May - June 2003
No 9 |
From the Master
Alan Whitlow
Greetings Suburban Lodge Members:
Well here it is again another two months have past and it seems to me like
they are going faster now then they did last year. We are planning a trip
to see the Bats baseball game on May the 25th at 7:15 pm. We have started
having a meeting of the officers every month on a Friday nights. This
month we are all going with the DeMolay to the planetarium at U of L for
the Laser light show. This meeting is for the Good of the order I am
inviting any member and his wife, girl friend, etc. And of course don’t
bring both. I will try to list our meeting on the web for those of you who
can not get on the web, call me I will give you all the information. These
(meetings) will be more of a lodge outing as in the old days when the
members went on fishing trips, dinners and so on. We are looking for ideas
from the craft and their ladies as to what we might do next month. If
Thursdays are bad for you come on out with us once a month on a Friday and
enjoy fellowship with some of your lodge brothers and their ladies. We
have a few new Ideas for the Lodge to make it public and try to get the
word out that the Masonic order is still around and doing fine. We may
even pick up some new members in the process. Brothers, it would wonderful
to see you at lodge. The lodge is moving right along things are changing
.Check out the web page and drop me an email. I would like to have
everyone’s email address so I can keep you up to date about what is
happening around the Lodge, death notices, specials events an so on We are
still waiting for a reply from Keystone Lodge as to when they may visit
us. When I hear from them I will post it on the web. Bill Harvey and some
other good brothers have made phone calls to lost brothers it seem to be
working. I would like to ask each one of you to call an old friend and you
both get on back to lodge I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised at
what you find when you get here as I have said so many times before we
will treat you so many different way’s you will have to like one of them.
Suburban 740 Newsletter
Sponsored by Suburban Masonic
Lodge #740 F&AM and published bi-monthly. All members and friends are
invited to submit items of interest for publication.
Please send copy
prior to Third
Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December to:
Jan Wilt-Editor or email to
jdwilt@insightbb.com |
Reported ILL
Willie Clemons
Had Surgery
Heart Problems
Lung Problems
Your Senior Warden
Stan Robinson
Brothers I hope you will understand that the writing of this article comes
at a very difficult time. I will begin with an apology for not having
something in reserve to send to my Brothers, my friends.
Some of my brothers may not be aware that the Great Architect 0f The
Universe has called my Mother home to spend eternity with Him and my
For the first time in my life I awoke and was an orphan. I awoke and had
no one to call for advise or consolation, I was now the eldest in my
In no time at all I found out what Masonry was about! The word spread
quickly and my home phone, cell phone, computer and pager were constantly
beeping or ringing. I have tried to be a good Mason in the past and tried
to be to my Brothers what I should be. I never dreamed of the returns of
such acts. I know that what my family received is in a great way the
respect for my Beloved Father and Mother. I do not deserve the love and
respect that was shown to my family, from the Lodge, the Hall Association
and the Social Club. But you must trust me, It did not go unnoticed.
It is with a heavy heart and deep appreciation that I say to one and all,
"My thanks go out to each and every one of you! May God bless you one and
The program for helping the Masonic Infirmary is beginning to pick up some
steam and there will be more to come as we progress. Letters are being
formed to send to corporations and individuals as needed. This is action
that is long over due.
The Saint Johns Day League picnic is also starting to take shape and I
hope to meet with ALL my Brothers to request assistance. The date for the
picnic is June 12, 13 and 14th. (Is it an omen that the 13th is Friday, I
hope not!) Brothers my plate is full and I can not complete this task
without your help. There are arrangements to be made and orders to be
filled long before the actual day of the picnic, as you all know that have
done this before me.
There is the BIG day at Slugger Field, May 25, where we can celebrate
Masonry with the whole state as well as adjoining organizations. The
ballgame begins at 7:30 p.m. with a great fireworks display afterwards.
The kid in all of us should have a wonderful day. The playground inside
the ball park makes for a great time for our kids and grand children.
