There have been
several prominent men over the years, best known for their
contributions to Government, Athletics and Sports, Entertainment and
a Variety of Other Fields, who when they were adolescents, were
members of The Order of DeMolay for Young Men. Here is just a
sampling of these men who have proudly professed their affiliation with
and the appreciation of DeMolay. |
Carl B. Albert - Former Speaker of the U.S. House of
"In reflecting on
my forty-nine years of public service, I find that the
precepts of the Order of DeMolay have been invaluable to me.
This was particularly true the two times I was just a
heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States and
faced very difficult decisions. My public life, as well as
my private life, has been guided by the DeMolay vow... to
love and serve God, my country, and my fellow man." |
Robert B. Anderson - Former Secretary of the Treasury,
Former Secretary of the Navy |
Cecil D. Andrus - Former Governor of Idaho and Former U.S.
Secretary of the Interior
"The young men of
the DeMolay organization are taught responsibility,
integrity, and honesty, and those have been the central
values in my life. All of us who were involved in DeMolay in
my time benefited tremendously from it. There are hundreds
of thousands of examples of men whose adult careers were
greatly enhanced because of their participation in DeMolay.
The sad part of it is that it is such a brief period in our
lives that we are able to be a part of it, but it occurs at
a time of great change in a young man's life. DeMolay's
lessons last a lifetime." |
Neil Armstrong - Test Pilot, Astronaut and First Human Being to
Walk on
the Moon |
Reubin O'Donovan Askew - Former Florida
Governor and
1983 Presidential Candidate
"DeMolay played an
important role during the formative years of my life. It
gave me one of my earliest opportunities to learn about
leadership and brotherhood. The values taught in DeMolay
continue to be highly relevant and necessary to character
development in young people in the difficult world of
today." |
John Stephen Bailey - Soldier, International Educator
"The DeMolay
experience lasts a lifetime. It begins with the inspired and
ever-inspiring ritual. The wisdom behind those words gives
each new member a moral North Star to guide him for all the
years ahead. Practical opportunities abound in DeMolay to
learn teamwork - the true foundation of leadership. Is it
any wonder that DeMolay develops so many outstanding leaders
in all the important fields of human endeavor?" |
Walter "Red" Barber - Famous Sports Broadcaster
"DeMolay meant
a great deal to me in my late adolescent years in Sanford,
Florida. My high school principal, G.E. McKay, guided us in
our DeMolay work. Those influences taught me about
character, about holding your faith, about truth, and
keeping your word. I shall always be grateful to Professor
McKay and to DeMolay. I was blessed to have such guidance at
such a period in my life. I pray such good influences may
come to more and more teenagers today in these troublesome
times." |
E.P. Baruth - Famous College Track Coach who led the McCook
Junior College Track Team to Twelve Nebraska Junior College
Championships, his Track Team Finished in Second place for
the National Jr. College Title in 1965 and was a Legion of
Honor Recipient in 1984
"DeMolay gave me
another set of values... that have helped me work with young
men through my coaching years, and their response was more
than gratifying." |
Dr. Robert Lee Beck - Dentist, Physician, U.S. Olympic
"The Order of
DeMolay instilled in me a feeling of worthiness, dedication,
and loyalty, and an unshaken belief in a God whose hand is
always there when you reach for it. Early in my life,
DeMolay precepts laid the foundation for me to set realistic
goals and enabled me to win when I needed to win. These same
precepts have given me the inner strength to face adversity
and tragedy, and to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.
