Relay for Life
Semper Fidelis Team Team # 26
Friday, April 21 6pm - Saturday, April 22 3pm
Northside High School Track
How can you help and participate in some of the fun?
--sign up to walk in one of the time slots. (t-shirt for $5, if ordered before 3/6/06 See Bill Fitzpatrick)
--solicit donations or sell walking yardsticks (turn donations in to Bill Fitzpatrick)
--credit card donations online at (click on our team name)
--remember or honor a loved one by buying a luminary for $10 (luminary ceremony at 9:00 PM)
--notify cancer survivors about the reception to honor them (4/6/06 at Infant of Prague - 6:30 PM)
--come to the tent for kick-off at 5:30 PM on 4/21/06 to enjoy comraderie and good food
--bring your kids for the kid’s walk on Saturday (10:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
--participate in a fundraiser breakfast on 4/8/06 at the lodge