Where else can you spend just $5.00 and commune with people of a like
mind. Also on the scoreboard all Lodges and Organizations will be honored
during the game as the emblems scroll during the game.
A fantastic musical group will be performing at out next Family Night,
Thursday May 29, 2003, with a meal beginning at 6:30 p.m. and the
entertainment at 7:30 p.m. It will be Gospel and Patriotic songs to
celebrate this great land and freedom of worship, don't miss out on this
A small note of explanation from the West. I am sure everyone knows of the
merger of governments presently taking place. My profession as a
commanding officer with the police department and Derby being on top of
us, along with the other events taking place around us, please don't fail
to "whisper good counsel in the ear of an errant brother."
Until the next time, may God bless and keep you, and your families, in the
hollow of His hand and may you be in Heaven an hour before the devil knows
you've passed. |
In Memoriam
Brother Flieischman was born in Jefferson County KY on the 14th day of
April 1923, he was Initiated on the 10 day of March 1966, and past to the
degree of a Fellow Craft on the 21st day of July 1966 and raised to that
sublime degree of Master Mason on the 25th of August 1966, all in Suburban
Lodge # 740 F & AM where he was a faithful member for 38 Years.
Having Complete his designs upon his Trestle Board Brother Flieischman
laid down the working tools of his busy Life and entered that Lodge above
on the 2nd day of March 2003, he is missed by his Wife Paulene and Son
Kenneth, other Family Members and Many Friends.
Masonic Services was conduct By brother Joe Masrhall, at the Ratterman’s
Funeral Home on Bardstown Road with 11, Members attending. Condolence was
extended to the family and a nice Floral arrangement.
Brother Williams was born in Millerstown Kentucky on the 3 day of January
1919, he was Initiated on the 14 day June 1951, and passed to the degree
of Fellow Craft on the 12th day of July 1951, and raised to the sublime
degree of Master Mason on the 16th day of August 1951. All in Suburban
Lodge # 740 F & AM. Where he was a faithful member for over 50 years.
Having completed the designs upon his trestle board Brother Williams laid
down the working tools of his busy life and entered that lodge above on
the 11th day of March 2003. He is sadly missed by his sister Bessie, and
his Nephew Kerry, who was there in his time of need. Other family members,
and many friends.
Masonic Services was conducted by Brother Joe Marshall, at the Keenae’s
Funeral Home on Dixie Hwy. Condolences was extended to the family and a
Floral arrangement.
Suburban Lodge # 740 F&AM
3901 South 3rd Street, Louisville Kentucky 40214
Joe Marshall, PM, Secretary
(502) 368-3161-Office (502) 551-4214-Cell
Scholarship Applicants
Dear Applicant,
I am pleased to announce that Suburban Lodge #740 F&AM has established the
Suburban Lodge Scholarship Program. We currently have six $500.00
scholarships available. Any one who will be attending an accredited
collage, university, vocational or technical school this fall may apply.
The scholarship may be used for tuition, books, housing, fees, etc.
You will find application forms, on line at suburban740.org, or contact
the scholarship committee.
These scholarships are not limited to the Masonic organization.
The Suburban Scholarship Committee
Bob Marshall, PM
Home Phone: (502) 937-6509
Greg Coffee, Jack Flamm, PM, Jon Elbert, PM
From the Chaplain
Frank Coryell
Remember these Brothers
James W. Allen, Dan Anderson, Bill Anderson, James Ballou, Ed Becker,
Allie Brown, Willard Browning, Ben Chappell, Willie Clemons, Jim Crabtree,
Jim Davis, Gary Harris, John Johnson, Jack Jones, Will Killen, Sam Lowe,
Jim Metcalfe, Jack Trent; Master Alan Whitlow and his mother-in-law,
Alice, Jim Metcalfe and his wife, Dorothy, Senior Deacon Barry Denton and
his daughter, Caroline Rose, and his mother, Wilma, Entered Apprentice
John Adams and his mother, Helen, Past Master Melvin Carter and his wife,
Margaret, Past Master Arthur Carty and his wife, Fern, Paul Jones brother,
Horace Jones, Bob Lewis and his wife Gennetta, Harold Nipper and his wife,
If you know any Brother(s) who are ill or home bound, or who have illness
in their family, please call Frank Coryell at 502-363-9774. If I am not
there, please leave a message.