I will be eternally grateful to the Order of DeMolay for
having invited me into its fellowship and for having given
me the spiritual direction and counsel that are so vital in
forming the cornerstones of character." |
Mel Blanc -
Comic and
Famous Cartoon Voice,
Best Known as the Voice of "Bugs Bunny"
"I have been a
member of DeMolay for sixty-three years. I thank God and
DeMolay for helping me become kind and thoughtful to my
parents and all my friends. I had many opportunities to do
the wrong things, and I might have done them, if it were not
for DeMolay. God bless them." |
Ernest Borgnine - Famous Actor and Academy Award Winner |
Colonel Frank Borman - Astronaut and Commander of Gemini 7
"My DeMolay
experience was a very positive part of growing up. I
remember it with pleasure and I recommend a similar
experience to every young man." |
William "Bill" Bradley - Former Pro Basketball Player in the
NBA, Former US Senator from New Jersey and Former
Presidential Candidate |
Terry Bradshaw - NFL Quarterback who led the Pittsburgh
Steelers to Four Super Bowl Championships and a Pro Football
Hall of Fame Inductee |
Vance D. Brand - Astronaut who was also the Command Module
Pilot of the Apollo Spacecraft in the Apollo-Soyuz Test
Project in 1975, which was the First International Manned
Space Mission
positive values and high standards improved my moral and
patriotic awareness and that has served me as a fountain for
later life. I will always remember the friendship and good
times, too." |
Floyd A. Cailloux - Businessman
"DeMolay was the
first step on the path to fraternal comradeship that has
been an intricate part of my life. The vast majority of the
persons who shaped my life and contributed to my success
have had an involvement in the Masonic fraternities." |
Mark Calaway - Professional Wrestler for World Wrestling
Entertainment, who goes by the Wrestling Name "The
Undertaker" |
Carroll A. Campbell, Jr. - Former Governor of South Carolina
"In our time,
as perhaps never before, young men everywhere need the
positive influence of the Order of DeMolay. In the Vows and
Cardinal Virtues of the Order, any young man may find a
straight and clear path to manhood; to honor, to dignity, to
self respect, to accomplishment, and success in his most
difficult undertakings. In the face of all the challenges
and all the obstacles one must confront in life, the lessons
and the ideals of the Order of DeMolay are a source of
wealth beyond price, and of truth which will endure
forever." |
Curtis L. Carlson - Businessman - Philanthropist
"The values of
the DeMolay brotherhood are essential to building leadership
skills, creating self-esteem, developing collaborative
experiences, and instilling the sense of individual
responsibility that is essential to a healthy republic." |
Mel Carnahan - Former Governor of Missouri
"I have many fond
memories of my time as a DeMolay member. Along with my home
and my church, DeMolay was one of the major influences on my
life during those early formative years. One of the most
important lessons I learned from DeMolay was the need for
respect - respect for your parents, respect for women,
respect for your family and friends, and respect for your
community. I also appreciated the many wonderful friendships
I was able to make within my chapter. DeMolay provides young
men with the tools they need to assume leadership roles and
accept the many civic and personal responsibilities that lie
ahead of them. Most important of all, DeMolay builds strong
character and instills the values that will continue to make
this country a great one. I want to thank DeMolay for the
difference its organization has made in my life, and I am
confident that its principles will continue to inspire young
men to realize their potential." |
Roy Clark - Musician, Guitar Player and TV Personality |
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton - 42nd President of the
United States
"For sixty-nine
years, the Order of DeMolay has prepared young men to become
better citizens and leaders for our country. My DeMolay
experience gave me the confidence to develop my skills as a
speaker, team member, and leader, and then to realize and
accomplish my dreams. I will always be thankful for the
guidance given to me by my friends in DeMolay." |
Gary Collins - Actor and Talk Show Host
"Needless to say,
DeMolay had a profound effect on me. It arrived at a
critical point in my life. For at fourteen, the issues of
fraternity, faith, and trust were insignificant. The example
of Jacques DeMolay's courage helped me to see that there was
another dimension to one's life and that the attempt to
reach a worthy goal could give so much more meaning to one's
life. Of course, the opportunity to go through the chairs
was an honor and certainly nurtured whatever leadership
qualities I might possess today." |
Walter Cronkite - Long-Time Newscaster, Narrator, and deemed
"The Most Trusted Man in America" |
Alvin Dark - Major League Baseball Player and Manager |
Dicken - Former Purdue University and Arena Football Quarterback |
Walt Disney - Cartoonist,
Producer, Creator and
"I feel a great
sense of obligation and gratitude toward the Order of
DeMolay for the important part it played in my life. Its
precepts have been invaluable in making decisions, facing
dilemmas and crises. DeMolay stands for all that is good for
the family and for our country. I feel privileged to have
enjoyed membership in DeMolay." |
James H. Douglas -
Governor of Vermont |
Lee Sherman Dreyfus, Ph.D. - Former Governor of Wisconsin
"For over fifty years, I have regularly thought about my
Creator and His gifts of good life, family, and friends.
