From the Desk of the Secretary Joe Marshall
I know it has been a while that I have had an article in the news letter. What has prompt me to write this time is just to pass on a little information. As some of you are aware at the resent Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky they voted to raise the Grand Lodge dues. I was unable to attend Grand Lodge this year, but I was able to find out that they had a time trying to get an increase. They were asking for a $5.00 assessment, and after a long debate and voting 4 times they settle for a $2.50 increase.
They have tried to get an increase for some time now but have lost out each year. Because the lodges would not go for it, most lodges have it in there by-laws that when the Grand lodge gets an assessment they must match it. For example, with a $2.50 increase, most lodges will be faced with a $5.00 increase. So you can see how hard it is to get an assessment passed.
A few months ago I had to bring to the attention of the lodge the financial status of we are not broke but we do have a problem and that is our income. Our lodge dues our $36.00 a year, with $21.00 dollars going to Grand Lodge, and we keeping 15.00 for the annual budget. So a total of $36.00 X 472 Members = $16,992.00 and from that we subtract our dues free members, which total 92 this year which leaves 13,680.00 and that's if all the remaining members pays their dues. So far this year 30 still have not paid their dues which is another $1080.00 that can be taken away from the annual budget. So now we are down to 12,600.00 and out of that we must pay our Grand lodge assessment which will be 380 (if all pay) 380 X $21.00 = $7,980.00 now take that away from 12,600.00 this leaves us with a total of $4620.00 to handle the annual budget of the lodge. Which the Lodge budget runs almost twice this amount.
We have discussed the raising of our dues, and we have talked about cutting the lodges budget but in reality there nothing we can cut that would not alter the great lodge we have. We actual need to increase it to improve it and try an encourage more members to come back. And try and draw in new members. But once again our ace in the hole the Social Club which is the primary fund raiser of the lodge has took that step and paid $5000.00 on the Grand Lodge assessments this year.