Football Party
The officers of Suburban Lodge are making plans for a Football Party on
August 31, 2003, to watch the University of Kentucky vs University of
Louisville Football game.
This will not only be a family night but will also present an opportunity
to invite any friend who you think might make a good Mason to come, with
his family, to meet some of our members.
There will be refreshments.
Look for more details in the next newsletter.
Coming Events
for May and June 2003
1 Stated
Meeting 7:30PM
2 Oaks Day Park Cars
3 FISH FRY Closed
Derby Day Park Cars 7:30AM
5 DeMolay 7:00PM
6 Hall Association
8 Stated Meeting
12 Rainbow 7:30PM
13 Social Club
15 Stated Meeting
19 DeMolay 7:00PM
20 Southern Star
22 Stated Meeting
24 Fish Fry 10AM TO
25 River Bats Ball
Game 7:15PM
26 Rainbow 7:30PM
27 York Rite
29 Stated Meeting
31 Fish Fry 10AM TO
2 DeMolay
3 Hall
Association 7:30PM
On Sunday, May 25th 2003, it will be
"MASONIC DAY" at Louisville Slugger Field
The Bats will play against the Rochester Red Wings beginning at 7:15 pm
Tickets will be $5.00 per person, and all sales will be in advance.
In addition, there will be Memorial Day Eve Post-Game Fireworks , and a
large crowd is
expected, so get your tickets early!
Tickets can be purchased by me, beginning March 1st all the way up until
May 1st
Contact me for tickets and additional information:
Alan Whitlow
(502) 367-1636 - Home
(502) 345-5450 - Cell
(502) 368-3161 - Lodge
From the
Junior Warden
Jack Flamm
SPRING IS HERE! , I hope it is a good feeling for one and all to
experience the warm winds gently at our backs and as we feel the days
growing longer. We all, as members of the great Masonic Fraternity have
learned to love and appreciate the ladies in our lives, more especially it
is only fitting that we set aside one special day to pay our love and
respect to that one who is dearest to us “MOM”. To those of you who have
never heard the DeMolay flower talk, I urge you to see and hear it.
Brother Senior Warden Stan Robinson, your loss is great and your burden is
heavy from the loss of your Mother. From all of us you have our deepest
and most sincere sympathy. She is only away and we will all meet in the
sweet by and by as the old song states.
Please remember our St. John’s picnic, June 12, 13 and 14th. We are all
needed and I will hope to see you there. Kids and grandkids are most
I would like to be corrected if I am wrong, if my arithmetic is correct
and I figured it up right, it is time to say Happy 92nd Birthday to our
sister organization, Southern Star Chapter #154 Order of the Eastern Star.
Remember mom and the picnic, I will see you soon.
p.s. I am still looking for a suitable picture of me for the Newsletter.
(editors note: I don’t know if this is suitable or not Jack, but I found a
picture of you as you see above!) |
Thank You letter to Suburban
To the Master, Wardens and Brothers
of Suburban Lodge #740, F&AM ;
I would like to thank you for the generous donation to help with postage
for sending care packages to our troops overseas. I have sent 7 care boxes
so far and plan to send the additional 12 boxes over the next 2 weeks. I
know that all our troops appreciate your prayers of support and help in
sending them care packages. It is extremely important to let them know we
support them and not forget why they are there.
