May 3rd, 2004, The Cherokee Chapter of DeMolay for Young
Men was named an "Outstanding Chapter" by The Supreme
Council Order of DeMolay during DeMolay Month - March
2004. Click on the Award to view full size, and use your
browser's "BACK" button to return here! |
Congratulations goes out to our very own Chapter Dad,
Greg Coffey, for being awarded the 2005 District 13's
YEAR", for his
tireless service and extensive work with the young men of Cherokee
Chapter of DeMolay! Thanks Dad Coffey for all you do, you deserve the
recognition! Click on the Award to view full size, and use your
browser's "BACK" button to return here! |
June 13th, 2005, The Cherokee Chapter of DeMolay for
Young Men received our certificate of ownership for our
paving brick in the WHAS Crusade for Children Walk of
Fame. To find out more about the WHAS Crusade for
Children Walk of Fame program, please
CLICK HERE. Click on the Award to view full size,
and use your browser's "BACK" button to return here! |