Our schedule of Speakers for Fall 2010 is:

February 15th
King Solomon's Fleet

Bro. Joel Coulombe

On Friday the 13th of October 1307, the King of France and Pope moved against the Knights Templar, imprisoning their members and seizing their properties. Recorded history tells us that the Order's main treasury in Paris was found to be empty, the main wealth of the order had been spirited away before the net closed on the Templars.

The day before in La Rochelle a Templar fleet is recorded as being in the harbour. On the 13th though, the ships were gone - what happened to them is a mystery that has endured ever since. Did the Templars flee with the bulk of their treasure ?

And what happened to the Templars and their treasure after 1307 ? Accepted history reveals very little...  Have the Templars and their wealth featured in history since then without our realising ?  Does Victoria have a connection to this mystery ?

Join us on February 15th as Bro. Joel Coulombe of Nicola Lodge #53, of Merritt, B.C. shares much of the research he has compiled for his forthcoming book on the subject of King Solomon's Fleet...

March 15th
The Spirits of Freemasonry

R.W.Bro. Doug Franklin

Some of the earliest Freemasons' lodges met in rooms within taverns.  From early records, we know that toasting and "taking wine" were important features of table lodges and festive boards.  Even so, by the mid-1800s, a number of grand jurisdictions and individual lodges prohibited the drinking of alcohol beverages, even at refreshment. 

At the same time, however, several prominent Brethren such as M.W. Bro. Alexander Keith and R.W. Bro. John Molson were important figures in the brewing and distilling industry.  This paper explores aspects of Masonic history and ceremony associated with spirituous drink. 

It' s a subject worth sampling !

April 19th

Order of the Eastern Star
~ Open Meeting ~

The Victoria Lodge of Education and Research of Education will be welcoming members of the Order of the Eastern Star for an open meeting where we hope to learn a little more about the history and practices of this interesting branch of the Masonic Family.

Speakers will include W.Bro. Alex Reid (District #1 Education Officer and Worthy Patron of the Eastern Star) as well as members of the order.

Join us for what promises to be a most interesting evening  -  members of your family and close friends are welcome too...


7pm - Wine and Cheese

8pm - Open Meeting





If you would like to offer a paper or presentation to the Lodge, please contact the secretary.