Thank You,
Kim Johnson
(LCPL Matthew Johnson's mother)
Lorraine Assembly #6
On March 26, the girls held bingo for the residents at the OES Home and
presented each resident with a fuzzy white bunny, which brought all of
them good luck that night. The Assembly attended Church together on
Sunday, April 6th and had a total of 23 in attendance with Lorraine. After
the service, we walked back to the Lodge Hall and had a delicious Pot Luck
We are presently selling mini M&M’s and some variety packages of
chocolates for a fund raiser. Please call Aunt Rose if you would like to
help the girls out by buying some candy.
On Monday, April 14th, we had our Official Visit from our Grand Worthy
Advisor, Julia Tarr. We sent her on her travels with a big Easter basket
with lots of goodies. We also presented her with Teddy Bears, Easter
bunnies and coloring books and crayons to be given to the Shiners Hospital
in Lexington, which is one of her projects this year. If you would like to
support one of her other projects by donating just $1 to have your name
put on the Magnolia in the back of the Grand Assembly Room at Grand
Assembly, she will use this money to help in the Wheel chair Fund for that
Hospital. Please contact Aunt Rose if you wish to help out.
On April 26th, we will be helping at the Fish Fry, but will also be having
a Bake Sale to benefit Mandy Caffee’s Grand Worthy Advisor fund for her
term. If you can donate any items for this Bake Sale, contact Aunt Rose.
Of course, if you can come out and make a purchase that day, that would be
greatly appreciated.
We are in the process of making plans for Grand Assembly to be held at the
Executive Inn West on June 13, 14 and 15th and are presently designing an
Assembly apron and other things that will have to be done by our
deadlines. If you would like to place an ad in the Grand Assembly Program,
please call Aunt Rose. This is a very exciting time for the Assembly, as
Mandy Caffee will be installed as Grand Worthy Advisor of Kentucky Rainbow
on Sunday, June 15th and would love for as many as possible from all the
organizations who meet at Suburban Lodge Hall to attend.
Rainbow Girls of Lorraine #6
We invite all Masons and Eastern Star members to attend
our meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. and if
you know of a young lady between the ages of 11 and 20, please tell her
about Rainbow. We would be glad to have her name so that we can give her
further information about Rainbow. If you know of a young lady between the
ages of 7 and 11, we also have a pledge Group who meets at the same time
with Teresa Whitlow as the Pledge Mother.
With our Rainbow Love,
Aunt Rose Flamm
Mother Advisor
Home ph. # 491-4757
Family Night
Thursday May 29th
6:30 p.m.
There will be lots of Food and Entertainment ! |
Every Saturday
From 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The members of Suburban Social Club would like to thank you for your
Rainbow Bake sale on April 26th
(Proceeds to go to Mandy Caffee’s Grand Worthy Advisor Fund)
by Jan D. Wilt
Hope everyone enjoys this edition of Suburban 740 News. I do have one
request, if you are sending an article for publication in the
newsletter, please if you are using a word processor, please use MS
Word, Word Perfect, or send it text, or RTF (rich text format) only.
If you are a line officer and do not have a computer, you can use the
Editors or Secretary’s computer if you need to. Thanks |
From the Senior Deacon
Barry Denton
Gene Autry
“Country Singer, Humanitarian, &
33rd Degree Mason”
Born in Tioga, Texas on September 29, 1907, Gene Autry was raised playing
music and by the age of five he was singing in his grandfather's church
choir. Encouraged by Will Rogers to pursue a career in radio, it wasn't
long before the talented youngster gained popularity, followed by a
recording contract with Columbia Records in 1929. Gene Autry made 635
recordings, including more than 300 songs written or co-written by him.
His records have sold more than 100 million copies. He has more than a
dozen gold and platinum records, including the first record ever certified
gold, "That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine." His Christmas and children's
records "Here Comes Santa Claus" and "Peter Cottontail" are among his
platinum recordings. "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," the second all-time
best selling Christmas single, boasts in excess of 50 million in sales.
Gene Autry is the only entertainer to have five stars on the Hollywood
Walk-of-Fame, one each for radio, records, movies, television, and live
performance, including rodeo and theater appearances.