This occurred whenever something made me aware that it was
nine o'clock in the evening. This is the hour when, as a
DeMolay, I learned to interrupt whatever I was doing, kneel,
and bow my head in a prayer of thanks during interpolation." |
J. Robert Duncan - Businessman and Avid Pilot
"I credit my
family and business success to the values that I was taught;
values that include respect from everyone, trusting others,
and working as a team. Those values came from my parents, my
school, and organizations such as DeMolay. I have always
enjoyed and benefited from interaction with others - DeMolay
was one of my first experiences in that regard. I would
encourage all young people to listen and learn - your values
are with you all your life." |
Buddy Ebsen - Actor, Dancer and
Vaudeville Performer
"'As the twig is
bent, so grows the tree.' Often the values of the influences
imposed on us by our mothers and fathers, our teachers and
certain friends, are not realized until years later, when
we, as a sailor does, look back at our wakes to determine
the course we have steered that got us to where we are.
Today when I look back, then look around me to see with whom
I am standing, I fully realize the influence on my life that
must be credited to DeMolay." |
Mike Enzi - US Senator
from Wyoming |
Greg Evigan - American TV Actor |
Roy E. "Friday" Fitzgerald - Businessman and
"DeMolay and Frank Land had a profound influence in my
entire life." |
Raoul L. Frevel, Sr. - Businessman, Civic and Masonic Leader
"Any success
I've been able to achieve in my life - from building my
business to my Masonic and Shrine activities - I owe to
DeMolay." |
Vincent Damon Furnier - An Avid
Golfer, Best Known as Rock Legend
"Alice Cooper" |
David C. Goodnow - Former CNN Headline News Anchor
"Toss a pebble
in a pond. The waves may spread far beyond what you expect.
The life of a DeMolay may be like that pebble. I learned
that taking a stand for what is honorable can make a
difference and spread out to influence the lives of many. In
this way, DeMolay builds better citizens and better lives." |
Dallas Green - Former Major League Player Baseball and
Manager |
Paul Harvey - Famous Radio Journalist
"It seems that today, many young Americans flock to gangs.
They are starved for a surrogate family. They don't have to
be. In my generation, and in this one, there is DeMolay to
funnel the energies of young Americans into building
challenging, inspiring, rewarding, and constructive lives
for themselves. Young Americans, it's all here in DeMolay.
Come and get it!" |
Mark O. Hatfield - Former Governor of Oregon and Former US
"The foundations of this great Nation are embodied in the
very principles of DeMolay Brotherhood. I have found DeMolay
to be an inspiration in my public life and I am honored to
be inducted into the Hall of Fame." |
Chet Huntley - Famous TV Newscaster |
Burl Ives - Musician, Balladeer and Actor
was fortunate to be born into a family of Masons. Indeed, my
older sister, Audrey was Grand Matron of the Order of
Eastern Star in Illinois. My DeMolay experience came very
naturally because of my father and brothers. Thus was my
youth enhanced." |
Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson - Former US Congressman from
Washington State
"The more things change, the more they are the same.
