P. Bishop-Secretary, Larry B. Thompson-Assistant Secretary
Middle Row Left to Right: Carl Ray Hall-DDGM & Assistant Treasurer, Dudley H. Sheppard-Treasurer, Ronald D. R. Sortino-Senior Deacon, Robert W. "Boog" Powell-Senior Steward, Agusta E. Lawing-Chaplin, Edd R. Little, Jr.-DDGL
Front Row Left to Right: Joseph M. "Morty" Jayson-Senior Warden, H. Lloyd Wilkerson-Master, MW Charles A. Lewis, Jr.-Grand Master of Masons in North Carolina of A.F. & A.M., Brandon E. Scott-Junior Warden