<% $screenTitle="Template Preferences"; &main::checkPermissions("","TEMPLATE_PREFERENCES"); $fields = &main::GetFieldProperties($main::templates_dir . "calendars/" . $Config->get("template_dir")."/preferences.txt"); # Get the current preferences for this template set from the calendar config $template = $Config->get("template_dir"); foreach ($Config->keys()) { $pref = $_; next unless $pref =~ s/^template_preference_${template}_//o; $preferences->{$pref} = $Config->get($_); } %> Calendar Administration : <%= $screenTitle %> ">

<% if ($#$fields >= 0) { %> <% foreach $field (@$fields) { %> <% } %>
Current Template: <%= $Config->get("template_dir") %>
The options below are specific to this calendar and this template. Different templates may have different options, and if you change the template being used for this calendar, these settings will not be transferred (they may not even apply to the other template set). These settings are specific to this calendar instance and will not be used for other calendars.

It is recommended that another window be opened to view the calendar as you change settings so the results of the changes can immediately be seen and tested.
<%= $field->{'name'} %>:<% if ($field->{description}) { %>
<%= $field->{description} %><% } %>
<%= &main::GetFieldInput($field,$field->{'field_name'},$preferences) %>

<% } else { %> There are no display options for this template set! <% } %>