Regardless of the great changes in our society, there is
something immutable about DeMolay. The molding of the
character and the integrity of young men, that's the
greatest accomplishment of DeMolay. By serving the Order of
DeMolay, we can bring the light of ideals into the lives of
young men." |
Van Johnson - American Film and Television Actor |
Brereton C. Jones - Former Governor of Kentucky
"DeMolay gives every young man the opportunity to grow in a
moral and healthy way." |
Harmon C. Killebrew - Major League Baseball
Player and Pro Baseball Hall of Fame
"I believe the principles taught by DeMolay are invaluable
to young people and are something that can be carried out
and used throughout a person's entire life. DeMolay can help
mold a person's character and leadership skills through
their activities." |
Richard King - Former President of Rotary International,
Community Advocate and Businessman |
Elmer W. Lower - Leader in Broadcast
Journalism Education and
Former President of ABC News
"The DeMolay movement was important to me from the date it
was founded. It made a strong contribution to my character
at a very formative period of my life. It showed me that I
could set and achieve a high standard of ethics and morals,
although at the time I doubt that I ever used those words." |
Louis Lower - The Very
First DeMolay, Kansas City Official and Director of the
Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City
He was a symbol
to millions of young men of the ideals and teachings of our
Order. He wore the mantle of this stewardship with dignity
and grace. He never forgot the responsibility that was his.
The ethics of leadership taught him in DeMolay flowered in
countless fields of endeavor. He was a man of ideals ... He
loved God, his home, and his country. He was a knight errant
in his daily life although he would never admit it—but it
was there." — Frank S. Land |
Fred MacMurray - Movie &
TV Actor |
Bob Mathias - Gold Medal Olympian and US Congressman
"My experiences in DeMolay most certainly were greatly
beneficial in my career in sports, politics, and now, in the
business world. I am grateful that DeMolay helped me learn
many important values that have always remained with me." |
General John P. McConnell - Fighter Pilot and Former United States Air Force
Chief of Staff |
Tom Osborne - University of Nebraska football Coach
"I enjoyed my association with DeMolay in my youth and
believe that DeMolay has served the young people of the
United States well over a long period of time." |
Walter C. Ploeser - Former US Congressman
"Aside from my home, DeMolay has been more helpful and made
a greater contribution to my life than any other single
thing or activity. That is true from the standpoint of
spiritual understanding as well as the brotherhood, and
wherever I have been or whatever activity in which I have
been engaged, somewhere along the line, DeMolay was there." |
Dan Rather - Journalist and Long-Time Newscaster |
Karl Reed - Businessman, Mediator and Community Leader |
Charles Robb - Former Governor of Virginia, and also a Former US Senator from Virginia |
Pete Rose - Former Major League Baseball Player and all-time
hits leader
"As a kid growing up, DeMolay was one of the few
organizations of which I was a part that helped me think
about responsibility outside of sports. That is something
that has been a part of me over the years and I can thank
DeMolay for making it part of my life." |
Ronald W. Roskens, Ph.D. - Educator, Researcher,
was an anvil on which character issues of great consequence
to young men were hammered out. The impact upon me at the
time of active membership was immense. I can only hope that
my subsequent actions have been faithful lessons that I was
privileged to learn in the DeMolay environment."
