The diagram shown above
indicates each Degree of the Constituent Bodies of the York Rite of Freemasonry,
which are:
The Symbolic Rite of Freemasonry (Blue Lodge):
Entered Apprentice Degree
Fellow Craft Degree
The Sublime Degree of Master Mason
The York Rite of Freemasonry:
The Capitular Rite (Chapter of Royal Arch Masons):
The Mark Master Degree
The Past Master Degree
The Most Excellent Master Degree
The Royal Arch Degree
The Cryptic Rite (Council of Royal & Select Masters):
The Royal Master Degree
The Select Master Degree
The Super Excellent Master Degree
The Chivalric Rite (Commandery of Knights Templar):
Order of the Red Cross
Order of the Knights of Malta
Order of the Temple