The Web Site
What Is 'Freemason Information'? A unique internet website about Freemasonry – an assortment of Masonic BLOGs – a collection of stories, essays and articles about Freemasonry – a place for some of the most recognized and respected Masonic writers of today to showcase their work. 'Freemason Information' is all of the above.
Brother Greg Stewart, aka The Masonic Traveler, describes the site this way,
“The sole purpose in creating this site is to organize and share this information to as wide an audience as possible, presenting it in as instructive and concise a format as possible. Specifically, it is intended for the interested onlooker and the newly raised entered apprentice mason, but it also presents insight to the seasoned master as well. Greg's own interests in Freemasonry range from its present role in society, its history, and in particular to its esoteric recesses.”
The first time I looked at the site, I felt like the old saying, "I was lost as a goose in a snow storm". But, after a few minutes I found that I had discovered a real Masonic treasure. Of course I don't agree with everything I read on the site, but it does make me think, which in my opinion is as important as the information you are reading.
Regarding the pros and cons of the site, The pros are the volume of information. The site is running over with articles and stories about almost every phase of Freemasonry. The cons are also the volume of information. You would have to read for many hours and many days to ever catch up with the large number of articles and stories available.
The menu choices near the top of the page are 'Aude Vide Tace', Between the Ashlars', 'Masonic Central, ''Masonic Tech', 'Masonic Traveler', Reviews', 'Sojourners', 'The Bee Hive', and 'The Euphrates'. After clicking on a couple, you discover six of the page inks are to sections for the individual authors. The other three links are to the 'Masonic Central' section for Masonic internet radio programs, the 'Reviews' section for Masonic Books, Movies, Websites and more, and the 'Sojourners' Section for occasional and guest contributions from our friends in Masonry.
The Writers
Bro. Greg Stewart - Masonic Traveler
An artist by nature and vocation, Greg pursued the sublime degrees of Freemasonry in 1994, seeking to learn its knowledge and allegory.
Greg is a 3rd degree Master Mason in the Craft Lodge at Hollywood #355, under the Grand Lodge of California, also he is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, under the AASR of the Orient of California, and a York Rite R.:A.:M.: of Signent Chapter #57 in Van Nuys.
Bro. Frederic L. Milliken - The Beehive
Welcome to The Beehive and 21st Century Masonry. The Bee Hive is to be inspiring, provocative, and controversial. It will also be a place of sharing Brotherly Love and Affection. This is where we forge ahead full speed and damn the torpedoes.
Fred is a Past Master of Plymouth Lodge, in Plymouth Massachusetts and Past Master of Paul Revere Lodge, Brockton, Massachusetts. He is presently Chaplain Pride of Mt. Pisgah No. 135, Prince Hall Texas, where is he is also a Knight Templar Prince Hall. He is also a Tennessee Squire. Fred is also the newly appointed Executive Director of the Phoenix Masonry website and museum.
Bro. Terence Satchell - The Banks of the Euphrates
Terence became a Mason after discovering its intriguing role in American history and its deep tradition of symbolic instruction. Since joining the Universal Brotherhood, Terence has focused primarily on the operative arts of lodge improvement through developing educational courses and revitalization programs for lodges in his locale. His love for Masonic history and research has also led him to the speculative study of many works on those subjects. Recently, he has turned his attention to producing papers on the subjects of symbolism, ritual, history, and lodge improvement. His column, The Banks of the Euphrates, is intended to provide all Masons with short, informative papers which may enhance their Masonic experience.
Terence is a member of Mt. Rushmore Lodge 220 under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota and is a member of the Scottish Rite as well as the three bodies of the York Rite.
Bro. Michael A. Halleran 32° - Aude - Vide - Tace
Michael is a freelance writer and a practicing attorney in East-Central Kansas.
Currently Senior Warden of Emporia Lodge No. 12, A.F.& A.M., and Mount Zion Lodge No. 266 (Traditional Observance ) of Topeka, Kansas as well as the Valley of Topeka, Kansas, Bro. Halleran received the Scottish Rite's Mackey Award for Excellence in Masonic Scholarship for his article in Heredom, vol. 14 (2006), and he is the author of the “Brother Brother” column appearing regularly in the Scottish Rite Journal. A member of the Board of Directors of the Scottish Rite Research Society, he also maintains membership in the Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle through which he studies military Masonry.
Bro. Shane Stevens - Masonic Technology
Shane's interest in Freemasonry began in earnest when he was recruited and initiated into the collegiate Acacia Fraternity at Ohio State University. Once an on campus Masonic fraternity, Acacia continues to reflect its heritage in both its rituals and charitable endeavors. It is from his time in this fraternity that instilled into Shane the morals that Freemasonry holds dear. Presently, Shane is the Treasurer, Lodge Education Officer, and Webmaster for Delta Lodge #207 F. & A. M. in the 13th District under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
His education includes a Bachelor's degree in Education, a Master's in Computer Education and Technology, and a Master's equivalency in Education Administration. Shane has been a Tech Coordinators representative and a Technology Instructor at both the high school and collegiate level. He has provided numerous technology workshops over his fourteen year education career, and is currently a high school social studies teacher and department chairperson.
Bro. Stephen Dafoe - Between the Ashlars
Dafoe was born in Belleville, Ontario in 1962 and spent the first 40 years of his life in that province. He moved to Alberta in November of 2002 and now resides in a rural community north of Edmonton.
Stephen Dafoe is the author of several books on the Knights Templar and the Freemasons.
He is perhaps best known for the two books that he co-wrote with Alan Butler in the late 1990s. These books were The Warriors and the Bankers, re-published by Lewis Masonic in 2006 and The Knights Templar Revealed, re-published by Constable and Robinson in the same year.
His research has been published in The Scottish Rite Journal, Heredom (the Transactions of the Scottish Rite Research Society), The Scottish Rite Journal, Templar History Magazine, Knight Templar Mgazine and Masonic Magazine.
Dafoe's latest book, The Compasses and the Cross is a look at the history and evolution of the Masonic Knights Templar, and is an illustrated volume like his critically acclaimed 2007 release, Nobly Born: An Illustrated History of the Knights Templar.
Dafoe was initiated into Freemasonry on December 16, 1992 into Moira Lodge No. 11 GRC 1992. He is a Past Master of Moira Lodge, 2002 and he is an Honourary Member Lodge Vitruvian No. 767. He was also the Past Grand Steward of the Grand Lodge of Alberta for 2007 – 2008 ![](gavel.gif)