Judge David Gray Ross - Federal Office of Child Support
"As a young boy who had lost his father, the interest taken
in me by the men of DeMolay provided encouragement,
leadership, and opportunities which, in hindsight, seem
impossible. The vision of the Order of DeMolay kept me
focused on the truly important things in life and taught me
a morality which remains with me today. As the Director of
our Nation's primary support system for America's alienated
children, I am mindful of the old adage that says, 'as the
twig is bent, so grows the tree.' We must join together to
bend our children toward what is right and good and
necessary to make them productive citizens of the future." |
Col. James Nicholas Rowe - Prisoner of War in Vietnam and
"Working in the Order of DeMolay filled in much of my spare
time, never realizing how I would (later) draw on that
experience. (Five Years to Freedom, 1971) Thanks for showing
me that patriotism and faith in God are not dead in the
United States. (Cordon, April 1969) DeMolay can and should
provide our (Nation's) leaders, today and tomorrow." |
Harold Schafer - Philanthropist, Entrepreneur and Businessman
"Fatherless, I joined DeMolay in 1929 at the suggestion of
my Masonic employer. DeMolay taught me to accept my own and
others' strengths and weaknesses, achievements and failures,
likenesses and differences, as I grew from a boy into
manhood." |
Willard Scott - The First "Ronald McDonald, and deemed
as "America's Most Beloved Weatherman" |
Captain Lance P. Sijan - |
Dick and Tommy Smothers - The World-Famous Banjo/Guitar
Playing Comedy Team "The Smothers Brothers" |
Alex G. Spanos - Builder,
Developer, NFL Team Owner, Philanthropist and Community
"Family and country mean
everything to me. A person is taught values such as these
during the early years of growing up, and I am tremendously
grateful to DeMolay for what I have learned and treasured
all my life." |
Dean A. Spanos - Businessman and Community Leader
"My experiences with DeMolay were invaluable in providing me
with a guiding path to success in every aspect of my life,
including as a husband, father, and businessman. For that I
am eternally grateful." |
John Steinbeck - - Pulitzer Prize Winning Author -
Nobel Laureate
A quote from the DeMolay Cordon in March 1969 says it all.
"Although Dad Steinbeck was an unwilling celebrity who
zealously guarded his privacy, modestly took little part in
the public literary life of his time, and rarely served on
committees, he retained interest in and regard for the Order
of DeMolay. At the time of his death, he was serving on the
Executive Advisory Committee of our 50th Anniversary." |
John Cameron Swayze - Newscaster,
TV and Radio pioneer
"Born in the heart of America, DeMolay now spans the world,
opening the door for aspiring youth about to seek success in
a tough world. It is a key to the kind of future we all
desire." |
Fran Tarkenton - All American Quarterback with the
University of Georgia, NFL Quarterback who led the
Minnesota Vikings to three NFC Championship Games, a Pro
Football Hall of Fame Inductee, TV Show Host, Sports
Announcer, Businessman and Entrepreneur
"It is a great honor to be inducted into the DeMolay Hall of
Fame. In today's society where there is so much violence and
heartache, it's a gratifying feeling to know there is such a
fine organization as DeMolay to look up to and lean on for
guidance and support. I am proud to be a member!" |
Paul E. Tsongas - Former U.S. Senator from Massachusetts and
1992 Democratic Presidential Candidate |
Wadlow - The world's recorded tallest human being, he stood
almost 9 feet tall. On the PBS Special called "The Story of
Robert", Wadlow is seen at a DeMolay Chapter meeting and
tells how, despite the constant attention he received, was
extraordinarily proud of his DeMolay and subsequent Masonic
membership. |
John Wayne - Well known as "The Duke" Wayne was an Oscar-Winning Actor, Director
and was a Symbol of Basic American Values of Goodness and
"I was overwhelmed by the feeling of friendship,
comradeship, and brotherhood... DeMolay will always hold a
deep spot in my heart." |
Danny White - Quarterback for the
NFL's Dallas Cowboys, Coach for the AFL's Arizona Rattlers
and Motivational Speaker |
Larry Dee Wilcox - Actor who is Best Known for his Role in
the TV Show "CHIPS" and Businessman
"I have learned a great deal in my life, and DeMolay helped
me to learn that character and integrity should be
cornerstones in your life. As a Senior DeMolay, as a father,
the best advice I could ever give would be to take the high
road in life, and you will be able to build trusting
relationships." |
James C. Wright, Jr. - 1976 Majority Leader, US House of
"In this world of changing values that seem to shift as sand
in the wind, DeMolay instills into many thousands of young
men an enduring ethical bedrock. The example of Jacques
DeMolay returns again and again to remind us in the quiet
recesses of our souls that expediency is no moral substitute
for principle." |
and information courtesy and various other online
resources |