Meetings & Events
scheduled at Mercer Lodge:
(Saturday) Apr. 28, 2007: Special Meeting
Annual Inspection,
M.M. Degree.
5:00 p.m. Doors Open, Officers & Members Preparation.
6:00 p.m. Carry-in Dinner provided by Lodge Officers.
7:00 p.m. Inspection (RWB. Thomas A. Smith).
May 2, 2007: Stated Meeting -- Pro-tem F.C. Degree.
May 16, 2007: Stated Meeting
Family Night.
Bring your extended family & friends.
6:30 p.m. Pot-Luck Dinner.
7:30 p.m. Meeting
(Monday) May 28, 2007: Memorial Day Pancake
7:00 a.m. -- Noon. All you can eat
Fund raiser for WB Oliver & also Shriners Children's Hospitals
Adults $5/Ticket or $6 at the Door. ($3 Children under 12.)
Volunteers are needed!
Jun. 6, 2007: Stated Meeting -- Pro-tem F.C. Degree.
Jun. 20, 2007: Stated Meeting.
July 18, 2007: Special Meeting -- Confer F.C. Degree.
(Saturday) July 28, 2007: St. Marys Masonic
Noon until 4:00 p.m.
Fund raiser for WB Oliver & also Grand Lodge Scholarship Fund
Team Tournaments in Bingo, Euchre & Horse Shoes for prizes!
Bring your extended family & friends.
BBQ (hamburgers, hotdogs, ribs, & chicken) Provided by the Lodge.
Pot luck sides, deserts, & drinks.
Aug. 1, 2007: Special Meeting -- Confer F.C. Degree.
Aug. 15, 2007: Special Meeting -- Confer F.C. Degree.
Sep. 5, 2007: Stated Meeting -- Welcome Back
(Invite a brother who hasn't been to lodge lately.)
Sep. 19, 2007: Stated Meeting.
Oct. 3, 2007: Stated Meeting -- Pro-tem E.A. Degree.
Oct. 17, 2007: Stated Meeting.
Nov. 7, 2007: Annual Meeting -- Election
of Officers.
Nov. 21, 2007: Stated Meeting --
Installation & Awards.