<% $screenTitle="Import Events"; $db = new DBFile($main::events_db); &main::checkPermissions("","IMPORT_EVENTS"); %> Calendar Administration : <%= $screenTitle %> " onLoad="init()">

1. Paste the header row into this box. This row often begins with a # and contains the column names separated by the delimiter.
Example: #id|datestamp|label|description

2. Paste the contents of the events file (without the header row) to be imported into the textarea below.

3. What is the delimiter used to separate fields?

4. Map the fields in your event database to the fields in the file being imported. These drop-downs will be populated once the header row is entered.
Leave values blank which do not have a corresponding value in the imported data. <% foreach $dateinput ( {'name'=>'Date in yyyymmdd format','field'=>'schedule_datestamp'}, {'name'=>'Start time in 24-hour HH:MM','field'=>'schedule_starttime'}, {'name'=>'End time in 24-hour HH:MM','field'=>'schedule_endtime'}, ) { %> <% } %> <% $fieldnames = &main::DBGetAddFields($db); foreach $field (@$fieldnames) { %> <% } %>
<%= $dateinput->{name} %> :
<%= $db->{'properties'}->{$field}->{'name'} || $field %> :