Besides music, baseball was a childhood passion. He was the owner of the
Los Angeles Angels. More importantly, he was a 33rd Degree Mason, which is
inscribed, on his tombstone. Gene Autry cherished his time in the craft,
dedicating his time, money, and popularity with Masons, they’re wives and
children, and they’re widows and orphans. Autry was also an honorary
Inspector General and was given the prestigious award of the Grand Cross
of the Court of Honor. Among the many hundreds of honors and awards Autry
has received are induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame, the
American Academy of Achievement Award, the Los Angeles Area Governor's
Emmy from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, and the Board of
Directors Lifetime Achievement in Arts Foundation. Gene Autry passed away
at his home in Studio City, California on October 2, 1998 after a long
illness. He was 91 years old.
Out of hundreds of well-known Masons in the world, Gene Autry just didn’t
receive the title of Master Mason, but earned the title of the 33rd Degree
Master Mason. He is an example for all Master Masons worldwide to look up
to and to be proud of.
Greetings from Cherokee DeMolay. We have just kicked off our ad sales
program for summer Conclave. We hope to have a successful year with ad
Congratulations go out to Keith Gallai on his early graduation from high
school. Keith has been a member of Cherokee since the age of twelve. Keith
turned eighteen on April 20, 2003.
We have several activities planned for May. May 2nd – 4th we will travel
to Mt. Sterling for our spring Conclave. The DeMolay will play golf,
basketball and compete in various ritual competitions. The following
Monday, May 5th, will be our stated meeting.
May 17th will be a very busy day for us. We will work the fish fry that
day and will sell Conclave boosters at The Scottish Rite Temple. Eastern
Star is holding a district school that day in Louisville.
May 19th we will hold our stated meeting. On May 31st, Cherokee Mother’s
Club will be holding a bake sale to raise funds. This is also Cherokee’s
day to work the fish fry. Please come out and support the bake sale.
June will also be a busy month. We will be getting ready for summer
Conclave. We also plan to work the St. John’s Day Picnic booth. Sarah
Fautz, State Sweetheart, will put the DeMolay to work washing cars at the
Wal-Mart in Fern Creek on June 21st to help her raise money for
decorations and flowers for summer Conclave. Bring your dirty cars out and
we’ll make’em shine.
Thanks to all the DeMolay, Advisors, Mother’s Club, Sweethearts and most
of all my wife, Teri. On Monday night, April 7th, at our meeting everyone
surprised me with a 40th birthday party after our meeting. Teri made a
speech and roasted me with funny stories that have happened to me during
my 2 ½ years as Chapter Dad.
Greg Coffey
A Note from Brother Bill Harvey
Recently I have started going through the membership rolls and have been
calling many to invite you to come back to lodge again. I realize that
some of our members are elderly and can’t come out at night. For those of
you who are able, how about giving Suburban another try? Of course we meet
each Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. (except for a 5th Thursday, which is a
Family Night activity).
I am thankful that 2 brothers that we called have attended lodge in the
past 3 weeks, and one of them hadn’t been there in nearly 50 years.
Brothers, we have a very active lodge, good food and fellowship and our
meetings aren’t very long. In our new lodge, we do have a very nice
elevator for those who have trouble with stairs.
I have always wondered why people join any organization, pay yearly dues
and never darken the doorway. Anyway, my hope is that each able bodied
brother could pay a visit to lodge at least once every month so we can get
to know each of you and share some fellowship together. We average about
25 to 35 brothers at each meeting, which is probably more than any other
lodge in Kentucky, but of course we are larger than most lodges in
Kentucky and with a membership of over 500 or so members, that number
should be much larger. Also in calling our membership, we are finding out
that several brothers have had illness and surgeries. This helps us in
sending that brother a card letting him know that Suburban Lodge and its
brothers are thinking of him.
I want to thank Past Master Frank Coryell, Chaplain, for going the extra
mile in getting these cards together and signed by our members attending
and then getting the cards mailed out. Dear brothers, we would just like
to invite each of you to join us for lodge in the coming year and may God
Bless each of you.
