We now have the final tally on the Pierre Masonic Baked Steak Dinner, It was held Saturday Jan 29 in McClure Hall of the Pierre Masonic Temple. We sold 407 tickets at $7.00 and also sold children's tickets at the door for $3.00. We did a good job of selling the MMSATP program to the community. They were all for it and we received many donations. The Pre sell of the tickets was the secret. We served 185 dinners, so our food costs were low. A local super market donated the steaks. Our total contributions to the MMSATP fund was $3.028. Our Lodge is serving our OES official visit dinner with the left over steaks we have frozen. This should add at least another $100.00.
This was a joint effort by all of the Masonic family of Pierre. We had everyone cooperating and working hard together. It was a win win situation. Every one had a good time working for a worthwhile cause, as well as doing something the community recognizes as good project. If all the Lodges in the State would do a similar program to raise funds for MMSATP, think what it would do for MMSATP and for Masonry in general.