Brother Mike Bauer |
Mike Bauer is an American born artist currently living, and working in Scotland.
Working with Acrylics, Water colors, and Pastels on most of his framed works, and various other paints on his Mural paintings. He has a collection of paintings, sketches and murals within the gallery span over 15 years of commissioned and personal pieces.
Many of the Mural's can be viewed by arrangement, as the small web photo's do not give any real justice to the detail and size of the paintings.
Whilst some of the images within the gallery were taken when the works were completed a others have been taken a number of years later.
You are welcome to visit the Mike Bauer Online Gallery at http://www.mikebauer.co.uk/. If you would like more information about the artwork within the gallery please feel free to contact Mike via the online form on his web site
'Regretfully years ago I did not record my early work. One of the most popular requests were to paint and sketch pets and animals that have now passed on . here are a few examples which have been personal landmarks over the years. Many sleepless nights, swear words & tears have gone into several pieces but I still strive to improve on the next sketch or painting. I only hope you enjoy the new site and I do welcome your comments..' - Mike

The Roslin Castle Mural In Roslin Lodge |
 | Apprentice Pillar At Roslin Chapel |
 | Brother Mike Bauer when he wasthe Right Worshipful Master of Portobello Lodge no. 226, in Edinburgh , Scotland |
 | Master's Pillar At Roslin Chapel |
(Editor's Note, please remember these murals are actually, huge, wall
size and these small photographs can hardly do them justice.)