Fraternally, Bill Harvey |
At a lodge meeting a few days ago, while drinking
coffee and solving major world problems in the “Liars’ Lounge,” which
adjoins every lodge room, several of the self proclaimed experts on every
subject under the sun were holding a boisterous discussion. Of course,
since I am a self professed expert on just about everything, and don’t
mind letting it be known, I joined in.. After giving my expert opinion on
the subject, and listening to several other solutions to the particular
problem, I announced that everybody else was nuts, and I was the only sane
person in the bunch. That’s when I was told to “go fly a kite.”
Now it was March, and the wind was blowing, and I hadn’t flown a kite for
a long time, so I decided that maybe an intelligent idea had finally
fallen out of the noggin of one of those idiots. Even geniuses need to
relax and do something occasionally that doesn’t tax their superior
mentality, so I decided I would literally go fly a kite.
So the next day I hunted up the big, fancy, colorful, plastic Superman
kite I had bought a couple of years ago and stored in the garage. I found
a five hundred feet roll of string, tied a couple of old neckties on for a
tail, and headed out to fly my kite. I’d show those suckers in the Liar’s
Just a short distance from my house there’s a large, open, grassy field,
and not a single Charley Brown Kite-Eating tree anywhere near it. It’s
used by a lot of kids during kite season, so that was where I would go.
I’d fly my fancy Superman kite so high that every ten and twelve-year-old
kid there would be envious of an old dude who really knew how to fly a
Some of the other kids were there and some of them had their kites flying
pretty high, but that didn’t bother me. I was sure my very impressive and
expensive kite would just soar right out of sight. After all, it was named
after Superman, and he could get higher than Otis Campbell on a Saturday
night in Mayberry. Why, I’ve got comic books that show Superman flying to
the moon and back so fast that Lois Lane thought he was still in the phone
booth changing into his Superman tights and cape, so nobody would know he
was really Clark Kent, the mild mannered reporter on the Metropolis
Gazette. |
I made a big show of getting ready to put Old Sup into the
air, and leaving those cheapo kites behind like a 747 passing a piper cub.
That’s when I got a shock. I couldn’t believe it! My Superman kite simply
refused to fly. Those ten and twelve-year-old kids had their dime store
kites about four miles high, and my beautiful, five-dollar Superman kite
just lay down and died. It refused to even get off the ground. It was so
embarrassing! I think one of those kids must have been Superman’s old arch
enemy Lex Luther in disguise, and he must have had some kreptonite in his
pocket. Everybody knows that kreptonite is the only thing that can take
away Superman’s powers.
I was so disgusted I walked off and left that wimpy Superman lying face
down on the ground. I’d buy a kite at the “Everything’s a Dollar” store. I
didn’t care if it had Elmer Fudd’s picture on it. The heck with Superman.
I like Batman better anyway.
Yes, I know kites are kids toys, but a few years after retirement we old
dudes enter our second childhood, and it’s even more fun than our first
childhood. In these modern times there are more fancy toys than there were
sixty or seventy years ago, and we have more money to buy them and more
time to play with them. And if the younger generation laughs at us we can
blame it on our “Oldsters Disease.” Actually most of us don’t find it
necessary to defend out actions when we play with our toys. I’ve got a
room full of toys, and at my age I don’t really care what the younger
generation thinks about it.
Of course a lot of my toys are electronic works of art, relatively
expensive, and much more complicated to operate than a stupid five-dollar
Superman kite. But I can operate these electronic gadgets and gizmos O.K.,
so I can’t understand why I couldn’t get a silly Superman kite into the
air. I may not even buy another Superman magazine.
One day when one of my sons was visiting he surveyed my toy room and made
the remark, “I can hardly wait until I’m old enough to play with toys
again.” He’s also retired now, so I’m sure it won’t be very long until he
feels that he’s old enough to play with toys again.
I just hope he buys his own toys, because he ain’t getting any of mine. |