Meetings & Events
scheduled at Hawthorne Chapter:
Feb. 18, 2003: Regular Meeting -- Pro-tem Initiation
Mar. 18, 2003: Honor 25 & 50 Year Members
Joe Cattarin will be receiving 50 Year Pin.
Michael H. Wurst, RN - Speaker
Apr. 18, 2003: Regular Meeting -- Pro-tem Initiation
Apr. 29, 2003: (Tentative) Annual Inspection
DGM. Carol Phelps - Inspecting Officer
May 20, 2003: Honor Mothers and Past Matrons
Jun. 17, 2003: Honor Masons - Fathers - Past Patrons
Jul. 15, 2003: Picnic
6:30 p.m. Carry-In Covered Dish
Aug. 19, 2003: Friendship Night -- District Chapters Invited
Covered Dish - Meat Furnished
Sept. 16, 2003: Back to School Night
Oct. 21, 2003: Grand Chapter Reports -- Elect Officers
Oct. 29, 2003: Installation of 2004 Officers
Open Event - Bring a guest.