Brothers All,

As Worshipful Master of Village 315 it is my formal duty to emphasize the will of the Grand Lodge of Florida, Masonic Digest, Bi-Laws and Village Lodge culture, will of the Craft, and most importantly Brotherly Love impartially. Therefore, my concentration is to afford every opportunity for the Craft to learn how to work on their own personal ashlars by way of the Working Tools provided by our Ancient Craft, the digest, and our universal Sacred Law to make himself a better Mason and man outside the Lodge. In order to move forward, as Worshipful Master, a list of committees and their appointed chairmen have been impartially selected and illuminated below; and per the digest, reports will be given to me on a bi-weekly basis as an effort to monitor the progress of each committee’s advancement and concerns. Masonry is an extremely vast system that our Lodge plays a monumental part in and in conjunction, each officer will learn and perform all of their duties in efforts to instill, exert, and exacerbate Brotherly Love without any regards towards advocating disharmony. 20.18 Of the digest empowers me as the Worshipful Master to remove any Brother that neglects his duties on their appointed positions. Let nothing fail in the hands of your duties Brothers and let Brotherly be our strength in our Ancient society.
WM Charles R Purcell Jr.